Monitoring Program Sampling Locations
Site name / Code / General Location / Site ClassificationArroyo Burro (AB) Watershed
AB Surf / Surf zone 50m west of estuary mouth / Assessment (AB Estuary Restoration)
AB Estuary (Mouth, Mid, and
Upper) / ABL / Estuary mouth / Assessment (AB Estuary Restoration)
Mesa Creek (Above and
Below Culvert) / MAC / Mesa Creek above Arroyo Burro Estuary / Assessment (AB Estuary Restoration)
AB 1850 / AB 1850 / Arroyo Burro at Cliff Drive / Downstream Integrator*, Assessment (AB Estuary restoration)
AB Puertosuello / Arroyo Burro downstream of Puertosuello St.
AB Below LPC / Arroyo Burro below confluence with Las Positas Creek
LPC Above LPC / Las Positas Creek above confluence with Arroyo Burro
LPC Head / LPC / Las Positas Creek at Modoc Rd. / Assessment (Las Positas Stormwater Mgt. Project)
AB Above LPC / Arroyo Burro above confluence with Las Positas
AB Valle Verde / AB Creek at Torino Rd. / Midstream Integrator
AB Below SRCe / ABH / AB Creek below Hope Ave. / Assessment (Hope Diversion)
Hope Drain / Drain below Hope Ave. / Commercial Indicator, Assessment (Hope Diversion)
SRC Above AB / San Roque Creek above confluence with Arroyo Burro
AB Above SRC / Arroyo Burro above confluence with San Roque Creek
Jesusita / Jesusita Creek at Jesusita Trail / Upper Watershed Indicator
AB Barger / Arroyo Burro at Barger Canyon / Upper Watershed Indicator
Lighthouse Watershed
Lighthouse Creek / La Mesa Park / Downstream Integrator
Honda Watershed
Honda Creek / Honda Creek at SBCC / Downstream Integrator
Mission Creek (MC) Watershed
MC Lagoon / Mouth of Lagoon at E. Beach / Integrator Mission and Laguna watersheds combined
MC 2800 / MC 2800 / Mission at Montecito Street / Downstream Integrator
MC @ Guttierez / Mission Creek at Guttierez St. / Assessment (Haley Diversion)
HLDa / Haley Drain above Filter / Commercial Indicator, Assessment (Haley Filter and Diversion)
HLDb / Haley Drain below Filter / Commercial Indicator, Assessment (Haley Filter and Diversion)
Carrillo Drain / Mission Creek at Carrillo Street / Commercial Indicator, Assessment (Haley Filter and Diversion)
OMC @ Anapamu / OMC / Old Mission Creek (OMC) at West Anapamu Street / Residential Indicator, Assessment (OMC Restoration at Bohnett Park, Planned restoration at W. Figueroa)
West Side Drain / WSD / Drain to OMC at West Victoria / Residential Indicator, Assessment (OMC Restoration at Bohnett Park)
San Pasqual Drain / SPD / Drain to OMC above bioswale / Residential Indicator, Assessment (OMC Restoration at Bohnett Park)
Victoria Drain / VCD / Drain to MC at Victoria Ave. / Past sampling site
Serena Drain / SRD / Drain to Mission Creek at Serena St. / Commercial Indicator
Mission Canyon / Mission Canyon Rd. / Upper Watershed Integrator
Rattlesnake / Rattlesnake Creeks at Las Canoas Rd. / Upper Watershed Indicator
Laguna Watershed
LC @ Chase Palm / Laguna Channel at Chase Palm Park / Downstream Integrator, completely developed watershed
Milpas Drainage Area
Milpas Drain / MLD / Drain to East Beach below Milpas Street. / Indicator site
Sycamore Watershed
SC 1645 / Sycamore Creek at Railroad Br. / Downstream Integrator
Cacique / Sycamore Creek at Cacique St. / Midstream Integrator
APS / Sycamore Creek at Montecito St. round-about / Midstream Integrator
Stanwood / Creek below Stanwood Dr. / Upper Watershed Integrator
Figure 1. Locations and frequencies sampled currently for routine watershed assessment.
Figure 2. Storm Sampling Locations