Lansdowne Borough Council Business Meeting December 2, 2015
Lansdowne Borough Council
Business Meeting
December 2, 2015
A public meeting regarding the CDBG project was held at 6:30 p.m. before the regularly scheduled Borough Council meeting. In attendance were Borough Manager Totaro and Borough Secretary Henry. Mr. Totaro opened the meeting and answered questions from the public. He explained that the CDBG program provides funding for specific projects in economically depressed areas. The Borough will be submitting an application for 2016 CDBG funding for the following sewer projects:
1. Primary project: Sanitary sewer rehabilitation between manhole's 297 and 299.
2. Secondary project: Sanitary sewer repairs between manhole's 286 and 142.
Business Meeting
The Lansdowne Borough Council Business Meeting was held on Wednesday, December 2, 2015, 7:00 p.m. at borough hall. Members present: President Schleigh, Mr. Aubrey, Ms. Byrne, Ms. English, Ms. James, Mr. Radich and Ms. Williams. Also in attendance: Mayor Campuzano, Borough Manager Totaro, Borough Secretary Henry, Borough Solicitor Scott and Police Chief Donegan. The Fire Company representative was absent.
Mayor Campuzano opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Mayor asked for a moment of silence in memory of two long time borough residents: (1) Amanda Joyce Vilar and (2) John Leach. They were well known and respected and will be missed.
Approval of Agenda: Ms. Byrne moved to approve the agenda. Mr. Aubrey seconded. Vote: unanimous.
Approval of Minutes: Ms. Byrne moved to approve the minutes of the November 4, 2015 meeting of Borough Council. Mr. Aubrey seconded. Vote: unanimous.
Public Comment – Mr. Aubrey moved to suspend Roberts Rules of Order to hear public comment. Ms. Byrne seconded. Vote: unanimous.
1. James Jackson - resident. Mr. Jackson asked for an explanation of action items 5 and 7 regarding the tax rate and TAN. President Schleigh indicated that the TAN is a Tax Anticipation Note wherein the borough borrows money from a bank in anticipation of tax revenues so that for the first quarter the borough has operating revenues. It is based on public bidding. The TAN is usually paid off in May or June.
Mr. Aubrey moved to resume Roberts Rules of Order. Ms. English seconded. Vote: unanimous.
Treasurer’s/Manager's Report: Mr. Totaro reported that he is working with the regional group regarding the street light program and mentioned it would be about a year before the lights arrive in Lansdowne. Mr. Totaro met with the auditors this week as well as Carlton Financial consultants. Carlton indicated that the borough's finances are in good shape. Mr. Totaro reported the projected 2016 tax year will end on a projected surplus of $100,000. The tax rate is 2.25%. Mr. Totaro explained that the tax rate of 2.25% is for a typical household with a median house assessment of $88,000. This would amount to an approximate increase of $26 per median household assessed at $88,000. The Sewer Fund is balanced and reflects a 2% increase. This results in a $7 increase for a typical household with a $348 sewer bill. The trash fee remains flat. President Schleigh commented that the sewer fees have been stabilized for a couple years but due to anticipated increased costs for the Darby Creek Joint Authority's increased superstructure cost going forward, the sewer fees had to be raised slightly. Mr. Radich commended Mr. Totaro for his work on balancing the budget, keeping the tax increase palatable for residents and the extra work that he took on due to Mr. Bartley's passing. The Mayor also congratulated Mr. Totaro and Mr. Radich's Committee and felt the budget was a fair one.
Solicitor’s Report – Mr. Scott had no formal report.
Chief of Police Report – Chief Donegan reported plans are underway for the 2nd annual Youth Police Academy. The Chief indicated he would like to suspend overnight parking enforcement over the forthcoming holiday period.
MOTION: Mr. Aubrey moved to suspend overnight parking restrictions for the period 12/18/15 to 1/4/16. Ms. Byrne seconded. Vote: unanimous.
The Chief mentioned the police department is investigating a few social media outlets as a way to get information to the residents in a timelier manner. The Chief reported that WSFS Bank was robbed last Friday morning and Wells Fargo Bank was robbed the next day. Three robbers were arrested without injuries and all the money was returned.
Fire Company Representative Report – No report was given.
Mayor’s report – Mayor Campuzano reported that last week's Small Business Day had been a huge success and thanked all who participated and gave support. The Mayor mentioned that he had decorated the light post and the train bridge prior to the event and asked for reimbursement of $248.60 for the garland. The Mayor noted that leaf pickup continues and residents should be patient in this regard. There has been a litter problem along Lansdowne Avenue and the Mayor has requested additional trash cans on the north side near the library and outside borough hall. The Jingle Judges will be out the week before Christmas to submit their choices for best residential and business holiday decorations. Awards will be given at the January General Meeting. The winter newsletter is completed.
The Mayor reported that he would like to pursue two ideas for next year: (1) have a yearly award given for arts and beautification efforts in the borough to individuals, civic organizations, businesses, etc. and call it "The Sycamore Award"; and (2) hold a town wide meeting (perhaps two a year) to hear residents' concerns and to provide them with important borough information and its vision for the future. Both President Schleigh and Mr. Aubrey mentioned that other towns have Mayor Forums and felt it would be a good idea for Lansdowne.
The Mayor announced he would be awarding the Helms Award to Jayne Young at the next Borough Council meeting. The Mayor will also be recognizing long time Lansdowne resident and lifelong fire company volunteer Robert Thompson, 92, at the same meeting. Mr. Thompson was a P.O.W. survivor in Germany during WWII and wrote a book about his experiences in the war, entitled "World War II Scrapbook".
