Hart County Water & Sewer Authority
Board of Directors Called Meeting May 29, 2014
The Hart County Water and Sewer Authority met May 29, 2014, in the Hart County Cooperative Extension Services Building. Chairman Hugh Holland called the meeting to order at 11:10 am with Member Mike MacNabb, Member Wade Carlton, Member Larry Haley, Member Jerry Cannady, Director Pat Goran, Legal Counsel Walter Gordon, and Secretary/Treasurer Kathy Breffle present. Also present was Lake Morris of The Hartwell Sun.
Old Business
Waterline options to address sinkhole on Reed Creek Highway
Mr. Goran updated the Board that he had met with GDOT and the other utilities and that another meeting was scheduled for Friday, May 30, 2014 at GDOT’s office in Carnesville, GA to finalize the plans for the relocation of all the utilities.
The Board discussed the advantages and disadvantages with Option A-Temporary waterline. The Board also discussed the advantages of Option C-Permanent waterline installation. Mr. Goran stated that the updated prices were based on Arrowood General Contracting, Inc. honoring their prices from the Nancy Hart School Rd contract. Mr. Haley made a motion to proceed with Option A-Temporary waterline. After some discussion, Mr. Holland seconded it. The Board discussed the possibility of additional funding from GDOT, and Mr. Carlton made a motion to table Mr. Haley’s motion and Mr. MacNabb seconded it. The motion passed 5-0. Mr. Cannady made a motion to pursue Option C-Permanent waterline installation to ensure current customers have continuous water service and fire protection provided GDOT contributes at least $200,000 toward the total project cost of approximately $306,000. Mr. Carlton seconded the motion. The motion passed 4-1 with Mr. Haley opposed.
Public Comments
Mr. Carlton made a motion to adjourn and Mr. MacNabb seconded it. The motion passed 5-0.
Hugh Holland, Chairman Kathy Breffle, Secretary/Treasurer