Reporter’s Preference Sheet
Reporter’s Name:
Phone Numbers: Voice: Fax: Cell: Office:
Mailing Address: Street or Box #
State & Zip
Court Reporter Firm: Contact Name:
Firm Phone Numbers: Voice: Fax:
(if applicable)
Firm Mailing Address: Street or Box #
(if applicable)City
State & Zip
Who will be responsible for payment of invoices? Self Agency
CAT System: Turnaround Time Expected:
File Transfer Capability: _____ SendThisFile_____ T-3_____ Filesanywhere
“X” the appropriate field. To add specific instructions, tab to the end of the item and begin typing.
Type of Court Reporter:Freelance Official
Yes No Use backup tapes
Yes No Digital Audio
Yes No Audiosync
Yes No After interruption, new “By Line”
Yes No Leave in “strike that”
Yes No New paragraph after “strike that”
Yes No Space before and after double dashes
Yes No Comma before final “too.” (He went with us, too.)
Yes No Slashes in date (04/17/07)
Yes No Dashes in date (04-17-06)
Yes No Clean up attorneys / Judge
Yes No Capitalize “Counsel” if a name can be replaced (Repeat that, Counsel/Lisa.)
Yes No Dashes between inch-and-a-half
Yes No Cap the following: North, South, East, West (Up North / up north)
Flag mark:*^{}Other: ______
Numbers:Spell out the number one through ______
If witness says “eight o’clock”:
_____Eight o’clock_____8:00_____8 o’clock_____8:00 o’clock
If witness says “two million dollars”:
_____$2 million_____two million dollars_____2 million dollars
Spell out words in CAPS or lower case, W-I-T-H dashes or WITHOUT
Choose the sample below that you prefer in an answer to a question:
_____Yes, I was there._____Yes. I was there.
Choose the sample below that you prefer on specific numbers:
_____Exhibit Number 10_____Exhibit No. 10
Choose the sample below that you prefer on specific pages, lines, sections, volume numbers, etc.:
_____Page 10, Line 20_____page 10, line 20
_____Volume No. 5_____volume number five_____Volume Number 5
Choose the comma series that you prefer:
_____dog, cat and horse_____dog, cat, and horse
When the person speaking stutters, do you want all stutters or changes of thought or both?
Witness: _____ yes_____ noAttorney: _____ yes _____ no
Choose the sample below in dealing with money when $ is not mentioned on the first number, but it is clearly understood:
_____10 or $15_____$10 or $15_____10 or 15 dollars
On dates that a person is trying to get out (but doesn’t say the ninety), choose the sample below that you prefer:
_____1995 or 6_____1995 or ‘6_____1995 or ‘96
Do you like [sic] to be written in the transcript when the speaker is clearly misstating a name or date, for instance? _____ yes _____ no
Choose your preference below on a sample question asked:
_____Are we talking about a year before you quit? Six months? Two weeks? 21 days?
_____Are we talking about a year before you quit, six months, two weeks, 21 days?
_____My preference: ______
After colloquy, the attorney resumes his Q&A, which do you prefer:
_____BY MR. LAWYER:_____Q. BY MR. LAWYER: Did you say that?
- Did you say that?_____Q. (By Mr. Lawyer) Did you say that?
By Line after marking exhibits:_____ yes_____ no
Do you like paragraphing for interruptions, changes of thought or lengthy questions/answers?
Choosedate form you prefer (comma or no comma):
_____January, 1999_____January 1999
Choose your preference for correct or right at the end of a question:
_____You are leaving tomorrow, correct?
_____You are leaving tomorrow; correct?
_____You are leaving tomorrow. Correct?
Choose your preference for is that correct or is that right at the end of a question:
_____You are leaving tomorrow, is that correct?
_____You are leaving tomorrow; is that correct?
_____You are leaving tomorrow. Is that correct?
Choose your preference at the end of a question:
_____You must tell the truth, do you understand?
_____You must tell the truth; do you understand?
_____You must tell the truth. Do you understand?
Choose preference below when referring to decades:
Choose objection preference in colloquy:
_____Objection, form._____Objection; form._____Objection. Form.
Miscellaneous Preferences:
_____ Web site_____ web site_____ website
_____ 10 percent_____ ten percent
_____ Page 1_____ page one_____ Page One
_____ Docket Number 1_____ Docket No. 1
_____ Um-hum_____ Mm-hmm_____ Uh-huh> only use when applicable
_____ 5 inches_____ five inches
_____ 1st grade_____ First grade_____ 1st Grade_____1st grade
_____ ‘98/’99_____ ’98, ‘99
When referring to Exhibit #s:
_____ Exhibit No. 1_____ Exhibit Number 1
(Please send a sample of a final transcript. Also send parenthetical preferences for read back, off the record, etc.)
Please list any special concerns or preferences:
Thank you very much for taking the time to enhance the working relationship with your Scopist.
Angel Touch Transcription, Inc.*9241 Glenleigh Way*Jonesboro, Georgia30236* Phone: 770-603-2832
Fax: 770-603-2845* E-Mail:
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