Code: B=Beginner, I=Intermediate, A=Advanced, B,I,A=All levelsP=Participatory, L=Listening, NM=Non-musical

SUNDAY 9:45-10:45
Gospel Hour
Brendan Taaffe & Ken Rolston / Jaqua / P / A special mix of harmonies on early American hymns and African-American spirituals.
Fedoras, Vaudeville & Washboards-The Wiyos / Turrell / P, L / A fun exploration of delightful slapstick, amazing juggling, and charismatic international clowning.
Group Songwriting
Claudia Schmidt / RecRm / B,I,A / A collective effort to write one song, while learning, discussing & improving your personal writing skills.
Young People’s Concert
MC: Julie Edelston / Lenape / P, L / The next generation of Getawarians puts on a funtastic show, a biannual favorite. Oy, the talent!
Off the Book
Mike Agranoff / Chapel / A round robin featuring the glories of memorized performance, unencumbered by paper or pixels.
SUNDAY 11:00 – 12:00
Story Slam
Carol TitusKen Galipeau / Jaqua / NM / Tell a 5-minute story to a great audience & kind judges. Topic: Fancy Meeting You Here.
Old Timey Jam – Toby Fagenson / Turrell / P / The hardest-drivin’, funnest-lovin’ Southernish-style, uppish-tempo jam. Y’all come on ‘n’ join us.
Fingerpicking Folkie StylePat Donohue / RecRm / I, A / Explore Atkins, Watson, Travis, etc. to develop tips, tools and techniques for melodies & arrangements.
Swing Uke
Stu Fuchs / Lenape / I, A / Colorful chords and rhythmic strums on Tin Pan Alley favorites and gypsy swing gems.
Low Ropes
Camp / Porch / NM / Meet the challenge. Show your bravery. Thrill the multitudes. Earn the hyperbole. Hold the rope.
SUNDAY LUNCH 12:00-1:00
1:00 / Pack all your stuff. Don’t forget your pot luck dishes and mugs!
2:00 / CONCERT
MC: Mitch Radler  Second Vocalotto  Stu Fuchs  Lucy Kaplansky
4:15 / Turn in your name badge and say farewell.
Or: Help the volunteer staff and the sound crew pack up.
Or: If you’re staying for the Extension tune your guitar and get ready for Round 2.

The Spring 2015
Acoustic Getaway

The Folk Project welcomes you to the Spring Acoustic Getaway, “our little festival.” You are taking part in a 40-year tradition that celebrates making music, loving music, sharing music, improving music, and sauerkraut. We’re especially honored that two of our community, Tim and Nancy, will get married on Monday during our Getaway Extension.
First-timers: You’ll learn everything you need to know at the Meet & Greet Friday at 7:30. Second-timers:You are especially welcomed. Make friends with those first-timers, and let them know what made your first weekend special enough to come back. Old-timers: We love you. You are why there’s a Getaway – friendship, music and community.
Over 1/3 of Getaway Guests are volunteers whocontribute love, time and effortto make thishappen. Thanks to them all. And if you find yourself in a moment of bliss and gratitude, don’t forget to thank yourself, too. Because you are The Getaway.

Code: B=Beginner, I=Intermediate, A=Advanced, B,I,A,=All levels
P=Participatory, L=Listening, NM=Non-musical

The Big Vocalotto
Deborah Graham
Sign up before Saturday lunch / Dining Hall Vestibule / P / Random winners perform one song at our Saturday andSunday concerts. The drawing takes place atSaturday lunch. Enter in up to three categories:
(1) Three chord songs (2) Songs about trains
(3) Getaway 1st and 2nd Timers.
The Jam Tent / Tent / P / Start your own jam session or join in. Any time.
Lessons by Loy
Jeff Loy / Maple / B,I / Beginning and intermediate private guitar lessons. Sign up in the dining hall vestibule.
6:30 / Potluck Dinner(Dining Hall)
7:30 / Meet & Greet (Rec Room) – for newbies and oldies alike
8:00 / Sabbath Candle Lighting (Chapel) – All are invited.
8:30 / CONCERT
MC: Betsy RoseKate HedmanKen & Pat & HenryPat Donohue
11:00 / Round Robin – Barrett Wilson (Jacqua)
Open Mic–Tom Picard (Chapel)
Songwriters Circle Christine DeLeon (Rec Room)

