YMCA Glenrothes

Information Pack including:

  • Recruitment March 2015 for Staff and Volunteers
  • About the YMCA Glenrothes
  • Description of Networks and links to YMCA Glenrothes


During March 2015, YMCA Glenrothes is recruiting to the following positions for starting in April/May as appropriate:

  1. New position – Full time Alcohol and Drug Project Worker

Intensive support for hostel residents affected by substance use/problematic alcohol - 1 year initial appointment (Lloyds TSB funding)

  1. New position – Full time Alcohol and Drug Education Worker

Early intervention through education to young people aged 16+. This job may also be worked as a 36 week per annum post.

  1. Sessional Alcohol and Drug Education Workers

Support the YzChoices teams in the delivery of alcohol/drug education - Fife wide.

  1. Relief Housing Workers

Supported accommodation for hostel residents - Day, evening and weekend shifts

  1. Volunteer Youth Workers

Develop youth work skills and experience at Tuesday and/or Wednesday evening youth clubs

  1. Board Trustees

Two new members requested to join a strong YMCA governance team for the improvement of youth, alcohol/drug and homeless services

Application Forms

To access application forms and document search for “YMCA Glenrothes” at The documents uploaded are:

  1. Application Form
  2. Job Role Description and Person Specification
  3. Equal Opportunities Form
  4. Annual Report

And a complete Trustee Information Pack

Closing Date

The closing dates for all roles is Friday 27th March 2015 at 12 noon.


Interviews for job role 1 will be held during w/b 13th April 2015.

Interviews for job role 2 will be held from 6th April 2015, onwards.

Further Information

If you would like to speak to someone about a particular role, telephone YMCA Glenrothes reception on 01592 612674 and we will call you back.

Thank you.

About the YMCA Glenrothes

The YMCAGlenrothes provides three key services:

  1. Y Supported Accommodation including a Prevention First advice service for members of the public.
  2. Yz Choices - Alcohol and Drugs Education service.
  3. Youth Services including YCreate –Youth arts project

A Board of Trustees oversees the work and funding is secured through Service Level Agreements and grants.

  1. How is the YMCA funded
  2. Governance

The YMCA Glenrothes is a Christian charity committed to helping young people, particularly at times of need, regardless of gender, race, ability or faith. Staff and volunteers at the YMCA are requested to respect the Christian ethos and the aims of the YMCA.

A “Y” Supported Accommodation

The YMCA Glenrothes manages two houses, one block of flats and a further 12 two bedroomed temporary accommodation houses within the Glenrothes area. We mainly support young homeless people (16 – 26) but can support older age groups on occasion.

Our homeless accommodation comprises of the “Farmhouse project”, a 9 bed male hostel, “Leslie Cottages”, a 6 bed female hostel with two mother and baby spaces, and the “Wash”, which consists of 10 two bedroomed shared flats. In total we accommodate and support 59 young people - 35 young homeless people from the ages of 16-26 years in the larger sites, and a further 24 individuals in shared community houses.

Experienced accommodation workers offer all residentsthe opportunity to gain skills such as cooking, cleaning and money management, in order to promote and sustain independent living. Case Workers develop young people’s outcomes and provide more intensivesupport.

There are many practical activities to help residents develop their personal skills, confidence and social networks.

This year a new Alcohol and Drug Project Workerwill be introduced into the Y Supported Accommodation team.

The new Alcohol and Drug Project Worker will have a sound understanding of dependency issues, strong evidence of working effectively on a one-to-one basis with young people and knowledge of how substance use impacts on youths aswell as adults. Experience of work in the homeless sector is an advantage. This worker will be able to make strong links with the YMCA YzChoices team and help to coordinate the follow-on substance use support for residents, once they leave the YMCA.The Alcohol and Drug Project Worker will be responsible to one of the Team Leaders in Y Supported Accommodation.

B) Yz Choices

“Yz Choices” is our specialist alcohol, drugs misuse and sexual health education service for people aged 16 + in Fife.

Yz Choices provide high quality, in-depth information to improve people’s understanding of the risks and consequences of alcohol and drugs.

Yz Choices has been delivered to date, by a team leader and trained sessional workers with a number of volunteers in training. The opportunity has arisen for a full time Alcohol and Drug Education Worker to be employed for one year to deliver across the YzChoices programme including 3 days work for the Thinking Differently programme:
“Thinking Differently” is a 3 year funded project for young people and families in Glenrothes to find innovative ways to challenge alcohol misuse. As well as working with YzChoices staff, this new position will be tasked to support young people to create their own messages about alcohol to parents/other adults.

The Alcohol and Drug Education Worker will have strong evidence of working effectively with young people and knowledge of how alcohol and drugs impact on youth, adults and families.The new post will be responsible to the Thinking Differently Coordinator.

We currently have one to two additional Sessional alcohol and drug education workers. Sessional staff will report to the YzChoices Coordinator .

C) YMCA, North Street, Glenrothes

At our centralcommunity centre in North Street,we provideservices for members of the public and in particular - homeless people who are more marginalisedas a consequence of their life-style choices.

We provideaccess to shower facilities, laundry facilities, emergency food parcels, and good quality second hand clothes.

Every Wednesday afternoon the One Stop Shop provides a free two course hot meal as well as access to appropriate services including ADAPT, NHS Fife addiction services, Fife Council Housing Services, counselling and other voluntary sector services.

