HELD IN THE VILLAGE HALL ON WEDNESDAY 11 MAY 2016 following the Annual General Meeting

PRESENT: Cllr. M. Ackland-Smith (MAS) Cllr. J.Manser (JM), Cllr. P. Bragg (PB), Cllr D. Baker (DB), Cllr A. Meechan (AM) Cllr R. Horner (RH), Cllr M. Howe (MH) Mrs. C. Newbery (CN). 5 members of public

1.  Apologies for absence –o

Cllr K. Dearsly

2.  Minutes to Meeting 13 April 2016 – Approved and signed.

3.  Declarations of interest

Cllr Bragg enquired whether the Chairman, Cllr Ackland-Smith had an interest on the Rosario development. He asked if there had been a referee present at the meetings she had when taking advice either with EDDC, DALC or Cllr Howe. Cllr Ackland-Smith said she took exception with this query, as she had done everything in her power to establish the fact that she had no interest whatsoever, and had gone to great lengths to quantify this and even making a public statement to this effect. Cllr Howe confirmed this was the case and he was sure Cllr Ackland-Smith had done everything she could. Cllr Bragg replied that he would leave matters as they were.

4.  Open Forum

1] Colin Pilcher raised a question about the Neighbourhood Plan report last month, and the report in the Annual Meeting. He queried why the Neighbourhood Plan would want to stipulate the style of buildings. He asked whether questionnaires would be circulated by the Steering Group, or whether they would impose their own views. He did not agree with the Parish Council’s opposition to new builds. Cllr Baker responded indicating that it was not true that every application had been opposed. Cllr Manser indicated a design statement would be suggested in due course, but it would not be imposed. He agreed that good contemporary design could fit in well with the current buildings. He stated it was quite difficult to write a design statement for the Parish. The appeal of the Parish is the lack of uniformity and lack of ‘little boxes’ on an estate. There will be public consultations. Cllr Ackland-Smith confirmed that the steering group did consist of Ebford residents only, but that is because there were no Clyst St George residents willing to join. Cllr Howe made a general point that a number of residents wanted to keep the parishes historic and a number did not. Variety can be promoted or not.

2] Mrs Cross said she was pleased that the Parish Council would go through the design books.

5. Correspondence – Clerk Report

1] Email from Philip Broom tendering his resignation as Snow Warden.

2] Email from Maria Pearce of EDDC enclosing invitation from Chairman of EDDC to Garden

Party to celebrate the Queen’s 90th Birthday on 12th June at 2pm. Having discussed this

with our Chairman, who is unfortunately unable to attend, it was offered to Councillors

but unfortunately, due to the event being held on the same day as Clyst St George’s

celebrations, there was no one available to attend.

3] Copy of letter sent by EDDC to Mr. Ian White re: Rosario 16/F0212 – changing of levels

4] Email from Jamie Buckley re Parishes Together Fund being now open to applications. This

Item will be put on the next Agenda for discussion.

6.  County Councillor’s Report – not available

7. District Councillor’s Report

Cllr Howe reported on an update on the Five Year Local Housing – it was promised that we

would deliver 950 houses, and we actually delivered 1047, with five affordable completions

in the last six months. It is monitored six months in arrears. It is a very happy situation to

be in. Cllr Howe reported that the Chief Planning Officer & Development Manager Mr Chris Rose had made specific comments and praised the local community with their assistance on the fighting of the Branscombe Farm development.

Police Report – Clerk Report

There were two crimes reported for the month of April:

1] A dog not under proper control – the owner of the dog agreed to better control methods under the community resolution process.

2]On 17th April a male under the influence of drink in a local pub was dealt with by way of penalty notice for disorder.

A further crime had occurred which had not yet been reported to the Clerk, which involved a

Digger being stolen from the Rosario site belonging to RBL.

9. Finance: Clerk to report

The Clerk reported that we have now received the first half of the Precept payment in the sum

Of £3027. The total amount now in the Bank is £5705, after the payment of DALC annual

Membership and Clerk’s salary and expenses. Accounts had been circulated prior to the meeting, together with the annual accounts for financial year ending 31 March 2016. She asked that both sets of accounts were agreed.

Unanimous vote for both Year End and month’s accounts.

