Challenger 23rd March to 5th April 1982: Deep Sea Invertebrates and Fish
1982 / 23 Mar. / 5 Apr. / Irish Scientific Observer on theR.R.S. Challenger, cruise in the Porcupine Sea-Bight, studying benthic biology. / For National Board of Science and Technology (of Ireland); observing Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, G.B. Principal scientist was M.H. Thurston.PHDInvertebrates
Calrophiliaand other Madroporia: white solitary corals: Station 51403 #7 ; Date 26 March 1982; Gear OSTB14 ; Depth (m) 1320 to 1247.
Nephropsisatlantica: Crustacean: Station 51403#7; Date 26 March 1982; gear OSTB14; Depth (m) 1320 to 1247m. GOOGLE:
Colossendeissp.:Pycnodontia : Sea Spider: Station 51403 #7; Date 26 March 1982; Gear OSTB 14; Depth (m) 1320 to 1247. GOOGLE:
Psychropoteslongicauda: Phylum Echinodermata: Class Holothurioidea; sea cucumber with long tail (sail): Station 51414; Date 30 March 1982; Gear OSTB 14; Depth (m) 4180 to 4310. GOOGLE:
Bathyplotesnatans: Phylum Echinodermata: Class Holothurioidea; sea cucumber GOOGLE:
Assorted Asteroidea: Starfish: Station 51403 #7 ; Date 26 March 1982; Gear OSTB14 ; Depth (m) 740 to 725.
Hydrolagus mirabilis:Large-Eyed Rabbitfish:Station 51403 ; Date 25 March 1982; Gear BN 15.3m ; Depth (m) 1290 to 1309. GOOGLE:
Coryphaenoidesguentheri: small rat-tail ; Station 51407 #7; Date 25 March 1982; Gear OSTB 14; Depth (m) 1320 to 1247. GOOGLE:
Bathypteroisdubius: brown and white elongate fish (eelike); Station 51403 #7 ; Date 26 March 1982; Gear OSTB14 ; Depth (m) 1320 to 1247. GOOGLE:
NotocanthusBonopartei: Shortfin Spiny Eel: white eel-like fish;Station 51403 #7 ; Date 26 March 1982; Gear OSTB14 ; Depth (m) 1320 to 1247. GOOGLE:
Trachyrincusmurrayi: Roughnose grenadier:rat-tail;Station 51403 ; Date 25 March 1982; Gear BN 15.3m ; Depth (m) 1290 to 1309. GOOGLE:
Orange Roughy
British Natural History Museum Checklist of Deep Sea Demersal Fishes
Species Given to the Irish Natural History Museum
St.51403#7.Porcupine Bight. "Challenger" OTS814. 1320-1247m. 26 March 1982.
Golfingiamargaritacea (M.sars)GOOGLE:
Nematocarcinusensifer (Smith) var. exilis Bate
Astropectenirregularis (Pennant)
Plutonasterbifrons(Wyville Thomson)
KorethrasterhispidusWyville Thomson
Zoroaster fulgensWyville Thomson
KorethrasterhispidusWyville Thomson Dry
Poraniomorphahispida (M. Sars) Dry
Phormosoma placentaWyville Thomson
Echinus elegans DUbenKoren
Bathyplotesnatans (M.Sars)
BathypteroisdubiusVaillant (fish)
St.51405. Porcupine Bight. "Challenger" OTSB14. 740-725M. 26 March 1982.
Psilasterandromeda (Troschel)