February25, 2013
The County Commissioners’ meeting was called to order in their meeting room at 9:00am.
Lobbyist Jim Potts discussed legislative action.
Board Review and Reports -
M. Manus provided an update on last week’s Chamber meeting. He also discussed the Newport Youth Athletic Association.
K. Skoog discussed the ‘drone’ bill that passed out of Committee. Other items discussed were: legislative testimony, the GMA bill and the wolf bill.
Consent Agenda - Motion was made by K. Skoog to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss. Motion carried. The Consent Agenda includes today’s Agenda, theminutes of the Board’s February 19, 2013 meeting and the following items:
Investment Earnings: $1,589.12
Salmon Project Agreement Regarding Smalle Creek Fish Passage Design 2012
Equitable Sharing Agreement And Certification - Pend Oreille County Sheriff’s Office
Pend Oreille County and The Wesley Group – Contract For Professional Services from April 1, 2013 through March 31, 2014.
First Amendment to Interlocal Agreement Between Counties of Adams, Ferry, Grant, Lincoln, Okanogan, Pend Oreille, Stevens and Spokane for Mental Health Treatment and Services
Sole Source Purchase of Sheriff Vehicle Outfitting Authorized
The Board recessed for lunch.
Public Works Update – Public Works Director Sam Castro, County Engineer Don Ramsey and Fleet Manager Brian Egland were present.
K.Skoog discussed liability insurance regarding a Volunteer Fair/Volunteer Appreciation Day. D. Ramsey discussed the lead being taken by an agency.
D. Ramsey requested authorization for the purchase of three replacement Sheriff vehicles. No action was taken.
S. Castro presented a draft letter to Washington State Department of Transportation regarding the illumination of intersections on Highway No.2. The Board will finalize, approve and send this letter.
S. Castro provided updates on the following projects: Indian Creek Fish Passage; completion of theHall of Justice ceiling;progress of electrical work in the Hall of Justice; Garden Building projects; Skookum Creek Culvert Elimination; Smalle Creek Culvert Elimination; Inlet Bridge Sullivan Lake Road; Fertile Valley Road widening using RAP funds; study regarding Bead Lake Hill gabion wall, discussed temporary repairs to delay failure, anddiscussed alternative ingress/egress routes; McKenzie and the intersection at Bennett and McKenzie; and funding options for Sandy Shores.
The following workshops were scheduled: Surface Transportation Projects to be held on March 19th at 1:30:p.m. and ER&R workshop to be held on March 19th at 2:45p.m.
Prosecuting Attorney Tom Metzgerprovided various updates. Other matters discussed were: indemnification insurance; special meeting to discuss the high water level at Diamond Lake and potential courses of action.
Economic Development Director Jamie Wyrobek and Chairman Lonnie Johnson provided a quarterly EDC update.
Among the items discussed were: Teck project, KCTC-Workforce Development, SET/NEWSTART, funded projects for Create and The Cutter; business outreach, fiber project, training, development of 2013 work plan, State ADO reports, promotion of land within the community, upcoming event of Mine Shop Community meeting on April 14th. K. Skoog discussed a website need for EDC.
Public Comment Period – No public present
Dick Norton, Fire District #2 Commissioner, requested funding assistance for the purchase of an ambulance.He discussed current ambulance conditions, noting currently their EMT is looking at a 2011 demo with 21,000 miles for $108,000.00. He noted the District has accumulated $50,000 toward purchase of a new ambulance and that they are looking to other agencies for funding assistance. Treasurer Terri Miller noted the one-time payment received at the end of 2012 are Current Expense funds. She also discussed an Attorney General’s opinion which notes current expense funds cannot be loaned and need to be readily available.
Sam Castro came before the Board as a private citizen and President of Newport Youth Athletic Association. He noted the Parks Board has recommended the Board approve the allocation of funds not to exceed $1,000 to the Newport Youth Athletic Association for the purchase of breakaway bases and removable pitching mounds. Motion was made by S. Kiss to approve the funding request of the Parks Board. Motion was seconded by K. Skoog and passed unanimously.
Motion was made by K. Skoog to continue the meeting to February 26, 2013. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss and passed unanimously.
February 26, 2013
The Commissioners’ meeting was continued in their meeting room. All members were present.
