TV / Radio
(Monika Bhatla) / SBC TV: $300 for 40 spots
Chitrahar TV - $75/ spot
(750k viewers) / - $30/ per week
(Gagan & Madhav) / Darshan TV - Aired on Saturday Morning show on July 22nd.
Darshan Spots: $75/ per 30 sec
Image-an Asian Spots: $50/ 30 sec
(Mohit Agnihotri) / Have contacted 3 local radio stations, but no rate information as of yet.
Los Angeles
(Murali Mani & Appan Thirumaligai) / KPFK Pacifica Radio - Shonali Bose (no rate information)
(Nidhi Chaudhary) / Zee TV - FREE
(3-4 spots per day for 30 days)
Vision of Asia - $100/ per 30 sec
(70k - 80k viewers; 1 hour show on Sunday)
ITV - $325 for 2x per day x 7 days
(10k viewers; 24/7 airing?)
AVS - $300/ per 30 sec
- Asian Television (Need to Follow-up)
- Light of Asia TV (Need to Follow-up)
- Eye on Asia (Need to Follow-up)
- News India TV (Need to Follow-up)
- TV Asia (4 messages, Need to Follow-up) / RBC (Need to Follow-up)
Anil-ki-Awaaz (Need to Follow-up)
WNCJ - Interview scheduled to talk about WAH and Asha
Voice of America News (Need to Follow-up)
St. Louis
(Uma Murugan) / St. Louis TV (Channel 5) - Taal Show / Awaz
(Badrish) / Vdesi - $200/ per 30 sec
(George Varghese) / Local Radio Interview
Silicon Valley
(Balaji & Sirisha) / Radio of - $200/ per month (24 spots per day)
(6 Million hits per month)
Go with the $100 per month and negotiate a plan where frequency is higher in the beginning of Aug and more the week of Aug 15th.
Taza Radio (Still awaiting rates)

$100 - Radio of

$30 -

$200 - Vision of Asia (2 spots)

$100 - SBC TV (Can we bring the cost down?)

$150 - EW