B58 Investigate, develop and integrate detailed design solutions

B58.2 Investigate, calculate and analyse detailed design solutions

Performance Criteria - this involves being able to...
(a)identify relevant factors and data which are likely to influence the detailed design solution, assess their significance and prioritise them
(b)analyse and weight the factors which will influence the detailed design, deciding which are the most important for the design solution and resolve any conflicts between the different factors
(c)identify and develop detailed design solutions of those parts of the project that interact with each other
(d)agree and apply criteria for selecting detailed design solutions
(e)calculate the relative effectiveness of different design solutions
(f)analyse and test the detailed design solutions against all relevant factors, and re-check the results
(g)conduct and commission investigations which are capable of confirming the performance of the detailed design solutions which have been selected
(h)record the data from calculations, investigations and analyses and pass them on for checking
(i)select the preferred designs and present them to people who have an interest
(j)identify and record detailed design solutions which have not been selected but which might be useful in other projects / The Range...
• standard lists and procedures;
• investigative research
• physical (including hydrology, geology, seismology, tides and currents, soil type, exposure, orientation, solar gain, light levels, temperature range, wind speed);
• technical (including materials performance and availability, prefabricated components, building services and control, structural forms, component life, heating and cooling, surface type and durability, occupancy, health and safety, fire protection, access, equipment performance, plant availability, human resource availability, transportation, traffic generation);
• environmental (sustainability, energy use, resource availability, local ecology, emissions, pollution risk);
• protection of archaeological and historically valuable resources;
• cost;
• time;
• health and safety;
• resources;
• standards and codes of practice;
• fitness of purpose
• identified construction criteria;
• existing design solutions;
• potential conceptual solutions
[4]Parts of the project:
• location;
• assembly;
• component
• function;
• physical;
• fit and tolerances;
• practicality, buildability and disassembly;
• health and safety;
• maintenance;
• cost factors;
• materials availability and capability;
• environmental quality & sustainability;
• aesthetics;
• technical
• energy/resource/waste management;
• carbon rating;
• flexibility and adaptability
• access (including disability)
• manual;
• computer aided
• data research;
• comparison with regulations;
• specialist guidance and good practice;
• experts including experienced craftspeople;
• relevant previous solutions and feedback;
• calculations
• 3D modelling;
• Interoperable Building Information Modelling;
• computer aided analysis
• sketches;
• drawings;
• physical models;
• electronically;
• diagrams;
• mathematical modelling;
• photo-montage;
• mock-ups;
• written reports;
• cost estimates;
• orally
[9]People who have an interest:
• the client;
• financial advisers;
• consultants;
• potential contractors;
• potential subcontractors and suppliers;
• potential investors;
• partners in the development programme;
• prospective occupiers;
• prospective users;
• regulatory authorities;
• public interest organisations;
• media

B58 Investigate, develop and integrate detailed design solutions

B58.2 Investigate, calculate and analyse detailed design solutions

The Evidence - performance and process
Product Evidence:
(1)Record(s) of agreed criteria for selecting detailed design solutions which include identified and weighted factors (a,b,d) [1,2,3,4]
(2)Record(s) of data from calculations, investigations and analyses including checking (e,f,g,h) [2,6]
(3)Record(s) of selected preferred design solutions and those which might be useful in other projects (i) [8,9]
Process Evidence:
(1) Presentation(s) of preferred designs (i) [7,8] / The Evidence - knowledge and understanding
(1)What do you identify as relevant factors and data which are likely to influence the detailed design solution? (understanding) (a) [1,2,3]
(2)How and why do you assess the significance of, and prioritise, relevant factors and data? (analysis) (a) [1,2,3]
(3)What design solutions do you identify which have not been selected but which might be useful in other projects? (understanding) (h) [2]
(4)How do you re-check the results of analysis and testing of the preferred design solutions? (application) (f) [2]
(5)How do you record detailed design solutions which have not been selected but which might be useful in other projects? (application) (h) [2]
(6)How and why do you analyse and weight the factors which will influence the detailed design? (analysis) (b) [2]
(7)How and why do you analyse and test the detailed design solutions against all relevant factors? (analysis) (e) [2]
(8)How and why do you resolve any conflicts between the different factors which will influence the detailed design? (synthesis) (b) [2]
(9)How and why do you decide which factors are the most important for the design solution? (evaluation) (b) [2]
(10)How do you calculate the relative effectiveness of different design solutions? (application) (d) [5]
(11)How do you apply criteria for selecting detailed design solutions? (application) (c) [4]
(12)How and why do you agree criteria for selecting detailed design solution? (evaluation) (c) [4]
(13)How and why do you select design solutions? (evaluation) (h) [4]
(14)How do you conduct investigations which confirm the performance of the detailed design solutions which have been selected? (application) (f) [6]
(15)How do you record and pass on the data from calculations, investigations and analyses? (application) (g) [6]
(16)How and why do you commission investigations which confirm the performance of the detailed design solutions which have been selected? (evaluate) (d) [6]
(17)How do you present preferred design solutions to people who have an interest? (application) (i) [7,8]