Northern High Chorus 2017-2018

Mr. Joshua Gresko

As a member of one of the major performance choirs at Northern High School, each student will be required to apply himself or herself in the area of vocal music. Emphasis will be placed on the preparation of music and other areas that will be covered as well include: Teamwork, Professionalism, Music Theory, Melodic and Rhythmic Sight Reading, Ear Training, Music History, Music Vocabulary, Vocal Production. Students will be evaluated on a regular basis through written and vocal exams.

Event Calendar: Dates for the entire school year are available on

Materials: A uniform upkeep fee of $5.00 will be required at the beginning of the year to maintain our uniforms. All students are expected to bring a pencil daily and keep a sturdy folder to contain choral music loaned to them and will count as part of their daily participation grade. Failure to return original copies of pieces will result in a fine to cover the cost of the music.

Attendance: Attendance is mandatory for all performances and rehearsals.

Grading Policy for Choral Groups

Grading will be based on two general components:

1.  Performances: 30% This includes concerts, rehearsals and other public performance events

Quizzes and Written Work: In-class sight-reading exams and quartet tests, worksheets, written compositions, listening assignments and homework.

2.  Participation and Preparation: 70% Students will receive a daily participation and preparation grade up to 5 points each day. Please refer to the attached Participation Rubric for specifics. In addition, students’ participation grade will reflect their efforts put forth into their daily chorus class.

The final exam will be divided into two sections:

·  Section I (50%) will consist of a short vocal excerpt and sight-reading example to be sung for Mr. Gresko.

·  Section II (50%) will consist of a 100 point written exam. The contents will be derived from the music areas written above.

Performance Dress:

Women – Concert Dress Provided by Mr. Gresko except Black Shoes

Men - Black belt, black socks, black dress shoes, black dress pants, white dress shirt.

Daily Participation Rubric

5 – Student is prepared for class with music and pencil and is in assigned seat when the bell rings. Student actively prepares and vocalizes the melodic and/or rhythmic sight-singing exercises. Student is focused on the mind, body, and singing apparatus and will have eliminated all other distractions and or hindrances. Student is actively working through listening, watching, concentration, and preparation of the given task. Student shows superior discipline, direction, and devotion toward the task at hand and the ensemble.

4 – Student is not prepared for class with music and pencil but is in assigned seat when the bell rings. Student prepares and vocalizes the melodic and/or rhythmic sight-singing activities. Student is focused on the mind, body and singing apparatus and will have eliminated all other distractions and or hindrances. Student is working through listening and watching, but may not be concentrating on the preparation of the given task. Student may show a high level of discipline, direction, and devotion toward the task at hand and the ensemble.

3 – Student is not prepared for class with music and pencil and is not in assigned seat when the bell rings. Student prepares and vocalizes the melodic and/or rhythmic sight-singing activities but may not be highly focused on the mind, body or singing apparatus because of some distraction or hindrance. Student is not working through listening and watching, but may not be concentrating on the preparation of the given task. Student may show discipline but may be lacking in direction and devotion toward the task at hand and/or the ensemble.

2 – Student is not prepared for class with music and pencil and/or is not in assigned seat when the bell rings. Student may not prepare but vocalizes the melodic and/or rhythmic sight-singing activities and may not be focused on the mind, body or singing apparatus because of some distraction or hindrance. Student is working through listening and watching but may not be concentrating on the preparation of the given task. Student may show a lack of discipline, direction and/or devotion toward the task at hand and/or the ensemble.

1 – Student is not prepared for class with music and pencil and/or is not in assigned seat when the bell rings. Student may not prepare or vocalize the melodic and/or rhythmic sight-singing activities and may not be focused because of some distraction or hindrance. Student may not be working on the preparation of the given task. Student may show a lack of discipline, direction, and/or devotion toward the task at hand and/or the ensemble.

Extra Opportunities available to NHS Chorus Students

Junior All State Chorus

Junior All State Chorus is an auditioned chorus comprised of the best 160 singers in grades 7-9 in the state of Maryland. At the audition, students must sing two prepared selections (one accompanied, one unaccompanied), and sight read both melodic and rhythmic examples. All rehearsals and the concert will take place over the course of one weekend in Hagerstown, MD in early March. (Students will stay overnight.) Mr. Gresko will post dates and times that he is available to work with individuals to prepare for the November audition.

Senior All State Chorus

The Senior All State Choruses (Mixed and Women’s) are auditioned choruses comprised of the best singers in grades 10-12 in the state of Maryland. At the audition, students must sing two prepared selections (one accompanied, one unaccompanied), and sight read both melodic and rhythmic examples. All rehearsals and the concert will take place over the course of one weekend in Baltimore, MD in late February. (Students will stay overnight.) Mr. Gresko will post times that he is available to work with individuals to prepare for the November audition.

Tri County Chorus

The Tri County Chorus is an auditioned chorus comprised of the best singers in Calvert, Charles, and St. Mary’s counties in grades 9-12. At the audition, students must sing one prepared selection and sight read both melodic and rhythmic examples. All rehearsals and the concert will take place at the Mary Harrison Center in late January and early February. Mr. Gresko will post dates and times that he is available to work with individuals to prepare for the December audition.

All County Chorus

The CCPS All County Chorus is a chorus comprised of singers from each of the four high schools in Calvert County. All rehearsals and the concert will take place in November.

Solo and Ensemble Festival

The Solo and Ensemble festival is a unique opportunity for students to receive adjudication on their performances as soloists or as members of a small ensemble. Students must perform a musical selection that is on the approved list. Mr. Gresko will be available to assist students in selecting and preparing their songs. Students who earn a Superior rating at the county Solo and Ensemble festival in March qualify to perform at the state Solo and Ensemble festival in May.

Detach and Return by September 15, 2017


Signature of Acknowledgement- Chorus

By signing below you and your Guardian acknowledge that you have read the above statements and fully understand them. You are also aware that by signing you are responsible for any music destroyed or lost during the school year. Detach and return to Mr. Gresko by September 15, 2017. Checks for the $5.00 dollar uniform upkeep fee should be made out to Northern High School.

Name (printed)______



Guardian Mailing Address______

Guardian Phone Number______

Guardian Email Address______


Student Signature Date


Guardian Signature Date