William Bobbett, will 1582
FHL Microfilm 94910
1. In the name of God amen
2. the fourteen daye of June in the fower and
3. twentie yere of the Raygne of our Sovereigne
4. Ladye Elizabeth by the grace of god of England
5. France and Irelande Quene defender of
6. the faythe etc. I Willm Bobbett
7. of Groundishbroughe in the Countie of Suff
8. and the dioces of Norwiche beinge sycke in
9. bodie but of perfecte Remembrance, doe
10. ordayne and make my Laste will & Testamente
11. in manner and forme followeing. First I
12. bequeathe and betake my sowle unto the
13. handes of Almightie god hopinge onelie to
14. be saved by the mercyes of Jhesus Christe
15. my redeemer, And my bodie to be buryed in
16. the churchyarde of Groundisburghe after the
17. manner of Chrystean menn. Item I will and
18. bequeathe unto Katheryn my wiefe all my
19. house and houses in Groundisburghe where I
20. nowe dwell with the Appurtenance wthall
21. the Landes thereto belonginge Lyeinge or
22. beinge within the Townes of Groundisburghe
23. or Bourghe unto the full terme & space
24. that my sonne John shall come to the age
25. of one and twentie yeres, upon this
26. condicon that shee brynge uppe and kepe my
27. children honestlie and well. And yf it shall
28. happen my sonne John to departe this liefe
29. before he come to the saide terme of one and
30. twentie yeres, Then I will that Katherine
31. my wiefe shall enioye it unto suche tyme as the
32. saide terme of one and twentie yeres after and
33. from her entrie be fullie completed & ended
34. Item I give to my sonne John to him and his
35. heyres for ever all my houses and Landes
36. Lyeing in Burghe or Goundisburghe to
37. enter the same at suche tyme as he shalle
38. at the age of one and twentie yeres Item
39. I will and give unto my Daughter Dorothie
40. fyve poundes of good and Lawfull money
41. to be payd her by my sonne John oute of
42. my Landes at suche tyme as she shall come
43. to the age of one and twentie yeres,
44. Item I give to Dorothie one good milche cowe
45. to be delive[r]ed unto her when she Cometh
46. to the age of Sixtene yeres by the hannde
47. of my Executors. Item I give & bequeathe
48. unto Alice my Daughter the some of fyve
49. poundes of good and Lawfull money to be
50. payde by John my sonne oute of my Lannde
51. at suche tyme as shee shall come to the
52. age of one and twentie yeres, Item I give
53. to her one good milche cowe to be delive[r]ed
54. her at the age of sixteen yeres, by the hande
55. of my Executors, And I will that if eyther
56. of them departe this liefe the other shall
57. have her portion, Item I will that Kathrine
58. my wiefe shall kepe and mayntene my
59. house in Sufficiente reparacens Duringe
60. all her terme before specified withoute makinge
61. Stryppe or waste, Item I give unto Katherine
62. my wiefe all the reste of my moveable goodes not
63. before bequeathed towards the brynginge upp of
64. my children, And I doe make Executors of
65. this my Laste Will and Testament, Katherine
66. my wiefe and John [Lynnden] desyreinge them
67. to receave my debtes and paye my debtes.
68. And I make Roberte Stebinge Supervisor to
69. this my Will and Testamente, And I will
70. that Katherine my wife shall [dutee] bonde
71. sufficient unto John Lynnden to s[un]e him
72. harmeles concerninge theise Legacyes, And
73. also in Tenne poundes for the Accomplishment
74. and fulfillinge of this my Laste Will to
75. Roberte Stebbinge Wytnes hereunto,
76. Lanncelott D[in]inge John Smithe and
77. Nicholas Brooke
Probated by Katherine Bobbett and John Lynnden on 4 August 1582.