Daily Trivia questions for Kormania! (boss’s version with answer)
9-28: In Born to Rock, Leo Caraway belongs to a club. What is it? (The Young Republicans)
9-29: In Schooled, Cap lives on a commune. What is it called? (Garland Farm.)
9-30: In No More Dead Dogs, why does Wallace Wallace refuse to lie?(Because his father was such a liar.)
10-1: In The Juvie Three, what is Gecko’s real name? (Graham Fosse)
10-4: In Swindle, Why were Griffin and Ben sleeping overnight in the old Rockford House? (They were protesting a museum being built on the property.)
10-5: In Born to Rock, why does Leo lose his scholarship? (He’s accused of cheating.)
10-6: In Schooled, what exercise does Cap do on the front lawn each morning? (tai chi)
8. In No More Dead Dogs, what football play is Wallace famous for? (he made the winning touchdown in last year’s championship)
9. In The Juvie Three, what is Arjay’s special talent? (Music)
10. In Swindle, how much did Mr. Palomino give them for the Babe Ruth baseball card? ($120)
11. In The Juvie Three, what is happening when Doug Healy has an accident? (Terence is trying to get out at night and go meet up with some gang members)
12. In Born to Rock, what is Leo’s mother’s hobby? (Doing puzzles)
13. In Schooled, how does Cap save the day when the school bus driver has a heart attack?
14. In No More Dead Dogs, why does Dylan try to sabotage the school play? (He’s mad because he thinks the play is taking Wallace away from the football team.)
15. In The Juvie Three, why is Diego, Gecko’s lab partner, afraid of him? (He knows Gecko was in juvie.)
16. In Swindle, What was the biggest problem they faced to breaking into Palomino’s store? (Luther – the Doberman who was a trained guard dog!)
17. In The Juvie Three, since he has amnesia, what is Doug Healey’s assigned name at the hospital? (John Doe)
18. In Born to Rock, Leo’s biological father’s stage name is King Maggot. What’s his real name? (Marion…)
19.In Schooled,what vehicle arrives at school especially for Cap on the day of the pep rally? (an ambulance)
20. At the end of No More Dead Dogs, Wallace Wallace actually does tell a lie. What is it? (That he, not Dylan, sabotaged the play)
21. In The Juvie Three, Roxanne takes Gecko to a party. Where is it held?
22. In Swindle, What special skill did “Pitch” have? (She was a rock climber.)
23. In Born to Rock,
24.In Schooled,how did Cap say good-bye to his classmates? (By telling each individual, by name, "good-bye" - all 1,100 of them!)
25. In No More Dead Dogs, what is the fate of Wallace’s pal Old Shep at the end of the school play? (He gets blown up with a cherry bomb)
26. In The Juvie Three, since he can’t stay in the regular hospital, where does Doug Healey get sent after he wakes up with amnesia? (The insane asylum.)
27. In Swindle, who’s been Griffin’s arch-enemy since kindergarten? (Darren Vader)