10.  Discussion on proposed Community Assets in the Parish including Branscombe Farm land at Ebford.

Cllr Howe suggested that after the Branscombe Farm Appeal there was now a case for a

Community asset. Cllr Manser reported that regulations give a community/group/company the right to buy a piece of land should it be put up for sale – the EDDC website indicates that a community group/company has six months to raise the money for this purpose before anyone else can purchase it. He said that Branscombe Farm has not been farmed for many years, it totalled some three acres. Ebford had no community open space, and these three acres could be cleared and used by the public for several amenities – playground, car parking, walking etc. Even a footpath could be established. It was not for the Parish Council to purchase the land, it was for the community to do so, should it go on the market. It was for the Parish Council to register the land with EDDC, and there is no charge for this. Cllr Bragg confirmed he was in agreement, subject to the landowners’ agreement, and no compulsory purchase. Cllr Horner agreed with Cllr Bragg, and remarked that the land is a disgrace presently.

Cllr Howe advised the Parish Council should apply for the land to be registered, this would not be detrimental to the land owners.

Unanimous Vote.

11.  Grass Cutting and Weed Killing – estimate from Plandscape and timetable JM Report.

Manser produced the estimate from Plandscape in the sum of £98.50 for one cut only of

Ebford Junction, roundabout at Clyst St George and area by Fire Headquarters. After discussion it was requested that Plandscape confirm to the Clerk when the work would be carried out.

Unanimous Vote.

12.  Media Training Course from DALC - Clerk to Report.

The course fee is £40. I would like to propose that the Chairman should attend, unless

There is another Councillor who wishes to do so. We already have the funds in hand for Training under the transparency claim. Cllr Ackland-Smith agreed.

Unanimous Vote

13.  Planning see below

14.  Councillors’ Reports

Cllr Horner confirmed that the road sweeper came in the last week, without warning as promised. They did a good job considering there were many cars parked. He also confirmed that the noticeboard had not been completed, but he would follow this up shortly. MAS requested that a set of keys to the noticeboard be given to the Clerk. Cllr Manser confirmed that Lower Lane was also swept.

Cllr Bragg wished the Parish Council to know that Cllr Horner had been invited to attend a garden party at Buckingham Palace next week.

Cllr Manser reported that the Residents Group would be meeting to tidy up the triangle at the traffic lights at Ebford on the 28th May and all residents were invited. There would be refreshments provided.

Cllr Ackland-Smith reported that PCSO Donna Baker would be retiring shortly. At present, it is unsure who her replacement will be. She was concerned that a replacement should be put in place as soon as possible, and the clerk would be writing to two senior officers to confirm this and also write a letter to PCSO Baker expressing the Parish Council’s gratitude to her.

All agreed with this course of action.

MAS reported that she had been in contact with Highways with regard to the footpath on the A376 and the problem hedge – but the matter is now in their hands.

MAS reported that with regard to donations to the Friends of Church, the last payment made was in 2013. She confirmed this would be put on the Agenda for the discussion of Donations to Friends of the Church.


1] 16/0871/ful Rosario, Ebford EX3 0QN - Construction of detached garage, home

Office and games room ancillary to detached dwelling approved under 15/0805/FUL

Deferred from previous meeting due to lack of plans.

Cllr Baker confirmed this application had been discussed last month without the benefit of the plans. He said that to date there had been seven objections mainly on size. He asked if anyone had further comments to make. Cllr Bragg considered it too high.

Unanimous vote agreeing summary already sent to EDDC

2] 16/0987/VAR Dart Business Park, Clyst St George – Removal of conditions 4 & 5

of application 08/1987/FUL to allow use of any part of the building for the permitted

uses (show rooms, store, offices and industrial units)

Cllr Baker considered this was a technical matter. And approval of the application would make the site into a retail development. Cllr Howe stated that it was still classified as an employment site, and retail not technically allowed. Cllr Ackland-Smith considered it is a matter best left to EDDC to decide.

Unanimous vote to leave decision to EDDC.

3] 16/0904/FUL Rose Cottage, Clyst St George EX3 0RE - Construction of new vehicular access

and erection of garage and log cabin.

Cllr Baker reported there had been one letter of support from a neighbour. Cllr Bragg queried whether there would be a problem with Highways and visibility. Cllr Howe confirmed he considered that Highways would not raise any problem. Cllr Ackland-Smith reported that she had visited the property, and spoken to the neighbour and there appears to be no problems. Also the Planning Department had raised no objections at this point.

Unanimous vote to support.

MAS - asked whether there were any questions.

There were none


The Meeting closed at 9.45 pm

The next Meeting will be held on Wednesday 8 June 2016