- Purpose: The Interview Synthesis Project will allow the student to interview a leader in an organization (preferably in a church or vocational ministry setting), so the student will gain insight into different views and practices of leadership. The student will then evaluate what has been learned about leadership and synthesize this information into a personal view of leadership.
- Objectives:
- Provide students an opportunity to hear and analyze a philosophy of leadership from someone in a leadership role.
- Provide students an opportunity to evaluate concepts of leadership expressed from the interviewee.
- Provide students an opportunity to incorporate leadership concepts from the interview into an emerging philosophy of leadership for the student.
- Grading Criteria: This project is worth 15 points. The criteria for a grade will be as follows:
The quality of questions used to guide the interview and the quality of leadership areas discussed in the interview. Some possible areas to cover include the following:
- What is the leader’s professional background and history?
- What are the individual’s position and responsibilities within the organization?
- What is the individual’s philosophy of leadership?
- What leadership traits and characteristics does the individual exhibit?
- What is the leader’s view of power and how does the leader demonstrate power in his or her leadership role?
- Does the leader involve others in making decisions? If so, how?
- How does he or she lead the organization in obtaining and implementinga vision for his or her church or ministry?
- Other questions and topics regarding motivation, conflict, style, etc., can be incorporated into your interview and analysis of the leader.
The quality of the evaluation of information obtained from the interview. Summations drawn from the interview will need to be quoted to support the interviewee's position on leadership. / 5 pts.
The quality of the synthesis of information to help the reader understand clearly the student’s view of leadership and various aspects of leadership.
- Can you identify with this leader? Why or why not?
- What aspects of leadership will you integrate into your practice of leadership as a result of the interview analysis?
- What did you take away from the interview regarding your understanding of leadership?
Grammar, sentence structure, and clarity of writing will also be included in the final grade / Points deducted
Total points / 15 pts.
- The paper should be 8 to 10 typed pages (double spaced).This page-count does not include the title page or bibliography.
- Any references used should be noted. You need to use APA style in referencing material.