Thursday 30 April 2015 at 7.00 p.m.

1 Church Walk, Holmes Chapel.

1. Attendance / Cllr JA Clowes Mrs NL Clarke - Clerk of the Council
Cllr BA Bath Mrs NL Clarke - Clerk of Sproston PC
Cllr L Gilbert
Cllr M Ranger
Cllr RC Parry
Cllr M Street
2. Apologies / RESOLVED (ts14/15/37)to receive apologies fromCllrs Cotton, Ranger and Slaughter.
3. Declarations of Interest. / Cllr RC Parry declared a non-pecuniary interest in Item 7 – 15/1248C.
Cllr MJ Street declared a non-percuniary interest in Item 7 – 15/1864C
4. Public Forum / Mr Hartopp spoke about the sale of land at Broad Lane and the possibility of development. The Clerk will contact Mr Hartopp if she receives any information.
5. Minutes / RESOLVED (ts14/15/38) to approve the minutes of the Committee meetings held on 12 March2015.
6. Matters arising / None
7. Planning Applications / The Committee considered the applications listed below andRESOLVED (ts14/15/39) to comment as follows:
15/1864C 3 Station Road, CW4 7AU / Demolition of single detached garage, build a single storey side/rear extension.
No objection.
15/1248C 96 Macclesfield Rd, CW4 8AL / Construction 2 new dwellings
Objection – the development is outside the settlement zone and will result in increased traffic.
8. Highways Issues Review / a)Re-routing – Attendees reported on a meeting on 20 April 2015 with CEC Highways. CEC still have work to do on issues raised at the meeting. Traffic counts will be taken in September2015 to compare with figures before the scheme was put in place. Enforcement by the Police will take place in the next few weeks.
b)SIDS – the post is in place opposite Bromley Drive. A temporary SID is being used by PCSO Cope around the village.
RESOLVED (ts14/15/40) that the Clerk
  • sends copies of the data to all council members
  • contact CEC Highways regarding the lack of solar panel on the post by Bromley Drive.
  • Remind CEC Highways about repair and replacement of lights on the zebra crossing.

9. Other Infrastructure Matters. / Cllr M Ranger is concerned about the proposed charges for parking at the Station from 15 May 2015 and the impact on nearby roads.
Cllr Gilbert reported CEC is in discussions with the church about making a parking space available for the church as Church View is now permit holders only.
ANSA have completed work on minor highway improvements in HC e.g. sign cleaning, waste bins and work on Westway roundabout.
RESOLVED (ts14/15/41) The Clerk to write
  • to CEC to ask for enforcement for dangerous parking when charges for parking at the station come into force along Sandiford Road and other areas in the village.
  • to ANSA and Alan Lawson to thank them for the work done
  • to CEC Highways ask to cut to the Chester Road hedges

10.Summer planting / The Clerk reported that Ian Petherick will maintain the village planting once again. The Clerk to thank Paul at Channel Island Plants for the plants and to ask Ian Petherick to add the Barclays planter to his schedule.
11. Neighbourhood Plan / The Chairman updated members on work taking place and attendance at the Village Fair on Sunday 3 May 2015.
12. Village Volunteers report / Summer planting is taking place. Plants have been ordered by the VVs.
13. Review of Technical Services Committee and matters to take forward to the next council. / Cllr Clowes reviewed the work undertaken by the Tech Services committee. A lot of work had taken place on Highways issues. Good relationships and links have been created with CEC which has helped to achieve work in HC.
Suggestions for work for the new committee:
  1. Parking on junctions e.g. Brookfield Road and Sandiford Road.
  2. Grid and drain inspections
  3. Car Parking as a high priority
  4. Sewers – inspections and new builds
  5. Street Lighting – estate replacement /renovation of village centre.
  6. Review of pavements
  7. Road surfaces e.g. Crofters Court
  8. Community Payback
  9. Boundary signs

14. Chairman and Clerk's Report / Cllr M Ranger requested an update on the Hermitage Bridge. CEC are dealing with the matter.
Meeting closed 8.10p.m.

These minutes will be submitted for approval at the next meeting scheduled for 18 June 2015. Until approved they are draft minutes.

Signed as Chairman of the Committee as a true and accurate record:

