Seminole State
Associate in Science
in Business (203)
Self Study
Submitted to
OklahomaState Regents for Higher Education by
SSC’s Business & Information Systems Division
December 2008
Table of Contents, Tables and Diagrams
Criterion 1: Degree Requirements
Criterion 2: Graduates
Table 1
Table 2
Table 3
Table 4
Table 5
Table 6
Table 7
Table 8
Criterion 3: Program Outcomes
Criterion 4: Institutional Ethics
Criterion 5: Advisory Panels
Criterion 6: Staffing
Criterion 7: Media and Materials
Table 9
Criterion 8: Supplies and Equipment
Table 10
Diagram 1
Criterion 9: Instructional Space and Facilities
Table 11
Criterion 10: Faculty
Table 12
Table 13
Criterion 11: Internal Program Evaluation
Table 14
Table 15
Table 16
Table 17
Criterion 12: Recruitment and Admission
Table 18
Table 19
Table 20
Criterion 13: Research and Evaluation
Criterion 14: Guidance and Counseling
Criterion 15: Transfer Guidance
Criterion 16: Student Progress
Criterion 17: Complaint Procedure
Program Strengths and Challenges
Division Chair Note: the following document is the College’s response to the Associate of Sciencefor Businessdegree program evaluation criteria for the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher
Criterion 1: Degree Requirements
The Associate in Science for Business (ASB) degree program is offered by the Business & Information Systems (BIS) Division of Seminole State College (SSC). Specific program objectives discussed in detail under Criterion Section 3 support the overall purpose of the degree program. The ASB degree program is consistent with the College’s publicly stated mission statement as shown in the paragraph below.
SSC is a two-year public college authorized by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education to offer courses, provide programs, and confer associate degrees. Seminole State has the primary responsibility of providing post-secondary educational programs to residents of Hughes, Lincoln, Okfuskee, Seminole, and Pottawatomie counties in east central Oklahoma. The College exists to enhance the capabilities of individuals to achieve their goals for personal development by providing quality learning experiences and services that respond to diverse individual and community needs in a changing global society. Seminole State College prepares students to continue their education beyond the two-year level, trains students for careers and other educational opportunities, and makes available resources and services designed to benefit students and the community at large.” (SSC 2008-2010 College Catalog, p. 5)
Exceeding the minimum 60 semester credit-hour standard set by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education (OSRHE), the Associate in Science forBusiness degree program requires completion of 62 credit hours.Of those 62 hours, 40 are general education requirements, 1-3 are freshmen orientation courses, 15 are major field recommendation courses and 3-6 hours are electives. In accordance with the 40 credit hour general education OSRHE requirements, the degree requires:
- 3 credit hours American National Government (GOV 1113)
- 3 credit hours American History Survey (HIST 1483 or 1493)
- 6 credit hours English (ENG 1113 and ENG 1213)
- 6 credit hours Humanities (any class designated as Humanities)
- 3 credit hours Math (Any college-level Mathematics)
- 2 credit hours Wellness and Human development (HYPER 1012)
- 8 credit hours Science (One Life Science with lab and One Physical Science with lab)
- 3 credit hours Introduction to Communication (SPCH 1143)
- 6 credit hours are required electives to be selected from Fine Arts, World Environment, Behavior Science, or Accounting, Business, and or Computer Science
SSC requires freshmen to take a college preparatory course.
- First Year Success 1-3 credit hours (SOC 1101 or SOC 1003)
The 15 credit hours of major field recommendations include the following courses:
- ACCT 2033 Financial Accounting
- ACCT 2123 Managerial Accounting
- BA 2113 Macroeconomics
- BA 2213Microeconomics
- BA 2253Business Statistics
The 3-6 credit hours of electives may be chosen from the following courses:
- BA 1123Introduction to Business
- BA 2123Small Business Management
- BA 2233 Business Communications
- BA 2243Personal Finance
- BA 2403Principles of Business Management
The ASB degree requirements are publicly stated in the SSC Catalog. Degree plan documents are utilized by the College’s academic advisors and B & IS facultyto guide students into appropriate course. Student transcripts and degree checklists are utilized by Admissions and Records personnel to verify achievement of degree requirements and academic progress.
