Parliament Limits the English Monarchy

Parliament Limits the English Monarchy

Parliament Limits the English Monarchy

•Queen Elizabeth of England battles with Parliament over $

•The struggle between ______and the ______was the main obstacle preventing absolutism

•This would lead to many conflicts in the 17th century for England

Monarchs Defy the Parliament

•Elizabeth had no children, so her cousin ______(king of Scotland) inherited the English throne in 1603 ______and ______shared a ruler

James’s Problems

•He inherited the unsettled issues of Elizabeth’s reign

•Worst struggles with Parliament were over $

•He offended Puritans by not prohibiting ______in England

Charles Fights Parliament

•In 1625 James dies, and ______(his son) takes the throne

•Charles constantly needed $ to fund his wars with Spain and France

•When they denied, he ______Parliament

•In 1628 he’s forced to call Parliament back into action. They deny him further money until he agrees to sign the ______, in which Charles agreed to four points:

  1. He would not ______
  2. He wouldn't ______
  3. He wouldn’t ______
  4. He wouldn’t ______

•This was important because it set the precedent that _________ challenged absolute monarchy in England

•In 1629 he again dissolved Parliament. To generate revenue he imposed ______and ______on the people, and his popularity declined year after year.

English Civil War

•Charles offended Puritans by upholding ______

•When trying to impose an ______on the Presbyterian Scots, the Scots rebelled and threatened to invade England

•In order to generate money to prevent invasion, Charles called Parliament back

•This time, Parliament was out to oppose ______

War Topples a King

•Parliament passes laws to limit Charles power. He then tries to have them arrested but they escape. The English people swarm Charles’s palace in fury, forcing him to flee north to find supporters

•______lasted from 1642-1649 ---______vs. ______

•Originally, neither side got an advantage. The Puritans find ______to lead them, and in 1645 the tide of the war turned in favor of Puritans. King Charles was held prisoner in 1647.

•In 1649, Puritans brought Charles to trial for treason against Parliament. He’s found guilty, and ______

•This was monumental because it’s the first time a reigning monarch had been publicly ______

Cromwell’s Rule

•In 1649, Cromwell abolishes the monarchy and est. a ______form of gvmt.

•Cromwell immediately had to put down a rebellion in ______. He seized their lands and homes and gave them to English soldiers

•______killed hundreds of thousands

Puritan Morality

•Back in England, Cromwell and Puritans ______society

•Made laws forbidding sinful activities (______)

•While Cromwell was devout, he believed in ______for all Christians that weren’t ______

Restoration and Revolution

•After Cromwell’s death in 1658, his government was demolished and a new Parliament selected

•In 1659, Parliament votes for ______to rule

Charles II Reigns

•Called the ______because he re-established the ______

•During his reign, Parliament passes ______

•Parliament debates who to succeed Charles II. With no male heir, Charles’s brother ______is considered

•James was ______, so the ______opposed him but the ______supported him

•These were the first English political parties

James II and the Glorious Revolution

•Charles II died in 1685, and James II took the throne

•He offended his people by publicly displaying his ______

•James II ______, which violated English law. He also dissolved Parliament for opposing

•In 1688, James has a son and English Protestants grow weary that ______

•James’s daughter Mary was married to ______. Both were Protestant, and Parliament invited them to overthrow James II in what becomes known as the ______

Limits on Monarch’s Power

•William and Mary agree to ______ creates a ______rather than an absolute monarchy

Bill of Rights

•To make royal limits on power clear, Parliament passed the ______in 1689. They stated that the ruler could not:

  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. ______
  • William and Mary consented to all of these.

Cabinet System Develops

•After 1688 there was political gridlock  Parliament had to consent to the monarch, and the monarch had to consent to the Parliament

•During the 1700’s the idea of a “______” emerged. The cabinet was a ______

•Under the cabinet system, the leader of the majority party in Parliament is the ______