President Schleigh commented that the Mayor should be reimbursed for his decorating costs.
MOTION: Mr. Radich moved to reimburse Mayor Campuzano $248.60 for holiday decorations. Ms. Byrne seconded. Vote: unanimous.
President’s Report – President Schleigh noted there will be a Reorganization meeting on January 4, 2016 at the 20th Century Club, 7:00 p.m. The meeting dates and schedule will remain the same for Borough Council meetings. Committee meeting schedules need to be advertised in two weeks.
1. Treasurer - Mr. Totaro opened a discussion about the code requirements for a new Borough Treasurer, noting that in the past the official functions were handled by either a Financial Director or part time Treasurer. Mr. Scott read the code requirements for a Treasurer: " receive all monies due to the borough, deposit them promptly, keep distinct and accurate accounts of all sums received from taxes and other sources, pay out monies only on the direction of Council, annually submit the accounts to the elected auditors, preserve account books and paper documents..." Ms. Williams asked if there was anything other than the signature requirement for Liquid Fuels that must be done only by a Treasurer. Mr. Scott commented that no Mayor or member of Council may serve as Borough Manager, Secretary or Treasurer. President Schleigh asked that Ellen Lustgarten, who currently provides financial services to the borough as a consultant, be contacted in this regard.
1. 2020 House - Ms. Williams reported she had been given a list of work items by the Arts Board regarding exterior maintenance and asked if there had been a plan in place for handling these expenses when the 2020 House was created. Current urgent needs include replacing the fascia, removing leaves off the front porch, installing a new porch light and repairing the toilet. Ms. Williams questioned if there was appropriate borough staff available to address these issues immediately. President Schleigh indicated that after the building was purchased, Mike Taylor of the Codes Department was brought in to make the necessary repairs and bring the building up to code. The Mayor commented that immediate repairs (like the toilet and light) would be done by borough personnel but the additional beautification items would be left to the borough manager's discretion. Ms. Williams indicated prior discussions were held with the Arts Board about how much money had already been spent on the building and they needed to prioritize their list of items. Ms. James commented that plans had been discussed for renting out the 2nd floor for office space and the first floor for small venues as a way to offset expenses. Mr. Aubrey noted that 2020 House is a borough building and it is not up to the Arts Board to decide on rental prospects. Solicitor Scott mentioned that the borough already leases out the 20th Century Club and 2020 House representative would have to bring their requests before Borough Council to set a price. Mr. Radich noted that monies generated by the 20th Century Club rentals go into the General Fund and is not specifically earmarked for any Board or interest group in the borough and any rental money from the 2020 House would be earmarked for a specific borough fund only. President Schleigh felt that renting the 2nd floor to a tenant such as the LEDC Elm Street program was plausible. Mr. Aubrey commented that the LEDC is not as focused on the arts as the borough would like for purposes of using the building. President Schleigh suggested that Arts Board Chair Megan Halsey attend the next Borough Council meeting to offer her insight and that the Economic and Code Development Committee should further investigate this issue and bring any recommendations to Borough Council.
Action Items:
1. Mr. Radich moved to authorize payment of bills for period. Ms. English seconded. Vote: unanimous.
2. Ms. James moved to reappoint Clare Hughes to the Arts Board for a 4-year term expiring 12/02/19. Mr. Aubrey seconded. Vote: unanimous.
3. Ms. James moved to reappoint Megan Halsey to the Arts Board for a 4-year term expiring 12/02/19. Mr. Aubrey seconded. Vote: unanimous.
4. Ms. Williams moved to advertise for bids for sanitary sewer work. Mr. Aubrey seconded. Vote: unanimous. Discussion: Solicitor Scott noted that there is a standing contract to get rates for time and materials for emergency calls but the current contractor can't get bonded. He has been informed that the borough is looking into using other contractors.
5. Mr. Radich moved to advertise Ordinance 1298, an Ordinance of the Borough of Lansdowne setting the tax rate for the year 2016. Ms. English seconded. Vote: unanimous.
6. Mr. Radich moved to advertise Ordinance 1299, an Ordinance of the Borough of Lansdowne to estimate the number of gallons of water expected to be consumed by persons whose properties are connected to the public sewers of the Borough for the year 2016 and to fix the sewer rental or charge applied to each property connected to the sewers. Ms. English seconded. Vote: unanimous.
7. Mr. Radich moved to award 2016 TAN Agreement to PNC bank. Ms. Byrne seconded. Vote: unanimous.
Executive Session - Mr. Radich moved to adjourn to executive session. Ms. Williams seconded. Vote: unanimous. The meeting adjourned to executive session at 8:00 p.m.
Public Session – Upon reconvening to public session, the following motions were made:
1. Ms. English moved to extend Michael Ammon a conditional offer of employment to the Lansdowne Police Department. Mr. Aubrey seconded. Vote: unanimous.
2. Ms. English moved to give Chief Donegan a bonus of $2,000 and Mr. Totaro a bonus of $3,000. Ms. Byrne seconded. The vote carried with a voice vote. Mr. Aubrey voted "nay".
Adjourn – Mr. Aubrey moved to adjourn the meeting. Ms. English seconded. Vote: unanimous. The meeting adjourned at 8:45p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Ann Henry
Borough Secretary
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