The “Prevention First” advice and support service, developed in partnership with Fife Council and other voluntary sector partnersoffers housing advice and support to individuals and families who may beat risk of losing their home, to retain or find suitable alternative accommodation.

There is signposting to money management and debt advice; referrals to Fife Key Fund for private let accommodation access; referrals for furniture and household items, all to assist in the prevention of homeless.

YMCA also manages the Glenrothes Foodbank at the Saltire Centre. This project commenced in October 2013. By August 2015, this managed role will have transferred to a new dedicated charity aimed at alleviating food poverty in the town.

Youth and Community Services

As well as specific services for those at threat of being made homeless or who have been identified as statutorily homeless, other groups use our headquarters on a weekly basis.

  • Mondays – 6.00 pm - 8.30 pm- Fife Young Carers –Respite club
  • Tuesdays - 6.30 pm - 8.30 pm- YCreate(Digital Animation and Film making)
  • Wednesdays – 6.30 pm – 9.00 pm - General youth club including sports, cooking, IT.
  • Thursdays - mornings Ladies Badminton Club
  • 6.30 pm - 9.30 pm - YCreate Music.
  • Fridays – 4.30pm – 6.30pm - Sports.
  • Saturdays - Dance classes for under 18's

Volunteer Youth Workers

We currently have vacancies for Volunteer Youth Workers to support paid staff in the delivery of activities for young people on Tuesdays and/or Wednesday evenings.

Y Create

YCreate is a creative arts programme which has developed youth arts projects based around film-making, animation, photography and physical theatre.

YCreate works with young people from throughout Glenrothes and the surrounding areas and provides programmes of activities for young people aged up to26 years.

YCreate developscreative art opportunities for those youth groups considered to be more marginalised bothwithin schools and through referrals fromSocial work Children and Family teams. Theseare young people who have been identified as being vulnerable, who are not engaging fully at school, or may be isolated within their communities due to family circumstances.

All Ycreate activities are delivered by professional tutors who are specialists in various media and art forms. These experienced tutors work alongside a team of young, enthusiasticvolunteers favouring a peer education model.

The young people who come to YCreate are encouraged to develop their own performances and showcase their achievements through youth music events, screenings and exhibitions, via social media sites and in physical spaces around the town of Glenrothes including their local schools. YCreate is open to YMCA young homeless residents.

D) How is the YMCAGlenrothes funded and supported?

The YMCA receives funding from a variety of sources, not least of which Fife Council is providing core funding (72%) through the Service Level Agreements. The Big Lottery, Children in Need, Robertson Trust, Comic Relief, Tudor Trust and Cashback for Communities have all provided funding for specific projects.

Fundraising groups consisting of staff and volunteers, workthroughout the year organising local activities such as bag-packing, fashion shows, coffee mornings, quiz nights and raffles. These efforts create opportunities for raising awareness of the wide and varied work of the “Y” as well as highlighting the high level of the community support we receive and value.

E)Governance Management Responsibilities

The governance of the organisation is managed by a Board of Trustees who are recruited for the wide variety of skills and attributes they bring, as well as their extensive backgrounds of experience acquired from many years working in the voluntary, private and public sectors.

Their responsibilities include managing an annual budget of over £1 million as well as the employment and support of staff and volunteers.

The Board of Trustees includes a Chairperson and Vice- Chairperson. Each Trustee is a member of the organisation.

There are 2 co-opted Elected Members and up to three local authority staff members in attendance.

The Board has line management responsibility for the YMCA Director.

The maximum number of Trustees is twelve. We currently have vacancies for two Board Trustees.

Please refer to Prospective Trustees YMCA information pack for full information.

Additional Information

Links with Fife Council, the Local Authority Community Learning and Development (CLD)

The YMCA and Yz Choices work closely with CLD as part of a Service Level Agreement.

CLD workers are responsible for assisting adults and young people into further education and learning. CLD workers also help local groups of people to strengthen and grow, so that people can improve their local communities.

The YMCA signposts people to local classes and community support which is provided by CLD. CLD support can be for example – for mens’ and womens’ health, cooking, healthy eating, literacies and job search.

Links with NHS Fife and Health Agencies :

YMCAGlenrothes works closely with various NHS Fife services; Health Promotions (for young people’s sexual health) Addiction Services (referral for people with alcohol or drug issues) GP surgeries and dentist for dental treatment, encouraging people to register with services and Community Health Teams (for physical and mental health support).

We participate in Fife Recovery Forum and are members of the Third Sector Manager’s Group.

Links with Groups

Yz Choices works in particular with:


Elmwood College Cupar - Yz Choices delivers to General Studies and the Life Options group where some young people have learning difficulties.

Carnegie College, Dunfermline - LEAP programme; Yz Choices delivers substance misuse programmes to young people from the age of 16 to 18 years old.

Get Ready for Work, part of Carnegie College, supports and motivates young people towards work readiness, through education, training and unemployment.

Adam Smith College, Glenrothes - Programmes are delivered to the Construction Foundation course, twice yearly.

Training Providers

Rathbone Training - Activity Agreement and Lifeskills groups. Yz Choices runs programmes continuously throughout the year for young people as part of their preparation for work readiness.

Prince’s Trust Fife - Yz Choices delivers twice yearly for young people age 16-25 years.

West Fife Enterprise - Quest for EmploymentProject - Yz Choices delivers a rolling programme throughout the year. Some of the young people from this group were involved as peer educators in the Big Lottery funded Yz Choices peer education programme (2012 - 2014).

Version: Feb 2015