Criterion 2: Graduates
Feedback relating to graduate’s competency and relevance of instruction is obtained from receiving institutions, graduates and area employers. This valuable input is obtained both systematically and formally through the transfer data reports, Graduate Opinion Surveys, B & IS Division Advisory Committee,and by means of faculty communications with employers and both former and current students throughout the year. Clearly, the number of graduates and students enrolled during the last five years validate the need in SSC’s service area for the program.
Graduate Opinion Survey
The SSC Graduate Opinion Survey is conducted annually through the office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Information gained from the survey is tabulated by the Assessment Coordinator and made available in the Graduate Opinion Survey Report.The survey is usedto assess what the college is doing in regard to providing a quality educational experience for its students. The survey gathers data concerning the learning experience at SSC from its most recent graduates. These are the students who graduated with an Associate Degree at the completion of the Fall, Spring, May, Summer term of the previous academic year. It also provides students an opportunity to give feedback by making observations and suggestions they believe will help the College in its mission.
Respondents provide information regarding major areas of study, financial aid status, enrollment status, and employment status while attending SSC. In addition, the current employment and income status are addressed. Furthermore, graduates who are continuing educational programs provide information about their transfer institution, major, and degree expectations. Once all data have been collected and analyzed, the Assessment of Student Learning Coordinator prepares a summary report for campus distribution. As part of its responsibilities, the Assessment of Student Learning Committee reviews the survey process and decided to develop an online survey to replace the existing process. The Committee agreed to retain the basic format of the survey and to begin the online process with the 2004-2005 survey. (SSC Academic Assessment Plan FY 09)
Transfer Reports from Four-Year Institutions
Transfer reports from the primary receiving institutions--East Central University, the University of Central Oklahoma, Oklahoma University, and Oklahoma State University - provide GPAs of students who transfer from SSC. In addition, Northeastern State University has provided reports. We expect our students to maintain similar GPAs upon transfer as they attained at SSC.
For several years, these reports were received at least once each academic year. However, since Spring 2004 they have not been received on a regular basis which has made it difficult to track recent graduates. On the other hand, in 2003-2004, Northeastern State University began to provide information for students declaring majors, with the latest data for Spring 2007.
In the past, slight drops were recorded in the GPAs of students who transferred to primary receiving baccalaureate degree granting institutions. The tables below indicate that this is still the situation for most of the transfers. The exceptions are for Fall 2005 at NSU and OU and for Spring 2006 at ECU.
Fall 2005 (OSRHE)Institution / Average / Average / Increase/
SSC GPA / CGPA / Decrease
ECU / 3.12 / 3.09 / -0.03
NSU / 2.88 / 2.99 / 0.11
OSU / 3.63 / 3.32 / -0.31
OU / 3.16 / 3.17 / 0.01
Rogers / 3.69 / 3.6 / -0.09
UCO / 3.22 / 3.13 / -0.09
Table 1
Spring 2006 (OSRHE)Institution / Average / Average / Increase/
SSC GPA / CGPA / Decrease
ECU / 3.04 / 3.17 / 0.13
OSU / 4 / 2 / -2
OU / 3.36 / 2.95 / -0.41
St Greg / 3.42 / 3 / -0.42
UCO / 3.02 / 2.83 / -0.19
Table 2
Recently, Oklahoma University sent a summary of data for Fall 2002 through Fall 2006. It reported GPA’s for three categories—Freshmen Transfers, Sophomore Transfers, and Junior/Senior Transfers—and compared them to OU returning students. The tables below show the data:
Freshmen TransfersFall / No. / Transfer
GPA / Spring
2002 / 1 / 3.50 / 1.50 / 2.41
2003 / 1 / 3.56 / 1.58 / 2.08
2004 / 1 / 3.33 / 1.80 / 2.26
2005 / 1 / 3.20 / 1.59 / 2.34
2006 / 1 / 4.00 / 3.76 / 2.35
Table 3
Sophomore TransfersFall / No. / Transfer
GPA / Spring
2002 / 5 / 3.38 / 3.17 / 2.41
2003 / 3 / 3.13 / 2.23 / 2.08
2004 / 7 / 3.38 / 2.61 / 2.26
2005 / 2 / 3.57 / 3.1 / 2.34
2006 / 7 / 3.49 / 2.38 / 2.35
Table 4
Junior/Senior TransfersFall / No. / Transfer
GPA / Spring
2002 / 18 / 2.98 / 2.13 / 2.41
2003 / 18 / 3.08 / 2.22 / 2.08
2004 / 27 / 3.16 / 2.21 / 2.26
2005 / 11 / 3.38 / 2.28 / 2.34
2006 / 6 / 3.31 / 1.86 / 2.35
Table 5
Instructional Relevance
The Division’s faculty recognizes that relevance of curriculum is essential. Furthermore, they are aware that program flexibility is required in order to produce students who possess qualifications necessary for employment in the ever changing business and information technology industries. Consequently, the faculty keepsan open mind and frequently makes modifications to curriculum.