Elected Officials and Department Head Meeting - Present were Community Development Director Mike Lithgow, Weed Control Coordinator Sharon Sorby, S. Castro, Assessor James McCroskey, County Clerk Tammie Ownbey,D. Ramsey, Sheriff Alan Botzheim, T. Miller, Assistant Treasurer/Financial Supervisor Lisa Vallieres, Data Processing Coordinator Jill Shacklett, Auditor Marianne Nichols, T. Metzger, District Court Judge Phil Van DeVeer, Human Resources Coordinator Shelly Stafford, District Court Administrator Rachel Johnson, Weed Specialist II Loretta Nichols, WSU Extension Office Manager/4-H Aide Carla Pogson and ITS Director Chad Goodhue. M. Manus discussed a retreat and input was heard regarding retreat details and possible speakers. K. Skoogdiscussed a volunteer appreciation fair and the creation of a steering committee to work on the details. S. Kiss expressed appreciation to all County staff for welcoming and assisting the Commissioners. M. Lithgow provided a Capital Facilities update, noting project applications will be ranked and prioritized by the Capital Projects Committee and that fund allocation will be a Board of Commissioners’ decision. Other items discussed were security concerns within county facilities. J. Shacklett presented an overview on all County funds, which also included a discussion of the Washington State BARS system which is a unified system for reporting on a state-wide basis. M. Manus summarized the meeting as follows: He will continue to work on a retreat, K. Skoog will take the lead regarding a volunteer appreciation fair, D. Ramsey and A. Botzheim will provide safety and risk management information at the March meeting, M. Lithgow will provide a capital projects list at the March meeting.
EXECUTIVE SESSION – Present were T. Metzger, S. Stafford and P. Van De Veer. Executive session was held regarding litigation or potential litigation pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(i) for 15 minutes from 10:35a.m. to 10:50a.m.
M. Lithgow discussed the Parks Board meeting of last week and their funding recommendation for the Newport Athletic Youth Association.
M. Lithgow provided an update on the County Lands Group, noting the University students are working toward obtaining a final product of surplus county lands which will include small and odd-sized properties that are within sub-divisions. He noted there is a preliminary meeting this week with the Tribe regarding county lands issues.
Tim Ibbetson, President of Citizens’ Alliance for Property Rights (CAPR) discussed CAPR’s mission statement and the protection of private property rights. Also present was Dave Hood. Items discussed were: Department of Ecology;Growth Management Act;Shoreline Master Plan and the consequential effects on propertyvalues and real property sales; exempt wells legislation, critical areas and hydrogeologists. T. Ibbetson noted thatCAPR wants to be available as a resource for the Board. K. Skoog discussed the International Code Council and the need to have a voice regarding code changes and the need to have a place on that Council.
ITS Director Chad Goodhue presented his monthly report. Items discussed were: GIS Analysis Josh Shelton is working on the 2013 mapbook; virtualization and consolidation to one server; removal of a domain controller last week that was replaced with a virtual controller; discussed an emergency operation center and requirements; fiber and working with the PUD; and the growth of the ITS Department.
Application for Advance Travel Expense
Sheriff’s Department, Jon Carman for SAR training in Spokane, March 5 – 6, 2013, $180.00
Prosecutor’s Office
Elaine Webb, $3092.66/mo. Step 3, $35.00 Longevity, effective 03/01/2013
Sheriff – Corrections
Fred Johnson, Corrections Officer, $3179.34, Step 7, effective 02-28-2013
Correspondence Sent:
K. Metcalf, Washington State DOT-Illumination Along Highway 2
02.8Department of Ecology-Selkirk School District Wastewater Treatment Upgrade Phase 2, FP14017
02.9Department of Natural Resources-SEPA Lead Agency and Mitigated Determination of Non-significance - Muddy Madness Timber Sale #89223 and Forest Practice Application #3017846
02.10Stevens County Fish & Wildlife Advisory Committee meeting Notice for 2/26/2013
02.11Department of Natural Resources, Notice of pre-harvest review meeting for Arcadia District timber sales – DNR, Deer Park Work Center/Training Room, 1002 E. Crawford Street, Deer Park, WA on March 5, 2013 at 11:00a.m.
As of this date the Board approved for payment the following vouchers as listed and made available by the Auditor's Office:
Salary and Claim
FundFund Amount
Current Expense$ 23,691.29
Arts Tourism & Recreation$ 505.00
Counseling Services$ 6,038.32
Fair$ 320.92
Emergency 911 Communications$ 2,213.37
Extension Education$ 151.94
Growth Management$ 329.44
Low Income Housing/2060$ 2,924.23
Homeless Program/2163$ 8,673.23
Solid Waste$ 327.64
Sheriff’s Trust$ 1,065.00
TOTAL:$ 46,240.38
Motion to adjourn was made byS. Kiss. Motion was seconded by K. Skoog. Motion carried.
ATTEST: s/______APPROVED:s/______Clerk of the Board Chair of the Board
Commissioners’ Minutes, February 25, 2013. Initial _____ Page 1 of 4