Revolver Questions

1.  What is the lesson Jake is forced to learn about his attachments

2.  What is Macha afraid of?

3.  Why is Jake willing to go along with the con when he knows he’s under a 3 day death sentence?

4.  Who or what does Mr. Gold represent in the movie?

5.  What did the two con artists leave Jake behind?

6.  What is the motive behind Avi continually praising Jake’s chess skills?

7.  Why is animation used in the flashback scene of the double cross with the drug deal.

8.  What’s the symbolism behind the three day death sentence?

9.  What is the voice Avi is referring to that is inside everyon’s head that controls the world?

10.  Why does Jake make donations in Macha’s name?

11.  Why do people not know that the enemy exists?

12.  What is the greatest con the ego/Devil ever pulled?

13.  Where will you always find a good opponent?

14.  Why does the ego tell Jake that like without the ego does not exist? What is he trying to gain?


1.  You can only get smarter by playing a smarter opponent.

2.  The bigger and older the trick, the easier it is because people think everyone would already know about it.

3.  There is no angel as destructive as the angel of greed. Why?

4.  The more sophisticated the game, the more sophisticated the opponent.

5.  The more power you think you have in Gold’s world, the less power you have in the real world.

6.  The only enemy to have ever existed is an eternal one.