Problems? Registration/Check in Volunteers Workshops

Mark 201-207-8696 Elizabeth 908-230-2280 Pat 973-479-5816 Robin 908-421-5315

Code: B=Beginner, I=Intermediate, A=Advanced, B,I,A=All levels,

P=Participatory, L=Listening, NM=Non-musical

BREAKFAST 8:30 - 9:30
SATURDAY 9:30 - 10:30
Learn It, Sing It – Brendan Taaffe / Jaqua / P / Learn harmonies from around the world and perform them Saturday night.
Kitchen Sink Ensemble / Turrell / B,I,A / Frank Sole Diane Perry leadthebandin American standards. All instruments invited.
Yoga – Kathy Haynie / RecRm / NM / There’s no place like om. Bring a mat or towel.
Meet the Ukes 1&2 – Erin Girourd / Lenape / B / If you never played or are a beginner, come play. Loaners available all weekend. Cool, huh?
Blues Moves – Pat Donohue / Chapel / I, A / The note combinations, turnarounds and licks of Blake, Johnson, Broonzy & Donohue.
Into the Woods– Mark Kantrowitz / Din Rm / NM / Learn tricks and tips for bird song ID, then hike to see & hear the little dearies. Bring binocs.
Archery– Camp Staff / Porch / NM / Practice the ancient art of shooting arrows, and then defend yourself from big, round targets.
SATURDAY 10:45 – 11:45
Joy of Singing - Claudia Schmidt / Jaqua / B,I,A / A playful approachto singing technique, plus a moderate dose of vocal health.
Holler, Stomp & Sing – The Wiyos / Turrell / P, L / Join in 1920’s & 30’s style blues, ragtime and spirituals & jugband. Bring joy and voices
Live in the Lounge / RecRm / L / Jenny Glenn, Dave Sherman, Christine DeLeon perform an acoustic set for you.
Uke the Beatles – Stu Fuchs / Lenape / B,I,A / A multi-level Fab Four jam session, while learning riffs, melodies, fascinating facts and stories.
Guitar Health – Bill & Sarah / Chapel / NM / Setting up a guitar properly makes itsound better and play easier. Bring yours.
Climbing Wall–Camp Staff / Porch / NM / The supreme test of nerve, skill, strength, and Spidey capabilities. Come defy gravity.
SATURDAY 12:00 - 1:00
Swingin’ YerSingin’ Part 1 –Diane P / Jaqua / B,I,A / Phrasing is the key to great music in all genres. Singing better starts here, and lasts forever.
Between the Songs- Mike Agranoff / Turrell / B,I,A / How introductions, stories, and patter all contribute to a great show and audience rapport.
Hypnosis-Susan Lembo / RecRm / NM / The mind’s power to ameliorate stage fright, lose weight, and improve habits.
DADGAD Guitar – Brendan Taaffe / Chapel / I, A / Melodies and chords the open tuning that changed the world and delighted Irish.
Leonard Cohen Song Swap–Jay W / Lenape / P / Share the music of one of Planet Earth’s greatest songwriters and deadpan singers.
FiL-ly Jam – FiLWisneski / Jam Tnt / P / The jam tent has a leader this hour. Come jam with FiL and friends.
Hiking– Camp Staff / Porch / NM / Walk for peace – the inner kind. Meet at the dining hall porch.
SATURDAY LUNCH 1:00 – 2:00 The Big Vocalotto Drawing
SATURDAY 2:00 – 3:00
Swingin’ YerSingin’ Part 2 / Jaqua / B,I,A / FP Aces Frank & Hank will back up singers. Come perform or come and listen.
Wandering FingersClaudia & Bob / Turrell / B,I,A / Freestyle jamming for beginners with no wrong notes! Dulcimers and Strumsticks provided.
ChordalTherapyMitch Radler / RecRm / B, I / Chord substitutions enhance guitar arrangements. Just ask James Taylor. Or Mitch Radler.
Off the Charts – Jay Wilensky / Lenape / P / Bring that special song we all should know, but never heard. Enlighten us. We’ll thank you.
Don’t Tweet, Speak – Carol Titus / Chapel / NM / Facial expression, physical gestures and emotional tone help you tell a better story.
Sauerkraut – Sauerkraut Seth Travins / Din Hall / NM / This master chef converts veggies into 60,000 pounds of kraut annually. You can, too.
Ultimate Frisbee – Dan Rauchwerk / Field / NM / It’s more than a sport. It’s… it’s… it’s… I guess it’s a sport.
SATURDAY 3:15 – 4:15
Zimbabwean Song&Dance –Brendan / Jaqua / P / Understand and experience the sound, movement and culture of an African village.
Afro-Cuban Uke – Stu Fuchs / Turrell / L, P / The uplifting rhythms of Reggae, Calypso and New Orleans music explored.
Live in the Lounge- Band Edition / RecRm / L / Unamplified and casual performances by Legacy and the Lords of Liechtenstein
On the Charts – Christine DeLeon / Lenape / P / Bringsing pop chart favorites, the songs of your youth, no matter what your age.
Guitar Choosing –Bill & Sarah / Chapel / P / What makes a great guitar? Our friends from the Guitar Parlor inform us.
Dreamcatchers– Camp Staff / A&C / NM / Colored string, tree branches, & inspiration combine for a mystical, artistical miracle.
SATURDAY 4:30 – 5:30
The Road to Lake Wobegon–Pat D / Jaqua / L / The stories & music that eventually led Pat Donohue to Prairie Home Companion and beyond.
Live in the Lounge - Songwriters / RecRm / L / Sing two of your original songs to a loving audience of Project listeners. Sign up in vestibule.
Slide Guitar– Teddy Webber / Lenape / I, A / Learn slide guitar and you, too, will finally sound cool. Slides for sale in the chapel.
Harmonicacophony–Michael Farkas / Chapel / B,I,A / Sound like a voice, fiddle, horn, percussion, freight train, howling dog, and blues master.
Sherm Jam – Dave Sherman / Tent / P / It’s a long Getaway tradition: Jammin’ with The Shermanator,
Candle Making – Camp Staff / A&C / NM / Arts & Crafts building – Be creative, get artistic, have fun, light a fire, melt some wax.
6:30 / Themes In a Hat - Mike Agranoff (Rec Room) A lightning fast game of songs, a laugh riot, and a very,very entertaining hour.
8:00 / CONCERT MC:Frank Sole  Learn It, Sing It  First Vocalotto Claudia Schmidt  The Wiyos
11:00 / Contra–Donna Hunt & The Dukes of Haphazard (Dining Hall)Round Robin –Ed Roffman(Jacqua)Songs & Solos – Mitch Radler(Rec Room)