Danish Board of District Heating China

General Assembly

16.15PM, Monday, 17thFebruary 2014

Venue: Royal Danish Embassy Beijing


-DBDHC Annual Report 2013

-Brainstorm: 2014 Activities

-Review of the Strategy:Plan of activities for the coming year

-CDHA presentation on the heating situation in China

-News from DBDH

-New DBDHC members *Schneider and Samson

-Election of the Chairman of DBDH-China

-Decision regarding membership fee


Exhibition info

-The 4th Heat Metering & Energy Service International Conference & Exhibition

16-18 April 2014, Qingdao

-China International Trade Fair for Sanitation, Heating, Ventilation & Air-conditioning,

May 13-15, ISH & CIHE 2014, Beijing

Booth No.E2-33E


COWI: Mikael Jacobsson, Wang Liqiang

Danfoss: Wang Jinhui

Grundfos: Yang Yusen

Kamstrup: Mikael Hansen, Zhang Xiu

Logstor: Yuan Xiang

Schneider: Zhao Bin, Thomas Graziani

CDHA: Guan Xin

Embassy: Susanne, Nathalie

Minutes of Meeting

-News from CDHA

CDHA has not made a meeting plan for this year because the Central Government has issued more strict rules on organizing/participating in any kinds of meetings/conferences.

A general election of the new CDHA board is planned in April 2014.

The Annual Meeting of CDHA Technical Committee will be held in Lanzhou, Gansu province, on 15th March 2014 with focusing on coal powder ash boiler heating system.

CDHA is the co-organizer of ISH. ISH China & CIHE 2014 will be held in Beijing from 13-15th May 2014. DBDH China will give a presentation at the Sino-Europe Heating Conference which is held at the same time.

-ADB plans to entrust COWI, DBDHC and CDHAin the ADB Qingdao Project Training Programme this year. Teru, the ADB DH Director, will meet us in Beijing in 2 weeks.

-Kamstrup proposed a seminar with the theme on metering. However, the Embassy is planning a Pricing Seminar on Water with the support of the Pricing Department of NDRC. Thus it was discussed that a metering seminar focusing on water, electricity, gas and heating could be held during the ADB Qingdao Training Programme.

-MH gave a short introduction aboutthe Focus Group China (FGC). The FGC will assist Danish companies to coordinate in a better way and support the DBDHC in China.

-After a discussion about a promotion trip the coming year, the DBDHC Planning Activities 2014 was listed afterwards.

-James Guan gave a presentation on China District Heating Status & Development Technical Path. Please find it attached in the email.

-News from the Embassy:

The date of the Copenhagen Mayor’s visit to Beijing has not been confirmed yet.

Anton Beck, Director of the Danish Energy Agency will visit Beijing next week.A briefing will be heldon 24th February 2014 at the Embassy regarding the joint Sino Danish activities in 2014. DBDHC companies will be invited.

-New members:

Schneider-Electric (Department of Energy Sustainable Service, ESS) applied to be member of DBDHC and was accepted by all participating members. ESS focus on four areas: Region/Industrial Park energy management systems; energy-saving management systems in buildings; Industrial energy management systems; Carbon emission consulting.

Samson’s application was rejected because they don’t have any production in Denmark.

-Election of Chairman:

Mikael Hansen was elected as new DBDHC chairman without objection. Mikael will take this challenge and continue the work DBDHC.

DBDHC Planning Activities 2014

DBDHC Event / Key words / Participants
1 / April 2014, Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province / Hebei is one of the heavy polluted regions in China; an increasing pressure regarding air pollution control; Danish heating solutions brainstorm to local customers. / DBDHC companies, Focus group
2 / June 2014, Dalian-Jinzhou, Liaoning Province / Organize a Danish Session during the “2014 Heating Technology and Enterprise Management Informatization Forum”(part of the“12th China Int. Software & Information Service Fair”); Networking with heating companies; site visits to a local heating project; political meetings with the local government(the Heating Office, Construction Committee) / DBDHC companies
3 / Q3 2014,
Qingdao / ADB heating project Qingdao Training Programme; networking with local customers, political meeting with the local government (theHeating Office; Organize metering pricing seminar on water, electricity, gas and heating. / DBDHC companies
4 / September 2014,
Shanxi Province / Surplus heat utilization from Iron & Steel Plants (increasing pressure regarding air pollution control); political meetings with the local government: branding to local customers. / DBDHC companies
Focus group
Special Event & Trips
1 / 26-28 March, 2014
Wuhan, Hubei Province / Topics on Green Building and Decentralized Energy; Danish Session during the “7th Wuhan International Product Green Building Technology Expo” on 26-27th March, 2014; Networking with government officials, experts, customers, etc. / DK companies
2 / Week 22, May 2014
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia / Follow up to the Mongolia trips in 2013; close dialogue with Mongolian government officials, heating companies; technical exchange; potential heating projects identification / DKcompanies