Woman and the Serpent Revelation - Lesson 16
Lesson 16 - Woman and the Serpent
Revelation 12:1-21 Questions
Day 1 - Review
1. What did you find most meaningful from the commentary notes in last week’s lesson?
2. What was meaningful about the lecture?
3. What principle should you personally apply to your life from last week’s lesson?
Day 2 - Revelation 12:1-6
Reading: Rev 12:1-6; Isaiah 66:7-8; Jeremiah 3:6-10; Micah 4:10, 5:3; Psalm 2:7-9; Mark 16:19; Hebrews 12:2
4. What sign did John see in heaven in v. 1?
5. What was the woman’s condition in v. 2?
6. Read the following verses and determine who the woman in each symbolizes: (Note: Zion is another
name for the nation Israel)
Isaiah 66:7-8-
Jeremiah 3:6-10-
Micah 4:10-
Micah 5:3-
7. To whom does this woman give birth in v. 5?
8. Determine the one being described in each of these verses and note the connection with
Revelation 12:5:
Psalm 2:7-9-
Mark 16:19-
Hebrews 12:2-
9. What happened to the woman in v. 6?
10. Challenge Question: Who are the woman and male child referenced in Revelation 12?
Day 3 - Revelation 12:3,4 & 9
Reading: Revelation 12:3,4,9; John 8:44; Hebrews 2:14
11. What/who did John see appear in heaven in vs. 3-4? Describe him.
12. What did John see him do in v. 4?
13. What was revealed as the dragon’s mission in v. 4?
14. According to v. 9, who is this dragon?
15. Read John 8:44 and record some character traits of Satan or the devil.
16. According to Hebrews 2:14, was Satan’s ultimate mission accomplished at the cross of Calvary?
Day 4 - Revelation 12:7-9
Reading: Rev 12:7-9; Isaiah 14:12-15; 2 Chronicles 32:8; 2 Corinthians 10:4; Ephesians 6:12; 1 Peter 5:8
17. Who did John see fighting in the heavenly war of v. 7?
18. What happened in vs. 8 9?
19. John is seeing a heavenly battle that will take place in the last days. Review Isaiah 14:12-15 and
record similarities between the first time Satan was exiled from heaven and this final defeat of
God’s adversary.
20. Even though John was observing a battle between God’s angels and Satan’s angels, the Bible also
speaks of the battle waged by every follower of Jesus Christ. Record something you learn about this
battle in each of the following Bible verses:
2 Chronicles 32:8-
2 Corinthians 10:4-
Ephesians 6:12-
1 Peter 5:8-
21. Write down a battle that you are currently fighting and a verse from God’s Word you plan to use in
that battle.
Day 5 - Revelation 12:10-12
Reading: Revelation 12:10-12
22. List some facts stated in vs. 10-12. (Hint: Use only the words in the passage. Do not paraphrase.)
23. Make a list of the lessons learned from the recorded facts. (Hint: Look for a command to obey, a
principle to follow or a lesson learned. What is being done that is good? What is being done that is
bad? What do you learn about God?)
24. Write a personal application for each lesson listed above. (Hint: Put your personal application in
the form of a question.)
Day 6 - Revelation 12:13-17
Reading: Revelation 12:13-17; Exodus 19:4; Deuteronomy 32:10-11; Isaiah 40:31; 1 John 4:4
25. What happened in v. 13?
26. How did the woman escape the dragon in v. 14?
27. What do you learn about the symbolism of eagles from the following verses?
Exodus 19:4-
Deuteronomy 32:10-11-
Isaiah 40:31-
28. What happens to the woman in vs. 15-16?
29. Since the dragon could not overcome the woman, against whom did he make war in v. 17?
30. Thought Question: Why do you think Satan so hates those who obey God’s commands and hold to
the testimony of Jesus? Why do you need not fear Satan if you are in Christ Jesus? (Refer to 1 John 4:4)