9. Sınıflar Performans Görevi Konuları:

-Whereand how can youshop in Konya

-Whereand how can youeat in Konya ?

-What do you do in yourspare time?

-Telling a film thatyouhavewatchedbefore

-Description of yourschool

-Preparing an album aboutyourfamilyandyourhouse

-A poster about ………………..

-A poster aboutparts of the body

-A poster about adjectives

-A poster aboutverbs

-Writingsomethingabout Atatürk ora famousperson

-Prepare a questionairre


-Preparing a mini poster usingphotos of theirfamilymembers.

-Labellingthe body parts.

-Findingsomepictures of petsandmakingsentenceswith “has got”-It has got a tailetc..


-Making a calendarshowingtheirfriends’ birthdays.

-Preparing a poster showingweatherconditions in eachseason.

-Findingwhichfruitgrows in whichseasonandmaking a chart.

-Makingflashcardsaboutclassroomobjects,clothes,bodyparts,parts of a house,animals…

-Preparing a poster aboutThe Simple Present Tense.

-Writingthenames of thesportsthey can do orcan’t do.

-Making a list of theirlikesanddislikes.

-Predictingwhatpeople in a houselikedoingointhegiven Picture.

-Making a housewithcardboards.

-Preparing a poster toraiseawareness of dangers in society.

-Cooking macaroniorcoffeewithpassiveinstructions in theclassroom

10. Sınıflar Performans Görevi Konuları:

-Making a list of thequalities of their ideal friend.

-Identfyinganddescribingpersonalqualities of theleftandrightbrainedpeople


-Talkingaboutpasteventswith “when” and “while”

-İmaginingthatone of thecharactersfromtheIndependenceWar has cometothepresent. introducinghim.

-Reading thegiven a detectivestoryandtryingtosolvethecase.

-Preparing a questionnareaboutpersonalexperiences.

-Comparingthetwopicturesgivenandfindingthedifferencesbysayingwhattheperson has orhasn’tdone.


-Interviewingwithone of English teachersandrecording it.

-Atatürk’s life and his deeds.

-Making a familyalbum.

-Writing a descriptivepassageabout a famouspersonwithpictures.(Itmay be a poster)

-Making a powerpointpresentationaboutany tense.

-Description of theroom of yourdreams(make a model roomandobjects in it.



-Prepare an English magazine ornewspaper(groupwork)

-Prepare a dialogwithcaricatures.

- Makingpowerpointpresentation of thelanguageactivities in theircoursebookthattheylikemost.

-Compose a songandrecord it.

11. Sınıflar Performans Görevi Konuları:


-Preparing a brochure of a hotel.

- Thedisadvantages of wars.

- Preparing a website.

-Givinginformationsabout a gamewhichisn’t popular in Turkey.

- Comparingtwopicturesgiven.

- Atatürk’s life anddeeds. -Preparing a dictionary of adjectiveswithpictures.


-Choosing an oldfamilyphoto of theirsandgivinginformationaboutthosedays.

-Choosing at least 40 verbsandmakingsentenceswithpastandpastparticipleforms of themandmaking a poster.

-Makingpowerpointpresentation of thelanguageactivities in theircoursebookthattheylikemost.

-Preparing a poster toraiseawareness of dangers in society.

-Cooking macaroniorcoffeewithpassiveinstructions in theclassroom.

12. Sınıflar Performans Görevi Konuları:

- Givinginformationaboutthejob in her/his mind.

-Talkingaboutthedifficulties of being a highschoolstudent.

-Givinginformationabout his/her family.

- Theworld in his/her mind.

- Goodandbadsides of ourschool.

-Making a dictionary of at least 50 wordswithpictures.

- Choosing at least 50 verbsandmakingsentenceswithpastandpastparticipleforms of themandmaking a poster.

-Descriptionsometouristicplaces of Turkeywithpictures.

-.Making a powerpointpresentationaboutThe Simple Past Tense.

- Making a powerpointpresentationaboutThePresentProgressive Tense.

-Writing a lettertotheirunforgottablefriend.

-Description of a famouspersonwithpictures.

-Making a list of TurkishReforms in theirchronlogicalorderwiththepictures of Atatürk andsomehistoricalphotos.

-Interviewingwithone of English teacherandrecording it.


LİSESİ 2013-2014 EĞİTİM-ÖĞRETİM YILI ……. SINIFI PERFORMANS ÖDEVLERİ DERECELİ PUANLAMA ANAHTARI / Zamanında ödevini yapma alışkanlığı kazanma / Planlı çalışma alışkanlığı kazanma ve uygulama / Dili iyi ve etkili kullanma / Kompozisyon / Estetik (temizlik, ahenk ve güzellik) / Ödevin orijinalliği / Kaynaklara ulaşma ve yeterince kullanma / Konu kapsamının yeterliği / Bilgi toplama yöntemlerini kullanmasındaki başarısı / Bir ana fikre ulaşma, yorumlama, amaca uygunluk / TOPLAM
10 / 15 / 10 / 10 / 5 / 5 / 15 / 10 / 10 / 10 / 100

Not:1.Ödev konusu öğrenciye imza karşılığı bildirilecektir.

2.Öğrencinin ders öğretmenleri ile görüşmesinde öğretmen tarafından notlar alınacaktır.

3.Her öğretmen verdiği ödevlerle ilgili sonuçları dosyalayacaktır.

4.Öğrencinin çalışma planı,bilgi,doküman ve araç gereç listesi.iletişim kurduğu kaynak kişilerin listesi ödevin sonunda yararlanılan kaynaklar bölümünde belirtilecektir.