Furthermore, 20 courses offered by the B & IS Division are included in the OSRHE course transfer matrix. Graduates in the Associate in Science for the Business degree program may transfer to one of several state universities offering Business Administration degrees.
Program Enrollment and Graduates
As shown in Table 6, the number of program graduates each year has ranged from 38 to 52. Graduate numbers demonstrate demand for the program in SSC’s service area.
In the fall of 2003 the Division developed a Student Survey of major codes in which students were asked to indicate their intended degree. The Division continues to administer the survey to students each semester. In cases where a difference is found between the students’ intended major and SSC’s records, the major code is corrected in POISE, the campus administrative software. Each semester the findings indicate the number of current and past students and graduates continue to be underreported.
The B & IS Division continues to work with the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Management Information Systems Department (MISD) Office to obtain more accurate statistics of headcount enrollment and degrees conferred by each specific program code. In an effort to address this issue, our Division requested the MISDOffice include student major codes on our Campus Connect class rosters.
The numbers of graduates and students enrolled during the last five years as shown in the following Tables 6-8 clearly demonstrate need for the program.
Graduates by Major Code
MajorCode / Major / 2003
2004 / 2004
2005 / 2005
2006 / 2006
2007 / 2007
2008 / Totals
203 / Associate in Science Business / 49 / 52 / 41 / 54 / 38 / 234
Enrolled Students by Major Code Fall Semesters
Major / Major / Fall 2003 / Fall2004 / Fall 2005 / Fall 2006 / Fall 2007 / Totals
203 / Associate in Science Business / 198 / 206 / 197 / 205 / 185 / 991
Table 7
Enrolled Students by Major Code Spring Semesters
Major / Major / Spring2003 / Spring 2004 / Spring 2005 / Spring 2006 / Spring 2007 / TotalsCode
203 / Associate in Science Business / 203 / 197 / 184 / 177 / 169 / 930
Table 8
Criterion 3: Program Outcomes
The four program outcomes for the Associate Science Degree for Business are listed below with examples of ways in which each is accomplished.
Outcome 1: Demonstrate successful articulation of SSC transfer degree programs to state baccalaureate institutions of higher learning in Oklahoma.
Measurable Indicators
- Signed 2+2 articulation agreements between SSC and state baccalaureate institutions of higher learning in Oklahoma, especially those institutions which are primary recipients of SSC transfer degree program graduates, and
- Inclusion of required degree program courses on the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education annual Course Equivalency Matrix.
Outcome 2: Demonstrate successful academic achievement by SSC transfer degree students at primary receiving state baccalaureate institutions of higher learning in Oklahoma. Successful academic achievement is defined as the maintenance of satisfactory academic progress toward degree completion as determined by the receiving institution.
Measurable Indicators
- Transfer data on SSC transfer degree program graduates from primary receiving state baccalaureate institutions of higher learning in Oklahoma,
- Graduate Opinion Survey data self-reporting demonstration of successful academic achievement at primary receiving state baccalaureate institutions of higher learning in Oklahoma as available,
- Retention reports on SSC transfer program graduates regarding primary receiving state baccalaureate institutions of higher learning in Oklahoma as available, and
- Graduation reports on SSC transfer program graduates regarding primary receiving state baccalaureate institutions of higher learning in Oklahoma as available.
Outcomes Specific to Associate in Science for Business- 203
Outcome 3: Demonstrate problem-solving skills related to the world of business.
Measurable Indicators
Assessment data demonstrating student’s ability to:
- Analyze a problem or case,
- Identify steps necessary for problem solving,
- Apply the steps identified for solution,
- Validate the results, and
- Report the results in an understandable and timely manner.
