Event Color Code Note events for 2016 maybe added up until February 1st January 1st for 2017

Volunteer / Moto / Equestrian / Mountain Bike / Trail Run / Multi Sport

Event Size by Participants: Small 10-75 Medium 75-250 Large=250+ ------THIS IS WA DNR CREATED DOCUMENT

Day / Month / Event Name/
Sponsor / Starting Location / Trails Trail Route
Motorized Trails Non-Motorized Trails Roads / Event Details / Event Contact
More information / Size
23 / January / Capitol Peak Fat Ass 25/50 km Oly Trail runners / Fall Creek Dayuse / Green line Trail Wedekind Trail, Capitol Peak Access Road / Running Event Oly Trailrunners / / Medium
12 / March / Hillbilly Half Marathon & Mountain Marathon
Guerilla Running club / Rock Candy Day use Parking lot. / Waddle Basin East, Waddle Basin West, C-4000, Wedekind Trail, Fall Creek, Twin Peaks, Divide Trail, Crestline Trail, Porter Trail, C-7000, C-Line / This is an Ultra Marathon Running Event that will take place in a large portion of the forest / / Large
16 / April / Capitol Peak 25/50km Oly Trail runners / Fall Creek Day use / C-Line Road, Crestline Trail Greenline, Lost Valley / Running Event / / Medium
14-15 / May / WA ATV Poker Run & Fun Run
Washington ATV Club / Tacoma Trail Cruisers Property/ Sherman Valley Road / Rock Candy, Waddle Basin East/west, Larch Mtn, Slide Trail, Twin Peaks / Motorized ORV Poker Run Event / Website: http://waatva.org/ / Large
4-5 / June / Appaloosa Club
Linda Morgan / Evergreen Sportsman Club / Mima Falls, Equine Loop, McKenny Trail / Horse orienteering ride / / Small
18 / June / Horse Trail Ride
WA Livestock Coalition / Evergreen Sportsman Club / Mima Falls East, Campground, Equine, Mima Falls Tie McKenny Trail / group ride out of Evergreen Sportsman, Mima Falls Trailhead / Website:
http:// / Small
12 / July
August / Friday Night Racing Series
Friends of Capitol Forest / Fall Creek Trailhead / Little Larch Trail / Small Organized race on mountain bike only trail / Website: https://www.facebook.com/FNSDS / Small
9-10 / July / Completive Mounted Orienteering Event WA CMO / Fall Creek Trailhead/ Fall Creek Campground / Fall Creek Porter Creek Tie , Crestline, Lost Valley, McKenny Trail Greenline Lost Valley. / Timed Horse Orienteering race / Website:
https://www.wacmo.org/ / Small
30-31 / July / Tacoma Trail Cruisers
Smugglers Run / Tacoma Trail Cruisers Property/ Sherman Valley Road / Waddell Basin East, Waddle Basin West, Divide North & South, Twin Peaks, Larch Mountain West, Larch Mountain East, Slide Trail, Rock Candy, Army Tie, North Rim 1, 2, 3,l / ORV Poker Ride on the motorized trail System / Website:
http://www.tacomatrailcruisers.org/smuggler.html / Large
6 / August / Capitol to Bay Relay
PARC Foundation / Waddle Creek Day Use / C-9000, Waddle Basin East, Waddle Basin West, Al Davis, Waddle Creek Road / A multisport Relay Race starting in Capitol Forest and ending in Olympia / Website
http:// / Small
13-14 / August / Capitol Forest Classic
Friends of Capitol Forest / Fall Creek Trailhead
Fall Creek Campground / Greenline, Crestline, Wedekind, Greenline, Tie, C-Line, C-6000, C,7000, C-8200, Quarry Trail, twin Peaks, Divide South, / Mountain Bike Super D, and Enduro Races on motorized and non motorized trails / Website:
http://capitolforestclassic.com/ / Large
27 / August / Capitol Forest 50/100
Mtn Biking Event
4th Dimension Racing / Evergreen Sportsmen Club / Mima Falls east, Mima Falls West, McKenny trail, Mima Falls Tie, Campground Trail, Equine Loop, Lost valley, Wedekind, Greenline, Porter Trail, Crestline, C-Line, C-9000 / An Endurance Mountain Bike Ride through the Forest / Website:
http://www.nwepicseries.com / Large
24-25 / Sept- / CMO Competitive Mounted Orienteering Event
WA CMO / Margaret McKenny / Mima Fall Tie, Margaret McKenny ,Lost Valley, Green Line #6 Equine Loop ,Mima Porter # 8 , Mima Falls East and West / Timed Horse orienteering race / Website
/ Medium
29 / October / Scary Ass 25km Run
Oly Trailrunners / Fall Creek Trailhead
Fall Creek Campground / Greenline, Wedekind, Crestline, Greenline Tie, Gated Road to the Peak / Halloween Run up to the Peak / Website:
http://olytrailrunners.sherpaherb.com/ / Medium
31 / October / Scary A$$ 25k Run / Fall Creek Trailhead / Greenline, Wedekind, Crestline, Greenline Tie, Gated Road to the Peak / Halloween Run up to the Peak / Website:
http://olytrailrunners.sherpaherb.com/ / Medium