Title: The Game of Life – Israel Style
Program Creators: Michaela Sadinsky
Who will be leading this program? Michaela Sadinsky
What type of program is it? This is an Israel Affairs Program, however, the issue lends itself to a SA/TO program as well.
What is the goal of the program? The goal of this program is to bring ECRUSYers attention to the current demonstrations and protesting going on in Israel about the cost of living and social justice. In the spirit of LTI, they will learn that normal people can make a difference and be leaders for change.
Program Summary: In this game, ECRUSYers will be playing the boardgame “Life”, but with an Israeli twist. As they progress through the game, they will pick up life cards and other cards that will require them to make many, sometimes expensive, choices. Afterwards, the entire group will gather and discuss their situations in the game and how difficult it was to support their family in “Israel”.
Program Timing: This program should last approximately 50 minutes. There will be 10 minutes for explanation of the rules of the game, 30 minutes to play, and then 10 minutes wrap-up discussion.
Materials and Supplies:
- The Game of Life boards and accessories (probably 2 or 3)
- Israel Life cards and new accessories (I will bring this with me)
- Israeli money (I will make this)
Space Requirements: This program needs enough room for ECRUSYers to be able to spread out around multiple game boards. This can either be done at tables or on the floor.
Are groups Required? If yes, how are the groups selected? How will the groups be structured? Any special roles within groups (eg. Group leader, runner, etc) This program needs groups only to decide which ECRUSYers will be playing at each game board. After that, each ECRUSYer is on their own. There will not be any group leaders.
Detailed Instructions on how to run the program:
Part 1: Introduction
- Program leader will gather everyone on the floor.
- They will explain what the ECRUSYers are about to play, including all rules, and will separate them into groups of approximately 4-5 people.
- Groups will be assigned a game board and will go to play their game.
- ECRUSYers will play the Game of Life – Israel Style, following all of the normal rules of the game while also incorporating the new rules of the game. (These can be sent to anyone closer to LTI )
- After the time is up, everyone will gather for a wrap-up discussion of how difficult it was to sustain a family in Israel and have a good quality of life. It will be noticed that some families had it much easier than other families, and this can highlight how not everyone is protesting the quality of life and social justice in Israel.