Office of the Executive Engineer lakeDivision No. 1st.
J&K Lakes and Waterways Development Authority Srinagar
* * *
NIT No.19 of 03/2015
For and on behalf of J&K lakes and Waterways Development Authority, Srinagar, sealed tenders affixed with Rs.5/- Revenue stamps are invited from registered PWD contractors for works mentioned in the Annexure “A” to this NIT:-
A:-General conditions :-
1/-The tenders should be accompanied with CDR for the amount indicated in the annexure “A” against each work/s, drawn on any schedule bank and pledged to as shown in the annexure ‘A’.The tenders without CDR will be rejected out right.
2/-The tenders should be addressed to the tender receiving authority, and the tenders can be submitted by hand or sent through registered post on or before30-03-2015 up to 2.P.M, to the following offices of J&K LWDA.
i. Executive Engineer, LakeDivision No.1st, Miskeen Bagh, Khanyar Srinagar.
ii. Superintending Engineer, J&K Lakes & Waterways Dev. Authority, Miskeen Bagh, Srinagar.
iii,Vice Chairman, J&KLakes & Waterways Dev. Authority, Miskeen Bagh Srinagar.
In case the last date for receipt of the tenders is declared a holiday/Hartal/Curfew/Restriction-144, the tenders will be received on next working day upto 2.P.M. The tenders shall be opened on the same day or a later date convenient to the tender opening authority, in presence of the tenderers or their representatives who may choose to be present.
3/-The tenders sent through registered post received after schedule date and time shall not be entertained at all and the Authority will not be responsible for any postal delay, loss of tenders during postal transit.
4/-The tender documents can be had from the above mentioned offices on production of valid enlistment cards in original, Tin No./Pan No., CDRs,Sales tax clearance certificate as per form ST-64 and application against cash payment as shown against each work in the Annexure “A” to this NIT (non refundable/non-transferable), or crossed postal order/Bank draft in the name of Executive Engineer Lake Division No.1st, LDA (for purchase of tender documents from Divisional office) and in the name of FA/CAO, LDA (for purchase of tender documents from S.E/V.C LDA’s offices) payable through R.C.C Srinagar on all working days up to 26-03-2015 upto 3.P.M. The tenderdocuments can also be obtained by post for which intending tenderers have to sent attested copies of enlistment card, TIN No. Pan No., attested photocopy/s of CDRs crossed postal order/bank draft and registered AD envelope of postal authorities affixed with Rs.25/postal stamps.
5/-The contractor shall have to supply sufficient labours as per site requirement as per the dirctions of Engineer Encharge.
6/-The tender opening authority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the tender without assigning any reason thereof.
7/-The rates quoted by the contractor against each item of the rate list should be dully covered with the transparent tape, failing which the tender shall be rejected. Also the rates quoted in Lump Sum or consolidated as complete job for all the items shall not be considered and tender shall be out-rightrejected.
8/-The tenders should be sent in sealed envelopes which should clearly indicate the following:-
a. Reference to NIT. b. Name of the work. c. Advertised cost of the work. d. official designation and address of the tender receiving authority. e. Last date for recipt of tenders.
Exexcutive Engineer.
09/-Time is the main essence of the work and if the contractor fails to start the work within the stipulated time as laid down in the allotment. The work will be got executed through some other agency at his risk and cost and action under rules shall be taken against the defaulter contractor.
10/- Position of funds is demanded.
11/-Taxes admissible under rules shall be deducted at source alongwith one 1% of cost of construction (cess) under Building and Constructions Workers Welfare Act,1996. The contractor shall have to obtain Registeration Required under section (7) of the said and produce the same at time of payment, non production of the same shall result in withholding of the payment.
12/- Contractor will have to justify his rates if quoted below the Estimate rates/advertised cost of work by enclosing analysis of rates as per market rates. The tender will be rejected if the justification of rates is not acceptable.
13/-In case of Hartal, Curfew or holiday the last dates for issuance of tender documents and receipt of tender shall be deemed to have been extended upto next normal working day.
14/-All other terms and conditions shall remain same as are envisaged in the Detailed NIT No. 01 of 5/2014, issued from this office under No. LD-I/451-76 dated: 17-5-2014, rate list/tender document for the work.
