Meeting Minutes for June 25, 2015
American Lung Association Office, 8:00-9:30 AM
Attendees in Person:Geri Jaramillo, Health Educator/Coordinator, NMDOH Asthma Control Program; Laurel McCloskey, Executive Director, Chronic Disease Prevention Council; Mary Shepherd, Epidemiologist, NMDOH Asthma Control Program; Kathy Moseley, Program Manager, Enhancing Care for Children with Asthma, American Lung Association; Maria Otero, Director Education and Outreach, NuestraSalud; Alice Marosi, retired pediatric allergist; Irene Moody, Medical Director, Blue Cross/Blue Shield New Mexico; Swati Somuri, Quality Improvement Specialist, Molina Healthcare of NM; Sara Anderson, Quality Improvement Specialist, Molina Healthcare of NM.
Attendee by Phone: Tena Ross, Maternal and Child Health Coordinated, United Healthcare.
Agenda Items / Discussion Items / Outcomes/Next StepsWelcome and Introductions / Attendance list signed.
April 2014 Meeting Minutes Approval / Notes distributed.
AgendaApproval / Agenda distributed.
Policy Committee Report /
- Outcome of meeting with NM Pharmacy Assn. and Nursing Board- Dr. Stoltzfus
- Posting inhaler grid on website- Kathy Moseley
- Guidelines recommend that patients have devices and practice/demonstrate use at doctor’s offices, barriers to having this happen
- Issue of cost, pharmacy filling the same spacer that provider fills, same on patient’s plan, pharmacy not always familiar why a provider will prescribe a certain spacer
- Potential solution: Post a grid on a website that Managed Care Organizations and providers could go to and be updated, requested by primary care providers
- Include the type of inhaler, BCBS all three covered, but generic are always preferred
- Include a disclaimer that this is good for the majority of the plans, but it is not a guarantee
- Errors have come from a third party pharmacy reviewer, denying things that should not be denied
- Solution of a medical closet stocked by Durable Medical Equipment providers (DME), some providers do not want to do this if have bigger practices and are not able to keep track of the paperwork
- Easiest solution would be for the practice to purchase directly from the suppliers, but then providers would incur a loss
- BCBS will start as a trail health plan, Kathy will review how to put this information up
- Molina sent out an email to medical director to see if they would list a grid, update every six months
- Need to provide consistent co-pay information on the grid
- Geri at an asthma conference met someone with a grid in another state, will research and compare
- Draft of asthma services billing survey- Mary Shepherd
- Kathryn Lowerredeveloped a survey as a draft, included there is a module for each product
- Inquire with questions or suggestions of what is missing to Kathy, Mary, and Kathryn
- May have to have several people from a Managed Care Organization (MCO) present to answer survey questions collectively
- Status of NAECB listed AE-Cs email distribution list- Mary Shepherd
- A strategy to update the list, 63 certified asthma educators listed, 10 were not deliverable, 22 did not respond
- Current for the MCO, need an updated list to contract with
- Laurel to share with the Council, can contact Mary with any information
- APS supply giveaway event
- July 25th at 9am at the University football stadium, only for APS students
- Will have a significant reach with 10% of the attendee population (expected 3200 or 320 with asthma) having asthma, could be a sustainable annual event
- Provide asthma checklist, the goal is to increase the number of kids who will bring asthma action plans with them to school
- Will send out flyer, have examples, will include BCBS giveaways
- Dr. Lobo is looking for nursing students as volunteers, use sign-in sheet with student’s school name, can follow-up with asthma action plans
- Pilot Provider to contract with Molina as an AE-C- Kathy Moseley
- Determining how to use certified asthma educators, will get feedback on the process from Sharon
- Molina is being utilized firstas they do it locally, BCBS is a a large areas, all credentialing is handled through Texas
- ALA webinar on emergency medications in schools, explained that there are some barriers to children having their asthma meds always available in an emergency.
Geri will research and compare an other state’s asthma grid
Kathy to work with BCBS to put up the trial grid
Send any updates of the non-deliverable contacts to Mary,
Laurel will share the undeliverable list
Laurel will send out the APS supply giveaway flyer
Consider volunteering as a Council outreach activity
Sharon will provide feedback on the AE-C process
Education Committee Report /
- Web based interactive asthma action plan- Cynthia Greenberg
- Having trouble getting funding to contract with a web based provider to do the interactive asthma action plan
- DOH may be able to come up with funding
- Attendance at local and regional health events- Ruth Ann
- Swathie, Ruth Ann, Dr. Marosi, and Kathy did an event at Wilson Middle school
- Determined to keep the tunnels separate from the educational part as they are distracting
- Another event was held at San Jose Elementary
- NAEPP webinar of new guidelines and White House summit
- Environmental TEACH program; National Environmental Action for Children’s Health. Mission is to build capacity in environmental home assessment and remediation of asthma triggers. Community Health Workers from Shiprock NM will participate and one-day training tentatively scheduled for Monday, July 27
Administrative Committee Report /
- Data sharing tools and survey results- Geri
- Noell is working on compiling, an interactive project to streamline information
- When finished, a link on the will be NMCOA webpage
- Asthma focus groups
- Conducted in Lovington with 44-47 parents
- Still compiling data with NuestraSalud
- Website
- Difference in hospitalization rates, Dr. Marosi suggests we consider an intervention in these areas, get a list of providers and ask what they think.
- Need to do education with patients in the high risk areas
- On agenda next time of how to intervene in these areas, consider a UNM outreach clinic
- Change of meetings
- Changed this month as DOH had an out-of-state meeting
- In the future will change only with a two week notice under certain circumstances, ask at the Administrative Committee
Determine the change of meeting process at the Administrative Committee meeting
Other business /
- Asthma webinar on NHLBI new guidelines update
- Not able to access, Geri will send out the information
- White House summit:
- Covered climate change and health emphasized impact on asthma due to longer growing season, allergies and increased pollution due to hotter temperatures
- Acting locally, Kathy understands it would be important to include environmental stakeholders on our council
Look at the environmental focus for NMCOA
Next meeting / Thursday, August 20, 8-9:30 a.m. at the American Lung Association offices at 5911 Jefferson Street NE Albuquerque, NM.
Meeting adjourned at 9:30am.
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