Rotary Stars … Promotes Caring through Citizenship…
“Simple but Effective…”
Working together with your School we are looking for young people you feel deserve to be recognised for the following…
- Caring for Others
- Caring for the Environment
- Showing Initiative
- Showing a good attitude towards schools.
“Lasting Benefits to all…”
Please see this as…
- An opportunity to recognise and reward young people from outside the normal school curriculum.
- It is open to every young person regardless ofage, WoodfordCofESchool
talent and ability. Young Star…Alex Thorpe
- Hopefully no extra workfor you apart Sold her Hen’s eggs for Charity
from choosing the young people.
“Working together…”
If you would like your School to be part of this Citizenship Initiative we would be delighted to come along and talk to you about it.
- Some schools initiate at the beginning of the year
- Some prefer to make it a surprise at the end.
- Certificates,badges and gift vouchers are normally given but we are open to suggestions.
Finedon Mulso Stars
“Thank you Rotary for the opportunity for our Stars to Shine”...Mrs Angela Gyves Cranford Primary School
What the Children did to become Rotary Stars…
- Fundraising…Three girls worked together to raise money for GreatOrmondStreetHospital, they organised a sponsored silence and a cake stall.
- Organised a fund raising event for ‘Children in Need’
- Organisation of disco for younger children
- Looking after granny and helping her with her shopping
- One little boy was recognised for his caring attitude toward his brother, who suffers from celebral palsy.
- Several children recognised for caring for parents..
- Raising awareness of Environmental Issues.
- Saving up to buy a goat for Africa
- Time and effort put into organising stalls for the school fair
- Showing a caring nature for younger children in the school.
- Three lads were recognised for arranging the police to visit the local playing field so younger children were not bullied.
- Some for having a helpful attitude in school
- General enthusiasm and good attitudes in school
- Brightening up everybody’s day with their smile
- Stopping a fight in the playground.
- Looking after and caring for school animals.
- Commitment to school choir, orchestra etc.
- Raising money by starting their own Pencil Pot Company in Schools.
- Effort put into school work.
- Giving presentations on behalf of the school.
- One little girl sold her hens called Mabel and Henrietta ’ eggs to raise money.