No. LD-I/5663-88Executive Engineer,
Dated:16.3.2015LakeDivision No.1st
Copy to the:-J&KLakes and Waterways Dev. Authority,
1/-The Vice Chairman, J&KLakes and Waterways Development Authority, Srinagar.
2/-The Superintending EngineerJ&KLakes and Waterways Development Authority Sgr.
3/-The Deputy Director Information Department, Srinagar with the request to have the NIT notice published in the two leading local dailies (Urdu/ English) on top priority preferably in Greater Kashmir, Aftab, Sgr. Times or Kashmir Images before the last date fixed for issuance of tender documents
4-5/-The Executive Engineer, lake Division No. II nd, Mechanical Division, LWDA for inf.
6/-The Incharge R&M J&K LWDA for inf.
7/-The Watershed Manager Watershed Management Division J&K LWDA for inf.
8-9/-The Asstt. Executive Engineer, Inlake/ Rehabilitation Sub-Division for information.
10-11/-The Asstt. Accounts Officer/ Head Draftsman Divisional Office for information.
12-25/- Contractor Association…………………………………………………………………………………….
26/- Office Notice Board.
Annexure “A” to NIT No.19 of 03/2015
Sr. No. / Name of the work / Estt. Cost of work(Rs. Lacs) / Earnest Money / Class of contract / Time of completion / Cost of
tender doc. / Tender receiving authority
01. / Demarcation of acquired land of structures by way of Placing of Pre cast reinforced blocks/ legging at AmirBaghKankahiDalLake. / 1.55 / Rs.3100/- / DEE / 30 Days / Rs.100/- / ExecutiveEngineerLakeDiv. 1st, LDA, Miskeen Bagh
02. / Demarcation of acquired land of structures by way of Placing of Pre cast reinforced blocks/ legging at
SofiMohallaDalLake. / 1.55 / Rs.3100/- / DEE / 30 Days / Rs.100/- / --Do--
Position of funds: Demanded.
Last Date for issuance of Documents: 26.03.2015
Date of receipt of Tenders: 30.03.2015 Sd/-
Executive Engineer,
LakeDivision No:1st Sgr.
NIT No. 19 of 03/2015
For and on behalf of J&K lakes and Waterways Development Authority, Srinagar, sealed tenders affixed with Rs.5/- Revenue stamps are invited from registered PWD contractors for works mentioned in the Annexure “A” to this NIT.
Terms and conditions :-
1/-The tenders should be addressed to the tender receving authority, and the tenders can be submitted by hand or sent through registered poston or before30-03-2015 up to 2.P.M, to the following offices of J&K LWDA.
i. Executive Engineer, LakeDivision No.1st, Miskeen Bagh, Khanyar Srinagar.
- Superintending Engineer, J&KLakes & Waterways Dev. Authority, Miskeen Bagh, Srinagar.
Iii, Vice Chairman, J&KLakes & Waterways Dev. Authority, Miskeen Bagh Srinagar.
In case the last date for receipt of the tenders is declared a holiday/Hartal, the tenders will be received on next working day upto 2.P.M. The tenders shall be opened on the same day or a later date convenient to the tender opening authority, in presence of the tenderers or their representatives who may choose to be present.
2/- The tender documents for the above noted work can be had from the office of the undersigned on production of valid enlistment cards in original, Tin No. Sales Tax Clearance Certificate and fresh CDRsdrawn after dispatch date of tender notice (pledged to the tender receiving authority) and application against cash payment as shown against each work in the Annexure “A” to this NIT (non refundable/non-transferable), on all working days up to : 26.03.2015. UPTO 3.P.M
Executive Engineer,
LakeDivision No.1st
Copy to the:-
1/-The Deputy Director Information Srinagar, for information with the request to have the NIT published in Two leading local dailies (Urdu/English) on top priority preferably in Greater Kashmir, Aftab, Sgr. Times or Kashmir Images before the last date fixed for issuance of tender documents.
2/-Asstt. Accounts Officer Divisional Office for information and necessary action.
No. LD-I/5663-88Executive Engineer,
Dated:16.3.2015LakeDivision No.1st
J&KLakes and Waterways Dev. Authority,