Motion Review Questions (Kahoot alternative)

1. What is a force between two surfaces in contact that resists the sliding of surfaces past each other?Friction

2. What is the distance and direction from starting to ending point? Displacement

3. The speed and direction of a moving body: equals the displacement divided by the time. Velocity

4. An object in motion stays in motion. An object at rest stays at rest. 1st law

5. When you are in a car accident and not wearing a seat belt, this explains which law.1st law

6. The more force, the more acceleration. 2nd law

7. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.3rd law

8. When a cannon fires. This is an example of which law?3rd law

9. I can throw a baseball father than a bowling ball. This explains which law? 2nd law

10. Unequal forces that do not cancel when acting on an object and cause motion. Unbalanced force

11. A push or pull. Force

12. Forces that are equal but opposite in direction. There is no change in motion. Balanced Force

13. A change in velocity divided by the amount of time needed for that change to take place. Acceleration

14. Equals the distance traveled divided by the time needed to travel that distance. Speed

15. Who is the scientist who gave us the laws of motion? Sir Isaac Newton

16. How many laws of motion are there? 3

17. What is another name for the first law of motion? Law of Inertia

18. Which law explains why we wear seatbelts? 1st law

19. Which law explains how rockets are launched into space?3rd law

20. Which law says that force equals mass times acceleration (F=MA). 2nd law