Mrs. Dougall’s Blizzard Bag Assignment
OHIO has adopted the National Standards for Physical Education – this assignment will target 1 of 2 standards. You will have 2 OPTIONS. Option 1 is to participate in physical activity. Option 2 is to create an 8 ½ by 11 or larger poster advertising physical activity or MHS classes that students can take. Please read below to determine which option you would like. If you decide to complete BOTH options, you will be given 10 points EXTRA-CREDIT!
Option 1: This assignment will target Standard 3 - Participates regularly in physical activity.
Benchmark A: Identify and engage in regular physical activities inside and outside of school to meet daily national recommendations for daily physical activity.
Benchmark B Create and monitor a personal plan for physical activity.
Your assignment will be to participate in some physical activity for 40 minutes (A) and then document what you did and how you felt before, during, and after the activity. You are permitted to complete two 20 minute (B) sessions if you are unable to do the activity for 40 minutes straight. Options for activity can be ANY COMBINATION of: walking, weight lifting, DVD exercise workout, playing a sport, karate, etc. This assignment is worth 15 points.See page 2 to print.
Option 2: This assignment will target Standard 6that states: (a student) Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction.
Benchmark A: Use physical activity to promote personal growth, goal setting and enjoyment.
Benchmark B: Pursue physical activities that promote self-expression and provide opportunities for social and group interaction.
Your assignment will be to use YOUR self-expression to promote physical education! You can use the class descriptions posted on my webpage to get ideas of what classes a MHS student can take to be physically active, you can advertise a sport that you play, you can advertise a sport you want to play (so you would research it to LEARN more about that sport too). Make sure your name is either at the bottom right hand corner or on the back. There are links on my webpage that can lead you to websites to site a source. See page 3 for an example…
You choose how many points you want:
15 Points (A)– poster has a title that is prominent (can be computer created), has words to describe MHS class or activity/sport, sites 1 source (web page, book, etc.), has 1 picture (clipart or drawn), and looks neat and attractive.
13 Points (B) – poster has a title that is prominent (can be computer created), description, and picture (clipart or drawn), without siting a source and looks neat and attractive.
11 Points (C) - poster has 2 of the 3: title, description, and/or picture (clipart or drawn), and looks neat and attractive.
OPTION 1 – Physical Activity – Please print this and fill out by 5/9/14.
Name: ______
- On ______(Date), I completed ______physical activity for 40 minutes straight.
Before the activity, I felt ______
During the activity, I felt ______
After the activity, I felt ______
- On ______(Date), I completed ______physical activity for 20 minutes straight.
On ______(Date), I completed ______physical activity for 20 minutes straight.
Before the activity, I felt ______
During the activity, I felt ______
After the activity, I felt ______
Did you know…
After you have 2 credits for Physical Education, that you can take Advanced PE?
Advanced PE is not just for athletes either, anyone that ENJOYS playing different sports and activities can take this elective class. You DO NOT have to sit behind a desk for this class! You get to do activities, such as:
Floor HockeyPaintball
Regular physical activity helps build and maintain healthy bones and muscles. From the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee report. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2008.
Poster created by: Mrs. Dougall