Create a VLog (Video blog). This is meant to demonstrate your learning and understanding of what we have explored over the last two weeks or so looking at Indigenous issues, colonialism, and how we relate to them as a country and as inidividuals.
In the Video Blog, you must answer/explore the following questions:
1. What who are you, and where you are from (E.g. My name Mr. Cho. I am from Terry Fox Secondary School, or My name is Ryan. I was born in Calgary, but now live in Port Coquitlam, etc.)
2. Why are you making this video (E.g. This video is the unit project for the First Nations issues section of my Social Justice 12 class here at Terry Fox)
3. Out of the things we have explored and discussed over the last few weeks (re: Indigenous and Settler topics, perspectives, and stories) what things have left the biggest impression, or had the biggest impact on you? Why?
4. What is your relationship to colonialism and Indigenous people in Canada?
5. What do you think we need to do to start us on the road to reconciliation with and justice for Indigenous peoples in Canada. Explain your answer.
Stage 1: Preplan your VLog with some outline notes. You will hand this draft into your teacher as a part of your assignment, and it will make up 25% of your grade. This can be emailed in a digital form, or given to Mr. Cho on paper.
Stage 2: Record your VLog. This can be done with a web camera, or a cell phone. Your VLog must:
1. Be 1-2 minutes in length. If you want to be longer, that is okay.
Stage 3: Email your VLog to your teacher at , (this can be either in a movie file, or via a link to a youtube upload) or give it to him on a USB drive.
Due date: This assignment is to Mr. Cho by the end of class on Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Intention: After the assignment, there may be a desire to share some of the best projects with the school district (to be put on the school district YouTube channel), or to possibly spice several videos into a class compilation. Nothing will be shared without your explicit written permission, and students with videos that we might have an interest in including will be approached individually to ask for permission.
Mr. Cho
Social Justice 12 - Rubric
Student’s Name: ______Block: ____D___
Date: ______Assessment: ( / 16)
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