Cucamonga Counseling
ChildPsychosocial Assessment(ages 4-11yrs)
Date of assessment:______
Name of child______Sex: (M)___ (F) ___
Birth date______Place of birth______Age______
Address (name and street)______
(city)______(state)______(zip code)______
Telephone ( )______Religion (optional)______
Education (grade)______Present school______
Referral Source:______
I give permission for (therapist) to contact (physician/teacher/etc.) regarding treatment issues, symptoms, behaviors or other information necessary for the treatment of (minor patient)
Parent Signature______Date______
Presenting Problems: (check all that apply)
__Very unhappy__Impulsive__Fire setting
__Temper outbursts__Disobedient__Lying
__Withdrawn__Infantile__Sexual trouble
__Daydreaming__Mean to others__School performance
__Clumsy __Trouble with the law__Bed wetting
__Overactive __Running away__Soiled pants
__Slow__Self-mutilating__Eating problems
__Short attention span__Head banging__Sleeping problems
__Distractible __Rocking__Sickly
__Lacks initiative__Shy__Drugs use
__Undependable__Strange behavior__Alcohol use
__Peer conflict__Strange thoughts__Suicide talk
How long have these problems occurred? (numbers of weeks, months, years)
What happen that makes you seek help at this time? ______
Symptoms:(Therapist to completes)
Danger To Self or Others:
Suicidal: yes/no Plan/intent______
Homicidal yes/no Plan/intent______
Previous Hospitalizations:
Past Mental Health Treatment/Medications:
Family History MH:
Biological Parents: __married when______age______
__separated when______
__divorced when______
Step-parents: __married when______
Have any family members had any history of mental illness? If, so please explain:______
Childhood history:
Note all health problems the child has had or has now.
_High Fever___ _Dental Problems ___
_Pneumonia___ _Weight Problems ___
_Flu___ _Allergies ___
_Encephalitis___ _Skin Problems ___
_Meningitis___ _Asthma___
_Convulsions___ _Headaches___
_Unconsciousness___ _Stomach Problems___
_Concussions___ _Accident Prone___
_Head Injury ___ _Anemia___
_Fainting___ _High or Low Blood Pressure ___
_Dizziness___ _Sinus Problems___
_Tonsils out ___ _Heart Problems___
_Vision Problems___ _Hyperactivity___
_Hearing problems___ _Other Illnesses___
_Earaches___ (explain) ___
Has the child ever been hospitalized?__Yes __No
If yes, please explain.
Developmental History/Developmental Milestones:
Prenatal-Care? __Yes __NoPlanned for?__Yes __No
Normal pregnancy? __Yes __No
Drugs use during pregnancy? ___Yes ___No
Was mother ill or upset during pregnancy, explain:______
Length of pregnancy:______
Age at which child:
Sat up:______Crawled:______
Walked:______Spoke first word:______
Sentences:______Bladder trained:______
Bowel trained:______
Describe the manner in which toilet training was accomplished:______
Academic Performance:
What are your child’s recent grades?______
Any behavior problems in school?______
Does child participate in extracurricular activities? __Yes __No(explain)
Has child had special testing in school? (if yes, what were the results?) ______
Psychological __Yes __NoVocational __Yes __No
List the child’s strengths/special skills:
History of Abuse:
History of Legal Problems:
Living Arrangements:
Who does the child currently reside with?______
Number of moves in child’s life______
Does the child share a room with anyone else? __Yes__No
If yes, with whom?______
If no, how long has he/she had own room?______
Was the child ever placed, boarded, or lived away from family?__Yes __No
What are the major family stresses at the present time, if any?______
Brothers and Sisters: (indicate if step-brothers or step-sisters)
Name Age Sex
Other Family orSocial Support:
(Therapists Completes This Page)
Axis I ______
Axis II ______
Axis III______
Axis IV______
Axis V______
Therapist Signature ______