Video Tutorial UUD Plastic Food Land Art
USEFUL, USABILITY , DISPOSABILITY (UUD) is a project which addresses the issue of plastic invasion of our communities and households with a purpose to bring the message of a safe and healthy environment closer to the citizens through civic education. Five organizations decided to use their capabilities and expertise to produce a Moodle based e-learning platform with a content capable to serve the project needs. The content includes 5 tutorials : info-doc , land art installation centered civic events, digital competences, socio-civic competences. Each tutorial includes examples of good practice and an evaluation chapter. The partners' staff act as content developers and are trained by the platform maker on how to use the platform to be able to design and organize land art installation centered civic events with different community groups such as children, seniors, disadvantaged people, youth, artists. A number of on line sessions and short staff training sessions strengthen the empowerment of the staff for becoming proficient platform users capable to train other on how to do it for their own purposes. All activities are monitored and evaluated by the Project board. Four multiplier events bring together professionals from the organizing country and the neighboring parts of Europe to make known the platform and it capabilities, show the host land art installation centered civic events and organize a contact seminar to prepare partnerships around project ideas for new applications. At the end of the project there is a consortium in place with a leading team, a joint pool of trained staff capable to provide training and development support, a joint website, a joint e-learning platform and a number of partnerships ready for new applications. We believe this is a good model of sustainability . The project partners include organizations for Romania (coordinator - seniors organization), Spain (ICT company), Italy (land art installation artists ), LT (civic adult learning), BG(dissemination).
Tutorial UUD Plastic Food Project
UDD Erasmus+ Project
Video Tutorial ...
"We start by searching the web or via other methods schools to contact and you proceed with making an appointment with the head teacher.
It sends an informative email about the project.
The head teacher, approved our presence mella school will provide to introduce the person who will follow us during our training. "
Determined the day of the lesson, you look for the plastic containers inside the school, you take one and bring it to the class, it is important to make it clear to pupils that the trash that are in that bag, are those that have produced and then It must be disposed in some manner , but even better the solution is not to produce them also to avoid energy waste for the Recycling. You have to bring the students to the garbage (if possible make them touch it), if in the classroom there's a projector, use it to project images about the problem of pollution thematic produced from the trash . After showing students the clip, the class is required to do research on their waste in their daily life, plastic bottles, snacks cards, all that for them is disposable, to have their solution as an answer to avoid such waste. When the lesson ends students will be able to give lessons to the whole institution, and you are prompted to create a pubblic event to 'external institute to bring their sensibility against waste to all' entire town, to ask those who produce and wastes more sensibility. For the 'civic event will proceed as for the head teacher to contact the municipality and the various institutions that deal with environmental issues. The garbish were distributed and given to the students to create an emotional shock, to give a concrete example. And this is the power of Plastic Food's art.
3) Tutorial UUD Plastic Food Project in Braila – Romania - UDD Erasmus+ Project
Centro Culturale ed Artistico “PLASTIC FOOD PROJECT”
Via Giacomo Leopardi n.1, 06019 Umbertide – Pg - Italia - Codice Fiscale 90022580543