Hi Please can you prepare some info to support the need for the Didsbury school ( Beaver Road expansion ) and send through to ……… next week - will you run it by Amanda before it goes,

Thanks, M

Michelle Devine

Manchester City Council

Directorate for Children and Commissioning Services

Lead- School Admissions and school place planning

School Admissions and Place planning

2nd Floor

Town Hall Extension

Manchester M60 2LA

External Tel: 0161 276 - 2973

Fax: 0161 237 3407



POSTAL ADDRESS: Manchester City Council, P.O. Box 532, Town Hall, Manchester, M60 2LA

----- Forwarded by Michelle Devine/Education/MCC on 22/08/2014 10:37 -----

.../GBR/DTZ <………@dtz.com>
22/08/2014 10:14 / To / "" <>
Subject / RE: MMU Didsbury


I’d be grateful for an update on the information you confirmed you’d send through to me this week?

Kind regards

Planning, Development Consulting

No 1 Marsden Street | Manchester | M2 1HW

Fax: +44 (0)161 455 3799

Email: ……@dtz.com


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Sent: 15 August 2014 13:28



Subject: RE: MMU Didsbury


Thank you for your call this morning. As discussed, I attach my file note of the meeting with ……….(please note that this is an internal DTZ document, not a formal agreed and public minute, as such it is my interpretation of the information shared by………), and the previously prepared Development Framework as further context to the requests for information on primary places and the justification for these places in Didsbury.

I look forward to receiving the requisite information from you next week as discussed, and would also request in your response that you set out in a couple of sentences the reasons for the Broomhurst Halls of Residence site was not included within the DfE report?

Many thanks and kind regards

Planning, Development Consulting

No 1 Marsden Street | Manchester | M2 1HW

Fax: +44 (0)161 455 3799

Email: ...... @dtz.com


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From: [mailto:

Sent: 14 August 2014 09:47



Subject: RE: MMU Didsbury


If you need information on pupil numbers in the Didsbury area, my colleague Michelle Devine (copied into this email) will be able to help you. Michelle is responsible for pupil place planning and admissions.


………./GBR/DTZ <
12/08/2014 18:04 / To / "" <
Subject / RE: MMU Didsbury

I’d be grateful if you could resend and/or provide any outstanding information we previously discussed.

Many thanks and kind regards

Planning, Development Consulting

No 1 Marsden Street | Manchester | M2 1HW

Fax: +44 (0)161 455 3799

Email: ……


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Sent: 24 July 2014 17:01



Subject: RE: MMU Didsbury

Thanks for the update. ……….if you could copy the information to my colleagues ……………………………one of them will ensure this information is passed onto the correct people at MMU and ……………….

Many thanks and kind regards

Planning, Development Consulting

No 1 Marsden Street | Manchester | M2 1HW

Fax: +44 (0)161 455 3799

Email: ………@dtz.com


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Sent: 24 July 2014 16:42


Subject: Re: MMU Didsbury


Haven't forgotten about this.

I will be in touch early next week, but if you need sooner I could call you tomorrow for a catch up?

On 21 Jul 2014, at 08:59,………./GBR/DTZ <…………> wrote:

Good to meet you on Friday, and I’m just following up on a couple of actions that were identified for the short term:

Firstly, I attach the Development Framework document that has been approved by MCC’s executive for the MMU Didsbury site.

Secondly, you were going to consider including the Broomhurst Student Accommodation site within the report currently being drafted for the DfE. As discussed at the meeting, it has been a firm commitment by the MCC leadership through the disposal process, backed up by MMU in terms of the land transfer. As such its inclusion would be really welcomed, because even if unsuccessful, it will further assist in demonstrating the need and commitment for a new primary school in Didsbury, greatly assisting the planning application justification.

Thirdly, you suggested that you would be able to send through some key information/evidence in draft form relatively quickly that began to demonstrate the need for a 2 form primary school in Didsbury, which you would follow up with a more comprehensive justification.

Finally, …..and I asked the question regarding secondary school capacity and places for the Didsbury catchment, as this is likely to impact on the planning obligations that may be attached to any forthcoming planning consent.

Many thanks and kind regards

Planning, Development Consulting

No 1 Marsden Street | Manchester | M2 1HW

Fax: +44 (0)161 455 3799

Email: ...... @dtz.com
