Nomination for the Bronze Pelican Award
Diocese of Savannah, Georgia
Nominee Name
City State Zip
Phone () -
Is the nominee Catholic? Y/N (note: nominees need not be Catholic)
Nominee’s primary registered position in the Boy Scouts of America:
Person making nomination:
City State Zip
Phone ()-
Note: the award and certificate will be mailed to the person making the nomination unless otherwise requested.
Reason for nomination (check all that apply)
Instrumental in starting a new and successful Scouting unit under Catholic auspices
Notable service as Catholic Religious Emblems counselor/facilitator/moderator
Notable service as Religious Emblems Coordinator for a Scouting unit under Catholic auspices
Notable service as unit/district/council Chaplain (note: only priests & deacons are qualified to be Chaplains)
__ Instrumental in providing opportunities for Catholic Scouts to attend Mass at camporees, summer camp and similar events
Instrumental in encouraging Catholic Scouts in non-Catholic units to earn their religious emblems
Notable service publicizing and encouraging membership in the Boy Scouts of America within the Diocese of Savannah
Coordinating Scout Sunday observances within the local Catholic parish
Instrumental in facilitating a unit earning the Pope Paul VI Unit Award
Recognition for reasons other than the above suggestions is strongly encouraged!
At a minimum, one letter-of-recommendation
from someone other than the person making this nomination
must be included (see guideline instructions)
Please attach additional typed pages explaining how this nominee has exhibited
outstanding service to Catholic Scouting in the Diocese of Savannah,
and therefore deserves the Bronze Pelican recognition.
Signature of person making nomination
Please save, then print two copies of this completed nomination and
e-mail one copy with all supporting documentation to:
Kim Nott:
Updated: February 21, 2017 (previous editions of this nomination should not be used)
Guidelines for the Bronze Pelican Award:
v The Award will be presented for outstanding service to Catholic Scouting in the Diocese of Savannah, regardless of the nominee’s own religion or the Chartered Organization, but not for service to Scouting in general, service to the Church other than Scouting, or service to youth organizations other than the Boy Scouts of America.
v All deserving & qualified nominees will be awarded the Bronze Pelican. There is no annual or geographical limit to the number of awards.
v Awards will be presented based on merit and not for tenure alone.
v Nominees must exhibit service above and beyond the normal expectations of their Scouting positions.
v Letters-of-Recommendation from Scouts, other Scouters, clergy (especially the local pastor), Grand Knights, and others with a knowledge of the nominee’s service will enhance the likelihood that the award will be approved, and are strongly encouraged. At least one such letter must be included.
v Nominees must be registered adult members of the Boy Scouts of America (either 18 or 21 depending on the registered position).
v The Bronze Pelican Award recognition is completely separate from the Saint George Awards (Gold & Silver). One need not have one to receive the other, and likewise, receipt of one does not disqualify a nominee for the other. However, previous recipients of the Bronze Pelican from the Diocese of Savannah are not eligible.
v The Bronze Pelican will be awarded at the Scout Convocation, deadline to receive the Bronze Pelican is April 10th.
v The emblem and certificate will be presented by the Bishop at the Scout Convocation. It is not appropriate to nominate oneself or ones spouse.
v The Bronze Pelican will not be approved for service as an adult leader in Scouting, as such; even if the unit is under Catholic auspices, members are mostly Catholic, or the nominee is Catholic. It will only be approved for service that is above-and-beyond the normal expectations of the nominee’s position in Scouting, and that service is specifically to further Catholic Scouting in the Diocese of Savannah.
v The award will not be approved as a “retirement” award, nor to recognize one who is leaving Scouting or moving to a new unit or location, if that is the primary reason for the nomination.
v Since this award will not be approved for service to the Church other than within the Boy Scouts of America, information about the nominees participation in the Church’s other Apostolates (reader, usher, youth group, etc.) should not be included, as this might give the appearance that the nomination is being made for such service. The same applies to service to other organizations. In other words, only the nominees contribution to Catholic Scouting should be referenced.
v Please do not inform the nominee until the Award has been officially approved.