Required Materials

*Textbook: The Paschal Mystery: Christ’s Mission of Salvation by Brian Singer-Towns

*Bible: The New American Bible Revised edition

*Notebook - Spiral Notebook for class notes. The notebook must not contain any other notes except for this class.

*Pocket folder: for handouts and graded homework, if no pocket dividers in notebook

*Loose-Leaf paper: for homework assignments

*Blue or black ink pen: all assignments must be done in blue or black ink

*Indicates items which need to be brought to class each day

Course Objective

The purpose of this course is to help students understand all that God has done for us through his Son, Jesus Christ. Through this course of study, students will learn that for all eternity, God has planned for us to share eternal happiness with him, which is accomplished through the redemption Christ won for us. Students will learn that they share in this redemption only in and through Jesus Christ. They will also be introduced to what it means to be a disciple of Christ and what life as a disciple entails.


Your quarter grade for this course will be calculated according to the following:




Note: Missing homework assignments can drastically hurt your grade. It is your responsibility to turn in your homework when it is due!!!

Class Participation is an integral part of this class as it enables one to learn from peers, helps one to analyze differing views and enables one to articulate their own thoughts. The student must participate regularly and appropriately (i.e., student participates more than once per day, stays on task and doesn’t try to divert the discussion to his/her own agenda. ) A student at this level is one who can always be counted on to add to the discussion. They must also be consistent in turning in their work, note taking, and being on time.

Tests/ Quizzes or other end of chapter assessment will be given weekly.

Semester grades will be calculated as follows:

40% of the 1st quarter40% of the 2nd quarter20% final exam

Class Policy

  1. 25% will be taken off the student’s grade each day an assignment is late. No late assignments will be accepted after the assignment had been returned. If you hand in your paper at the end of class instead of the beginning, it is considered late.
  2. The student is responsible for making up assignments and tests due to absences. The student may see the teacher after class, rely on the buddy system, or check my teacher page where all assignments are posted. One day of make up time will be given for each day of missed class. In case of prolonged absence, the student and teacher will determine a reasonable schedule to make up the work. Tests and quizzes will be made up the day the student returns to class. If you miss the day before a test or quiz, expect to take the quiz or test when you return.
  3. Cheating. Anyone who is caught cheating will receive a zero on the test or assignment. The student’s parent(s) will be notified and the consequences listed in the Student Handbook will be followed.
  4. Homework from other classes should not be done during this time. It will be taken away. The student may retrieve his/her work at the end of the day.
  5. The student must be respectful at all time both in his/her actions, behavior, and speech.
  6. The rules in the Student Handbook will be followed for tardies and other violations.

Class Expectations

  1. Raise your hand to speak unless otherwise noted by the teacher.
  2. Respect your teacher and fellow classmates at all times.
  3. Be on time and in your seat when the bell rings or you will be counted as late.
  4. Follow all school rules as stated in the Student Handbook.
  5. The student must come prepared for class. i.e. completed homework, text, Bible, pen, etc…

Violation of Class Expectations

1st violation: Verbal warning

2nd violation: An after school discussion with the teacher

3rd violation: A formal teacher/student conference, i.e. detention and a phone call home to your parent(s).

4th violation: Teacher contacts and/or meets with parent(s) and the student serves a morning detention with the Dean of Students.

5th violation: See Student Handbook for further consequences.