The Internship – Interview Scene
BILLY: Hi! My name is Billy!
ALISON: Uh, we can hear you fine as well.
BILLY: Oh, great.
NICK: Um... - Good.
BILLY: Billy McMahon.
NICK: Nick Campbell.
BENJAMIN: I'm Benjamin.
ALISON: Allison.
GIRL: We're thirsty, too.
BILLY: Okay, slow it down there, camper. I'm not an ATM. I got a job interview here. Thank you.
GIRL: We'll be back.
NICK: Okay, easy.
ALISON: Are you in a library?
BILLY: You know, we're in a program here called... - We are. There's some beautiful little kids here. Yeah, kids. Helping kids program... one of the things we're involved in... where we take suburban kids and we teach them what it's like to be homeless.
BENJAMIN: Oh, what's it called?
BILLY: Oh, it's-it's called, uh... Attitude Adjustment. - Attitude Adjustment. And that's where we are today. We're helping the kids. And-and to be honest with you, we did the interview here because we wanted to help out, and also we don't have Webcams for our computer.
BENJAMON: If you don't have a Webcam on your computer, what type of computer do you use for your coding ability?
BILLY: Coding ability?
BENJAMIN: Uh, yeah. Uh, under computer skills, you put "C-plus-plus. "
BILLY: That's actually a C-plus.
BENJAMIN: What's that?
BILLLY: Well, the second plus is to reflect my attitude of how I felt about the C-plus. But it's a C-plus. It was a typing class. You know, same principle, just not the engine inside the baby there. But it was more like "quick brown fox. " You know, put your hands in the basin, and crushing it like that. But that h-helped me out a lot when I, as I started my journey into computers because I already knew where to put my hands, clearly.
ALISON: Okay, if we could focus on this now... you are currently enrolled at the University of Phoenix online?
NICK: Indeed, yes, we are. - Damn right we are. Damn right we are. - It's, uh, the oldest institution of its kind, and as such, many people refer to it as the Harvard of Internet colleges.
ALISON: Oh! I hadn't heard that actually. I...
BENJAMIN: No. That-that has not made it out here, that reputation.
BILLY: Well, we're Phoenix proud. We're Phoenix proud.
ALISON: Well, that's fine. Um, we're gonna ask you a few questions that some of our candidates find a little bit odd.
NICK: Let's get weird!
BILLY: No judgment. Shoot.
BENJAMIN: You're shrunken down to the size of nickels and dropped to the bottom of a blender. What do you do?
NICK: I... Is there anything else in the blender?
BENJAMIN: Uh, I don't know.
BILLY/NICK: Well, that's gonna make a difference. Are there ice cubes to climb on? Are we working with a daiquiri here? Are we throwing a little rum in? Are we making a smoothie? - It's been a long week. Maybe we want to let these little guys live a little.
BENJAMIN: Okay, for the sake of the argument, let's say it's empty.
BILLY: Sure. - Well, in that case, it's easy, then.
BENJAMIN: Why? - I'm sorry?
BILLY/NICK: If we're shrunk down to the size of a nickel and there's no liquid in the blender, we go ahead and put it on our backs. So you take her flat on your back like this. Right, right, right. You just lay back, enjoy that breeze. Lay stiff as a board, light as a feather. - Pretend it's a fan. Okay, once is... - And let those blades just whip all around you like this. It's like getting an MRI. - Dazzle, dazzle.
BENJAMIN: Once this blender's on, it's on forever. It's on. Forever.
NICK: Respectfully, I got to disagree. We sold blenders, and even the best model in the world is only gonna run nonstop for, what, Billy? Even the Germans, the Germans could never... Yeah. Even the German model. Even one of those Braun ones, they're only gonna run nonstop maybe ten or 11 hours. So we're getting out, and when we do, we're better off for it, because whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
BILLY: But let's just go ahead and big-picture this for a second, if I can. Just like the founders of Google. Big-picture Googling. It's not so much getting out of the blender; it's what happens next. That's the question.
NICK: You've got two nickel-sized men free in the world. Think of the possibilities.
BILLY: I mean, I... I... off the top of my head, and I'm just spitballing here. My head's swimming. - Sunglass repair? Yeah, yeah... - We'd be hell on those little screws. Or maybe you stick us in those submarines that they put in people's bodies to fight diseases. That's cutting-edge right there.
BENJAMIN: Okay, you... That's-that's not a real thing, the submarines.
BILLY: No. Wait a minute. I thought we were stuck in a blender. Now we're saving lives? What?!
BILLY:Let me just recap this for you real quick. We started off in a blend... - Yeah. Now we're saving lives! - What?!
BILLY: Wait a minute! We were stuck in a blender... - What a journey! ...and now we saving lives?! What?! - You guys led us to this. Thank you.
BENJAMIN: think we've gotten a little far afield.
ALISON: Just a little off topic.
BILLY: Ally, I'll get inside you and I'll fight for you.
ALISON: Uh, thank you. I... I appreciate that, but...
BENJAMIN: Which one of you... which one of you is physics?
ALISON: Mr. Campbell? You could maybe expound on this from a physics aspect.
NICK: Physics. Here, here... Listen, the... I... I could bend your ear about physics and various physical phenomenon, but the truth is, we were in a blender. We lost our jobs, we'd given up. So I think we already answered the question when we took this interview. We got ourselves out, and here we are.
BILLY: If you guys really want to know what happens when you take two guys out of a blender... I'm sorry, Allison, is it?
BILLY: Then give us a shot. And I think you'd be happy that you did.