The Brown Bag Instructions

1. Make a white paper airplane with five differentcolored stars. On theplane, write how youwould spend the budgetused to build one militarybomber.

2. A paper bag puppet of theactivist you most respectin history.

3. A paper chain with fivedifferent colored links.On each link of the chain,write something thatserves to lock down youngpeople. You must agree asa team on the five thingsthat you write on yourchain.

4. A 4 x 4 x 4 inch cube withfour different colored dots.Each dot should list oneperson or organizationwhom you currently feel isgambling with the Earth’sfuture.

5. An orange rectangle—3 x 5 inch with a white“T” on it.


The Brown Bag Instructions

1. Make a white paper airplane with five different colored stars. On the plane, write how you would spend the budget used to build one military bomber.

2. A paper bag puppet of the activist you most respect in history.

3. A paper chain with five different colored links. On each link of the chain, write something that serves to lock down young people. You must agree as a team on the five things that you write on your chain.

4. A 4 x 4 x 4 inch cube with four different colored dots. Each dot should list one person or organization whom you currently feel is gambling with the Earth’s future.

5. An orange rectangle— 3 x 5 inch with a white “T” on it.

The Brown Bag Instructions

1. Make a white paper airplane with five different colored stars. On the plane, write how you would spend the budget used to build one military bomber.

2. A paper bag puppet of the activist you most respect in history.

3. A paper chain with five different colored links. On each link of the chain, write something that serves to lock down young people. You must agree as a team on the five things that you write on your chain.

4. A 4 x 4 x 4 inch cube with four different colored dots. Each dot should list one person or organization whom you currently feel is gambling with the Earth’s future.

5. An orange rectangle— 3 x 5 inch with a white “T” on it.


The Brown Bag Instructions

1. Make a white paper airplane with five different colored stars. On the plane, write how you would spend the budget used to build one military bomber.

2. A paper bag puppet of the activist you most respect in history.

3. A paper chain with five different colored links. On each link of the chain, write something that serves to lock down young people. You must agree as a team on the five things that you write on your chain.

4. A 4 x 4 x 4 inch cube with four different colored dots. Each dot should list one person or organization whom you currently feel is gambling with the Earth’s future.

5. An orange rectangle— 3 x 5 inch with a white “T” on it.

The Brown Bag Instructions

1. A paper bag puppet of the activist you most respect in history.

2. A paper chain with five different colored links. On each link of the chain, write something that serves to lock down young people. You must agree as a team on the five things that you write on your chain.

3. A 4 x 4 x 4 inch cube with four different colored dots. Each dot should list one person or organization whom you currently feel is gambling with the Earth’s future.


The Brown Bag Instructions

1. A paper bag puppet of the activist you most respect in history.

2. A paper chain with five different colored links. On each link of the chain, write something that serves to lock down young people. You must agree as a team on the five things that you write on your chain.

3. A 4 x 4 x 4 inch cube with four different colored dots. Each dot should list one person or organization whom you currently feel is gambling with the Earth’s future.

The Brown Bag Instructions

1. A paper bag puppet of the activist you most respect in history.

2. A paper chain with five different colored links. On each link of the chain, write something that serves to lock down young people. You must agree as a team on the five things that you write on your chain.

3. A 4 x 4 x 4 inch cube with four different colored dots. Each dot should list one person or organization whom you currently feel is gambling with the Earth’s future.


The Brown Bag Instructions

1. A paper bag puppet of the activist you most respect in history.

2. A paper chain with five different colored links. On each link of the chain, write something that serves to lock down young people. You must agree as a team on the five things that you write on your chain.

3. A 4 x 4 x 4 inch cube with four different colored dots. Each dot should list one person or organization whom you currently feel is gambling with the Earth’s future.

©2011 Building Intentional Communities I Be the Change Consulting