Outcome 4: Demonstrate preparation for continued pursuit of courses leading to a baccalaureate degree in business.
Measurable Indicators
Assessment data demonstrating student’s ability to:
- Interpret and manipulate data,
- Use appropriate technology to assist with problem-solving, and
- Apply critical thinking to real-world scenarios.
Criterion 4: Institutional Ethics
Published Material
The SSC 2008-2010 Catalog identifies Admissions Information for the College (pp. 8-12). The Catalog also contains information regarding Enrollment Procedures (pp. 13-16). The SSC Schedule of Classes also lists tuition and fee schedules. (p. 3)
The Catalog lists the institutional affiliations and the accreditation agencies in which the college is a member. (pp. 5-7) Included in the list of accreditation agencies are: the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission and the Oklahoma Board of Nursing and the National accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences.
In regard to expenditures associated with programs, a copy of the annual institutional budget is kept on file in the Boren Library.
SSC is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. The most recent self-study for continuing accreditation can be found on the Internet. The most recent North Central site visit resulted in the continuing accreditation for ten years. Results of the most recent NCA site visit were published in the SSC Collegian and the Seminole Producer Newspaper. SSC is currently preparing for The Higher Learning Commission self-study which will be taking place October of 2009.
Refund Policies
The Catalog identifies the refund policy of the College and the refund procedure which involves the issuing of a refund check (pp. 15). Dates for add/drop and complete withdrawals are listed in the printed class schedules.
Student Right-to-Know and ADA Regulations
The Forward of the Catalog indicates that the institution is in compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Executive Order 11246 as amended, Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Social Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990. Additionally, SSC is in compliance with Section 22 of the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Amendments of 1989, Public Law 101-542 and the Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act of 1990; Public Law 101-542.
Federal Right-to-Privacy Act
The SSC Student Handbook 2007-2009 (pp.42-48) outlines the Student Bill of Rights and Responsibility. Included in these pages is a section entitled “Privacy Rights of Students at Seminole State.”
Cumulative Records
Hardcopies of individual student records are maintained in the Admissions Office of the college. These record files include: Enrollment, Add/Drop Forms, Applications for Admission, Degree Checks, Graduation Form, High School and Transfer Transcripts, and Course Substitution Forms. Additionally, demographic information about students and individual student transcripts can be accessed by SSC faculty and staff through the administrative server of the college using the POISE software package.
Student Records Protection
Institutional records, including student records, located on the administrative server are backed up nightly. The back-up tapes are then delivered to the Boren Library and stored in a fireproof cabinet. Back-up tapes are recycled every year. This provides a year of back-up data. Additionally, the computer itself has built-in redundancy which includes two separate tapes for protection and security.
The Catalog contains the institutional policy regarding student transcripts. (p. 26)
Career Objectives
SSC employs academic counselors who assist students in determining career objectives. Additionally, B & IS faculty serve as advisers to students in their area of study. The Division faculty have been trained as advisers in the use of POISE software.
Program instructors at SSC also serve as student advisers and are actively involved in placement efforts of students.
Program Costs
The printed and disseminated SSC Semester Class Schedules contain a section on educational program tuition and fees for both Oklahoma and non-residents of Oklahoma.
Criterion 5: Advisory Panels
Advisory input for the ASB degree program is driven by articulation and, 2+2 agreements, the state Course Equivalence Projects and the B & IS Advisory Committee. Each meets annually to assist with curriculum needs, course content, and relevance to current business and industry technical-occupational needs.
Articulation Agreements
The State Regents for Higher Education have provided a policy of articulation among the higher education institutions of the State System. Students who complete an Associate Degree at a state-supported two-year college will not be required to complete the general education requirements of the state four-year institution to which the student transfers as long as the student transfers into a program in the university’s college of Arts and Sciences and has completed all requirements for the Associate in Arts or Associate in Science at the two-year college from which they are transferring.
(Catalog p. 37)
2+2 Articulation Agreements
A Transfer Enrollment Center was created on the SSC campus with funding through a Title III Strengthening Institutions Program, a cooperative grant with East Central University, Murray State College, and Eastern Oklahoma State College. The intent of the center was to improve persistence and graduation rates, provide enhanced student services and to increase the number of articulation agreements between SSC and baccalaureate granting institutions.