NBAHA Membership/Board Meeting
Attendance: Mike Rundle, Dave Gerten, Christine Bortz, Autumn Hanes, Brittany Wyandt, Ryan Swenson, Craig Moline
Meeting to Order at: 1839
- Presidents Report:
- Schedule of Fines given if out to district president- see attachment
- Coaching and manager fines for missed meetings
- Ryan motions for coaches and managers that miss mandatory meetings, individual coaches are responsible for 75% of the fine. If multiple coaches miss they will share in the 75% of the total fine. Mike and Dave 2nd motion.
- Outside Scrimmage rules- need score books, penalties called, rosters due
- Dates for coaching certification on USA hockey, classes are filling up quickly
- Presidents golf tournament- won $580
- Discuss waivers
- Vice President Report- nothing to report
- Secretary Report:
- Upgrade Website $1800 one-time fee (2-3 weeks)
- Rebrand of the website includes both banner and side panels
- Moves content to a mobile responsive theme
- Your association supplies logos, images, landmarks, and our design team will incorporate it into the new fresh design
- Smaller Upgrade $500 (5-10 days)
- Mobile Responsive
- Current Content and design conversion
Autumn motioned for $1800 to upgrade website, Ryan 2nd- approved
- Gambling Report:
- Request from Co-op girls varsity team for an iPad to video the game $1500
- Ryan motioned, Autumn second- Motioned approved
- Current gambling position open- interviews will happen soon
- $1800 to upgrade NBAHA website
- Treasure Report: Insert report from Kelly
General Account: $46803.64
Fundraising: $29806.87
AR balance: $4275
- Ice Director Report: Updates on Ice schedule with Isanti and Pine
- Outdoor rink- do minimum to make it useable
- Arena Committee updates: Follow up from last month’s meeting
- Electric and Gas update- need amp info- Ryan will give info to Mike- will use gambling money
- Excavating update-Gustafson’s are going to do excavating this fall
- Publicity Report: Follow up from last month’s minutes
- School open house: successful
- Facebook page: working on
- Fall Carnival: Wed. Sept 20th
- Coaching Report:
- Better coaching presence at the traveling level
- Mite Director Report
- Mite meetings started
- Equipment
- Learn to skate- Oct 1st and 8th
- C & B skaters- start 1 hour the weekend of the 14th or 15th, 1 hour the 28th, and evals on the 29th – 2 hours
- Fundraising Report: Follow up from last month meeting
- County Market Brat Stand- More donations than profit from sales.
- Sale Profit 439.66
- Donations 596.87
- Total 1036.53
- Would like large arena poster to put up at events. Had small poster up and had lots of comments about the possibility of getting an arena again. – Jessie is requesting large sign and smaller banner with pictures of the arena for kids to hold. Need board approval.
- Mike will give Brittany digital for sign of arena
- Ryan to motion to make smaller NBAHA banner and arena picture and easel for up to $500, Mike 2nd, motioned approved
- Registrars Report:
- Issues with mite sign-up and electronic payment- currently being fixed
- Brittany will e-mail people that signed up before electronic payment was up and running
- Deadline for traveling Sept 30th- Will reach out to last year players to see if they are planning on returning.
- Deadline for mite is Nov 15th
- Payment schedule- pay in full, payment plan, pay offline at a meeting before tryouts
- Payment plan dates- If not paid in full by Jan. 1 will be pulled from on-ice activities until paid in full.
- Initial- Oct.1 (1/3)
- Second Nov. 15th (1/3)
- Third- Dec. 31st (1/3)
Ryan motioned payment plan, Brittany 2nd
- Open Forum
- Ryan brought forward on the behalf of Jason Zerwas to get higher quality jerseys for upper level mite team- B team and up. Ryan made motion on Jason’s behalf, Ryan 2nd, not approved
- Ryan brought forward on behalf of Jason Zerwas to purchase garbage bags to sell at local businesses and members to sell. Start -up cost is $5000. Not approved, need more research for roll out plan. Rachel Benoit to bring info to the next meeting
- Ryan brought forward on behalf of Jason Zerwas to sell boards sitting at the arena site. Already brought forward, tried to sell, unsuccessful
Meeting Adjourn at: 2100