Title: Community Police (Officer-in-Charge)

Stream: Legal


Department: Legal Services

Reports to: Manager Community Police

This Position Description will be subject to annual review through the performance appraisal process.

Torres Strait Island Regional Council Position Description Community Police Officer-in-Charge


1.1  Within Organisation

·  Organise & supervise Divisional Community Police Officer(s).

·  Responsible for the efficient and effective community police presence in the Torres Strait Island Division for the local government area.

·  Liaison with the local government’s Manager Community Police in the performance of duties.

1.2  Within Department

·  Provide timely & informative reports in relation to law and order within the local government area Division to the Manager Community Police.

·  To engage in compliant community police practices in the implementation and pursuit of law and order in the Division for the local government area.


2.1  Skills

·  Well developed Supervisory skills

·  High level communication skills (both written and oral)

·  Strong organisational skills.

·  Excellent interpersonal and team leadership skills.

·  Time management skills.

·  Conflict resolution and negotiation skills.

·  Interviewing skills.

·  Computer literacy.

·  Law enforcement skills.

2.2  Knowledge

·  Knowledge of relevant legislation and law applicable to the local government, particularly in relation to community policing and acting as an Authorised Person under Local Government Acts.

·  Knowledge of police practices and procedures.

·  Knowledge of Local Government procedures and processes relevant to this role.

·  Knowledge of Local Government Local Laws and enforcement.

2.3  Experience and/or Qualifications

·  Demonstrated knowledge and experience of working as a Community Police Officer, or similar level, within an Indigenous community.

·  A sound understanding of cultural and social issues within the Torres Strait local government area and/or Indigenous inhabited areas.

·  An understanding or the ability to gain an understanding of pertinent

legislation and legislative requirements.

·  Demonstrated experience in conflict resolution at a law enforcement or similar establishment.

·  A current Queensland driver’s licence.



1 Provision of proactive, accurate, lawful, ethical, effective, responsible, strategic and timely advice, reporting, representation, investigation, assessment, management, and service delivery in accordance with the Local Government Principles set out in the Local Government Act 2009 (Qld).

2 Effective monitoring and reporting of reportable developments affecting Council and community pertaining to and measurable against areas and scope of responsibility.

3 Development and maintenance of a performance, respect, culturally and circumstantially-sensitive, supportive and professional culture.

4 Effective operation within budgetary constraints.

5 Development, implementation and maintenance of effective and proactive staff recruitment, training, management and retention strategies.


·  Undertake the duties of Officer-in-Charge of Divisional Community Police Officers for the local government area.

·  Undertake the duties of an Authorised Person under Local Government Acts for the division for the local government area.

·  Attend to incidents that require police attention in the community.

·  Provide incident reports to the Queensland Police Service and where applicable, to the Manager Community Police.

·  Advise Council and Manager of Community Police of problems and incidents occurring in the community that require police attention.

·  Maintain confidentiality where appropriate.

·  Maintain a high level of personal integrity.

·  Provide assistance to the Queensland Police Service as requested.

·  Contribute and participate in local initiatives aimed at crime prevention.

·  Compile & implement rosters for divisional Community Police Officers.

·  Ensure that community Local Laws are being adhered to.

·  Participate in Community Police Officer training, with State Police, as required.

·  Provide written reports as directed to Manager Community Police.

·  Perform mobile and foot patrols.

·  Assist State Police and Council with school lectures and talks with community groups on crime prevention.

·  Assist staff at the local Health Centre when required.

·  Work collaboratively with local Council staff and provide police assistance with community events and activities.

·  Assist local school personnel regarding truancy.


4.1  This position reports to:

·  Manager Community Police

4.2  This position is directly responsible for the supervision of:

·  Divisional Community Police Officers

4.3  Internal Liaisons

·  Manager Community Police

·  Divisional Manager

·  Chief Legal Officer

·  Councillor

·  All other Council staff.

4.4  External Liaisons

·  Queensland Police Service

·  Public

·  Statutory Authorities

·  Other enforcement personnel and bodies


·  This position reports to the Manager Community Police


6.1  Essential

SC1 Demonstrated supervisory & organisational abilities

SC2 Demonstrated knowledge and experience of working as a Community Police Officer, or similar level, within an Indigenous community

SC3 A sound understanding of cultural and social issues within the Torres Strait Island and/or Indigenous inhabited areas

SC4 A high standard of personal integrity

SC5 An understanding or the ability to gain an understanding of pertinent legislation and legislative requirements

SC6 Demonstrated experience in conflict resolution at a law enforcement or similar establishment

SC7 Ability to demonstrate a high level of communication skills (both written and oral)

SC8 Ability to interpret situations and implement appropriate action

SC9 Ability to maintain effective performance under adverse conditions

SC10 Be able to have discretion, tact, constructive reasoning and adherence to authority

SC11 The ability to establish good working relationships with Council, local Island services, government personnel and community members

SC12 Four years satisfactory experience as a Community Police Officer

SC13 Hold a positive notice blue card from the Commission for Children and Young People and Child Guardian or eligibility to apply and obtain a positive notice blue card from the Commission.

6.2  Desirable

DSC1 Previous Law enforcement experience

DSC2 Previous managerial or supervisory experience


Prepared By: / Chief Executive Officer
Executive Manager Human Resources / Date Issued:
Current Incumbent / Date Commenced:
Current Incumbent Sign:
Reviewed By: / Date:

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