COMBINED Development application Construction CERTIFICATE
Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, Sections: 78A, 109C(1)(b), 81A(2) & (81A(4)
Applicant detailsContact name:
Company Name:
Postal address:
Suburb State P/Code
Email address:
Contact Nos: Mobile: Work Home
Signature: Date:
Subject land (details of land where the development is proposed)
Property Address:
Lot: DP:
Description of development
Type of Development: q local q state q integrated q designated q prohibited
Description of Development:
Use of development (residential, commercial or industrial):
Building Code of Australia Classification:
Value (if building work is to be carried out)
Total value of work:$ . Value must be a real value, including labour component for work (Council will use amounts contained within its development checklist is you do not have an accurate figure to calculate a total amount)
Consent of all property owners
All property owners MUST sign for all applications
If property is in the name of a company, position held in that company must be stated & company seal (if one) fixed here
I/we hereby consent to the making of this application and I/we understand that it will be necessary for Council staff to enter and inspect the property, the subject of this application to ensure compliance with the provisions of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended and the Regulations there under and with the approved plans and specifications. Therefore I/we give approval for Council staff to enter and inspect the property during the approval process; during construction and until such time as all of the work has been completed to Council’s satisfaction.
Name (print full names) Signature Date
Company name & position (if applicable)
Suburb: Postcode: Phone:
Appointment of Principal Certifying Authority (PCA)
We the owners appoint Oberon Council as the Principal Certifying Authority (PCA), in accordance with the requirements of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act, in relation to this development.
q Yes q No
Environmental Impact
q an environmental impact statement (EIS) is attached
q a statement of environmental effects is attached
q the proposed development is considered to have negligible effect
Is any part of the land critical habitat: qYes qNo
Is the proposed development likely to significantly affect threatened species, populations or ecological communities, or their habitats qYes qNo q NA or
Is the proposal a biodiversity complaint development qYes qNo q NA
Integrated development
Is this application for integrated development: q Yes q No
List other approvals required to be obtained
Fisheries Management Act 1994 q s 144 q s 201 q s 205 q s 219
Heritage Act 1977 q s 58
Mine Subsidence Compensation Act 1961 q s 1
National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 q s 90
Protection of the Environment Operations Act q s 43
Rivers and Foreshores Improvement Act 1948 q Part 3A
Roads Act 1993 q s 138
Waste Minimisation and Management Act 1995 q s 44
Water Management Act 2000 q s 89 q s 90 q 91
List of authorities from which concurrence is required
Does the application seek approval for an activity under section 68?
q Not Applicable
q Sydney Catchment Authority
q Roads and Maritime Services
q Other …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Local Government Act 1993
Does the application seek approval for an activity under section 68?
q Associated drainage work (internal and external drainage)
q Install/modify an onsite waste water system
q Install a manufactured home
q Other …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Pre Lodgement Meeting
Have you had a “pre lodgment meeting” with a member of councils Development Department?
q Yes
q No (you are advised to arrange a pre lodgment meeting prior to lodging your application)
Email Notification
Oberon Council is trying to reduce its impact upon the environment and modernize its communication practices. Applicants now have the option to receive most correspondence (the final determination and plans will still be mailed out) via email instead of receiving posted letters. Do you wish to receive correspondence from council via email to the email address on page 1?
q Yes
q No
Political Gifts and Donations
Your attention is drawn to the Department of Planning’s Guidelines on Political Donations & Gifts. The guidelines require the following:
Any persons with a financial interest in the application, is required to disclose all reportable political donations and gifts made within the previous 2 years when making a planning application to the Council. A disclosure must also be made of any reportable political donations or gifts made during the period the planning application is being considered prior to it being determined. These include:
i. all reportable political donations made to any local councillor of the council,
ii. all gifts made to any local councillor or employee of that council.
A reportable political donation made to a local councillor of any local council includes any donation made at the time the person was a candidate for election to the council.
Disclosure forms are available on Council’s website –
Is a disclosure statement required q Yes q No
Owner Builder or Licensed Builder
Are you an owner-builder: q Yes q No
If yes an Owner/builder permit will be required if value of work over $5,000 and residential work is being carried out prior to works commencing onsite.
Will the work be carried out by a licensed builder? q Yes q No
If yes a certificate of Home Warranty Insurance is required if value of work is over $20,000 and residential work is being carried out prior to works commencing onsite.
Builders name:
Licence No:
Email address:
Contact Nos: Mobile: Work Fax
Development details (information also collected for Australian Bureau of Statistics)
To be completed for Construction Certificate and Complying Development Certificate applications only
All new buildings
Number of storeys (including underground floors Gross floor area of existing building (m2)
Gross floor area of new building (m²) Gross site area (m2)
Residential buildings only
Number of dwellings to be constructed
Number of pre-existing dwellings on site
Number of dwellings to be demolished
Will the new dwelling(s) be attached to other new buildings? q Yes q No
Will the new building(s) be attached to existing buildings? q Yes q No
Does the site contain a dual occupancy (two dwellings on the same site)? q Yes q No
All building work
Number of WC’s to be installed:
Method of termite control:
Approximate date work is to commence:
Swimming pools
Capacity (over 40,000 litres – BASIX certificate required)
Materials to be used
Tick the box which best describes the materials the new work will be constructed of:
qconcrete (20) qtimber (10) qother (80) qunknown (90)
qaluminium (70) qconcrete (20) qfiberglass (80) qconcrete tile (10) qmasonry/terracotta, shingle tiles (10)
qslate (20) qother (80) qunknown (90) qfibrous cement (30) qcolorbond steel (60)
External Walls
qconcrete (20) qbrick veneer (12) qfull brick (11) qcolorbond steel (60) qtimber/weatherboard (40)
qsingle brick (11) qconcrete block (11) qhardiplank (30) qcurtain glass (50) qconcrete/masonry (20)
qcurtain glass (50) qfibrous cement (30) qother (80) qunknown (90) qcladding – aluminium (70)
Wall Frame
qtimber (40) qsteel (60) qother (80) qunknown (90)