February 28, 2011

Spirit Day every Wednesday: Wear Freedom t-shirt or wear Freedom Colors – red, blue, white, or grey.

POEM: “English Is a Pain!” by Shirlee Curlee Bingham. Read this poem several times this week. Practice reading it fluently and with expression. On the back of the poem write each homophone in a correct sentence. Learn how each of the homophones are used and be prepared to for a test on them.

ROAD TO SUCCESS – Be sure to do your daily reading. Fill out your reading log and turn it in onMonday.

Fitness Activity: As a follow-up to the basketball game at WSU we are going to keep track of our daily physical fitness activity for January, February, and March. Be sure to track your daily minutes of activity in your fitness log. This includes school, home, and any other place where you are physically active. You will turn this in at the end of March.

Krypto Problems of the Week

7, 3, 21, 63, 9  7 (21, 8)

56, 49, 42, 8, 6  14 (49)


Parents: Will you please initial each homework assignment as your child completes it?

Mon.Spelling: Write your spelling words in ____

neat cursive.

Spelling: pp. 186-87.

Practice poem. ____

Daily reading. ____

Record minutes of fitness activity. ____

Tues.Math: Homework & Remembering 6-1. ____

Spelling: Use each of the homophones in

the poem in a correct sentence.

Practice poem. ____

Daily reading. ____

Turn in reading minutes. ____

Record minutes of fitness activity. ____

Wed.Spelling: Spelling: pp. 188-89. ____

Math: Homework & Remembering 6-2. ____

Practice poem. ____

Daily reading. ____

Record minutes of fitness activity. ____

Thurs.Spelling: Practice spelling words. ____

Math: Homework & Remembering 6-3. ____

Do at least two Krypto problems. ____

Practice poem. ____

Daily reading. ____

Record minutes of fitness activity. ____


Dates to Remember
Dr. Seuss Night at the School
Wed., March2nd
5:00-8:00 P.M.

FLUENCY: This week we will do Fluency Practice p. 85. On your first read, have someone give you one-minute timing. Practice this selection until you can read it fluently, not too fast or too slow. Pay attention to phrasing and expression. Read it two or three times each day, more if necessary. On your last read, have someone time you for one minute to see how you have improved. Be sure to answer the questions.

Math: Homework & Remembering 5-5. ____

Science: Work on Homework Unit. ____

Spelling: Study words for test. ____

Practice poem, “Bear in There.” ____

Daily reading. ____

Fill out reading log to turn in Monday. ____

Record minutes of fitness activity. ____

POEM: Our poem for this week is by Shel Silverstein, “Bear in There.” Practice this poem until you can read it fluently and rhythmically. Each time you read or recite this poem to someone have him/her sign your copy of the poem so you can get credit for it. You could even memorize this poem.