19th Annual Oakland Scientific Conference
(formerly Holiday Inn)
Seminar Room - Carnegie I
Wednesday, May 1st, 2013
I.“Innovative Tools for Knockdown and Detection of lncRNAs” Time: 10:00 – 10:45a.m.
Sponsor:Thermo Scientific Molecular BiologySpeaker: James Goldmeyer, PhD, Application Specialist
Long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) transcripts are among the newest emerging biological regulators of gene activity within
the cell. Many lncRNAs have been shown to participate in crucial biological processes including: development, differentiation and cell-cycle regulation. However, despite recent advances in sequencing capabilities and the emergence
of multiple databases, identifying lncRNAs of interest and characterizing their mechanisms of action remains a challenge. Often described as the “dark matter” of the cell, they can often be identified through tools such as next-generation sequencing, but their activity remains largely undetermined. In this presentation we will discuss the design and use of effective tools for studying lncRNA expression and function and present insight into many of the challenges to these experiments
II. “Authentication of Human Cell Lines Using STRs” Time: 11:00 – 11:45a.m.
Sponsor: DDC Medical Speaker: Dr. Michael L. Baird, CSO
For the past several decades, misidentification and contamination of human cell lines used for research and bioprocessing have caused untold damage in the scientific community. Recently, a committee of the Standards Development Organization of the ATCC published guidelines to establish a unique DNA signature for human cell lines using STR analysis that can be used for QA/QC. A brief background on STR DNA analysis will be presented as well as examples of CLA. In addition, a PCR based DNA test for the detection of Mycoplasma, a common bacterial contaminant found in cell culture, will be presented.
III. “The Science of Western Blotting - Proven Strategies to Optimize Your Western Blots” Time: 12:45 – 1:30 p.m.
Sponsor: EMD Millipore CorporationSpeaker: Joseph Kramer, Application Specialist
Western blotting is a cornerstone of protein research and is used extensively to detect and quantify proteins in complex mixtures. Optimization of reagent concentrations, materials and technique is key to successful blotting. Rethink Western blotting to take protein detection to new dimensions. The SNAP i.d. 2.0 unique vacuum-driven technology promotes
antigen binding and thorough washing, enabling you to better optimize your Western blotting conditions - in 30 minutes
or less.
IV.“LC/MS – Utilizing High Res Accurate Mass for Qualitative and Quantitative Applications” Time: 1:45 – 2:30 p.m.
Sponsor: Thermo Fisher ScientificSpeaker: Sean Bennett, Mass Spec. Specialist
Since its introduction in 2005, Orbitrap technology has advanced qualitative applications with its unsurpassed Resolving Power and Mass Accuracy. The Q Exactive is the latest innovation in Orbitrap technology extending these capabilities featuring QuanfirmationTM- the ability to identify, quantify and confirm using a single mass spectrometer. This talk will discuss basic operation along with examples of both qualitative and quantitative applications.
Seminar pre-registration suggested:
Continental breakfast at 9:30 A.M…Lunch at Noon... No charge for Seminars...40Supplier Exhibits…Please stop by!!
Questions?? Email: Mary Ann Prignon:
or Janice Brophy: janice