A.P.P.I. Seminar with Genevieve Morel

Saturday, May 30th 2015

Carmelite Centre, Aungier St.Dublin 2 from 10:30 am– 1:00 pm

Price: €20 (member); €25 (non-member); €10 (student w/id)

(For further info: Carol Owens at 0876659546 or Mary Barry at 086 7849145)


1) The Inclination towards Terror

In 2014, nearly a thousand young French citizens left voluntarily for Syria to fight in the name of God. Their interest was caught by propaganda that was massively broadcast over the internet of so-called religious preachers, and mixed with the videos of horrible murders punishing the “Godless.” This is not the first time in history that such movements have existed. One could consider, albeit in a completely different context and with a different purpose, the terrorist movements of the 60s and 70s, especially in Germany (for example, the Red Army Faction, also called the “Baader-Meinhof Gang”).

It is certainly unacceptable to diminish the responsibility of terrorist acts by invoking any form of psychiatric excuse. However, we can ask ourselves, by way of psychoanalysis, what incites these young men and women to brutally and often unexpectedly break off from their social, familial, religious and academic environments and commit acts of murderous violence? Acts justified in their eyes by simplistic ideals.

Through the study of a clinical case, I will question the deadly force at play within modern terrorism, referencing Freud and the pathologies of the ideal when it is put to the service of the death drive,as well as Lacan and his theory of terrorism.

2)Gender, between Interpellation and Classification: with reference to Guillaume Gallienne's film (2013), "Les garçons et Guillaume à table !(Translated as Me, Myself and Mum)

Based on an example, I will show how one's gender can be reduced to a series of interpellations, understood in the Althusserian sense, received from birth, and to the way in which these are interpreted through the individual's unconscious fantasy.


Genevieve Morel is a psychoanalyst working in Paris and Lille. She studied at the ENS, holds a degree in mathematics and a doctorate in clinical psychology and psychopathology (University of Paris 7).

/ She is author of Sexual Ambiguity; Sexuations and Psychosis, Anthropos Economica 2000; The Clinic of Suicide (under the direction of) Eres (paperback in 2010); Freud's Work; the Invention of Psychoanalysis, Breal 2006; The Law of the Mother, An Essay on the Sexual Symptom, Anthropos Economica 2008; Screens and Dreams, Psychoanalytic Essays on the Moving Image, Barcelona, ediciones S&P, 2011; Sexual Ambiguities, London, Karnac Books, 2011.

She is President of'Knowledge and Clinic, an Association for ongoing formation in psychoanalysis', and scientific consultant for the review of the same name. She is President of the College of Psychoanalysts of the A.L.E.P.H. (Association for the study of psychoanalysis and its history) and member of CFAR (London).


Association for Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy in Ireland Ltd, c/o KSi Faulkner Orr, Gateway House, 133 Capel Street, Dublin 1

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