Learning and Teaching Review: Subject Area

QA Summary, based on Central, Faculty and Unit Documentation


Programme specifications:
Are they up to date and complete and do they match the programme regulations? Do they match the versions published on the web?
Do aims and intended learning outcomes map to the FHEQ level descriptors and outcomes for a specific award?How do they compare with the subject benchmarks? / Programmespecifications
Programme regulations
Subject benchmarks
Module outline forms:
Review a sample: do these appear complete and up to date?What is the state of mapping to the Graduate Skills Framework?Do assessment loads conform to the University Assessment Tariff (unless exemptions apply)? / Module Outline Forms
MOFS database
Assessment Tariff
Qualifications and Credit Framework:
Check programme regulations: doprogrammes conform with University’s credit arrangements (unless they have approved exemptions)? / Qualifications and Credit Framework
Programme regulations
External examiners’ reports:
Check reports for confirmation from examiners that the quality and standards of the programmes are appropriate. Are any substantial issues raised? Have previous recommendations been addressed by the subject area?
Are reports reviewed at Board of Studies with students present?Is there evidence of actions recommended by EE being considered and actions identified at BoS? Are reports discussed at Student-Staff Committees? / External examiners’ reports
Board of Studies responses
Board of Studies minutes
Student-Staff Committee minutes


NSS/PTES Results and Action Plans
Are there any significant fluctuations in NSS or PTES results around teaching and learning? Are any concerns appropriately addressed in the action plans? / NSS/PTES Results
NSS Action plans
Annual Monitoring and Review
Student: Staff Ratio and Staff Workload
What is the student: staff ratio? Is contact time and/or teaching workload mentioned in AMR or external examiners’ reports? / Student: Staff ratio
Annual Monitoring and Review
External Examiners’ reports
Workload Model
Peer dialogue for teaching
Check there is a policy; ask to see a list of staff who haveparticipated in the past 12 months.How does the subject area take an overview of this? The unit should have an annual report on this which is seen by the School executive committee and Board of Studies. Does the scheme seem effective? / School Peer Dialogue policy
University Peer Dialogue Policy
Board of Studies minutes
School executive committee minutes
Annual Monitoring and Review


/ Evidence
Assessment procedures and exemptions:
Review information on assessment provided to students on BB sites and in handbooks. Does the information reflect institutional guidance on assessment principles, late submission of work, and scaling & moderation? What exemptions to assessment regulations have been approved? Has the external examiner raised any concerns about assessment procedures, and if so, how have these been addressed? / University policies and guidance on examinations and assessment
Selected Blackboard sites
External Examiners’ reports
Exemptions to assessment policies
Moderation and Scaling policy
Check how the unit monitors return of feedback on assessed work within the four week period and how often this has not been met. Has the external examiner noted any particular aspects of the feedback returned to students? How is feedback returned to students (e.g., through BB, through NESS, physically, etc.)? / Board of Studies minutes
Student-Staff Committee minutes
Annual Monitoring and Review
Submission of work
Check the school’s procedure for the submission and consideration of extension requests (may be part of an overall assessment policy) for consistency with University policy. / University Submission of Work Policy
Personal Extenuating Circumstances Procedure
Board of Examiners and Module Moderation Boards (where applicable):
Do the minutes demonstrate compliance with University Regulations and Guidance for Boards of Examiners?Do the reviews of discretion seem appropriate and comply with University regulations? Check attendance levels. / University Regulations
Guidance for Boards of Examiners
Board of Examiners minutes
Module Moderation Board minutes
Annual Monitoring and Review
Assessment criteria (marking criteria):
How does the subject area make students aware of assessment criteria? Are criteria clear and applied consistently? / Degree programme handbooks
Module guides
Blackboard sites
Recognition of Prior Learning (APL/RPL):
Does the subject area policy comply with the University policy? What information is provided to prospective and/or current students? What is the process for assessing and granting RPL/APL? / Examples of instances in which students have been granted APL/RPL
APL/RPL Policy or statement
University Policy on Credit Transfer and the Recognition of Prior Learning


Joint Honours and Combined Studies programmes (where applicable):
Check programmes are being reviewed at BoS and in AMR, that external examiners’ comments and student feedback are being followed through. / Board of Studies minutes
Annual Monitoring and Review reports
Educational Partnerships (where applicable):
Check programmes are being reviewed at BoS, and in AMR, and that external examiners’ comments and student feedback are followed through. Are any concerns noted in the Educational Partnerships report? / Educational Partnerships Report
Board of Studies minutes
Annual Monitoring and Review reports
Credit Accumulation and Transfer (where applicable):
Are quality management procedures compliant with University Regulations governing CATS? / University Regulations
Work-based and Placement Learning (where applicable):
Review placement or year abroad handbooks and check compliance with relevant section of the Quality and Standards Handbook / University Work-based and Placement Learning Policy
Placement Handbooks
Flexible and Distributed Learning / Distance Learning (where applicable):
Check compliance with relevant section of the Quality and Standards Handbook / University Flexible and Distributed Learning Policy
Student Handbooks
Blackboard sites


/ Evidence
Have admissions numbers significantly changed over the past several years? Are they being monitored by relevant committees, and/or have they been noted in recent AMRs? / Admissions figures
Annual Monitoring and Review
Committee minutes
Have there been any significant changes in the degree classifications or performance of graduating students? Have any comments been made by the external examiner(s) and/or accrediting bodies? / Degree classifications
PSRB reports
External Examiners’ reports
DLHE data
Annual Monitoring and Review
Management information (use of Annual Degree Programme Statistics and Cohort Analysis):
Are student progression, completion statistics and distribution of degree classifications over time being monitored by the Board of Studies? / Programme statistics provided by the School
Board of Studies minutes
Annual Monitoring and Review


Degree programme handbooks:
Check contents against the University guidelines focusing on important areas: e.g. assessment criteria, feedback, contact hours, scaling and moderation, good academic practice, information on module choice and programme structure, personal tutoring, induction, plagiarism. / Degree Programme Handbooks
Personal tutoring:
Check on the School’s progress in implementing the University framework for personal tutoring. Have any actions or good practice been noted in AMR or NSS action plans? / NSS action plans
Board of Studies minutes
Annual Monitoring and Review report
ePortfolio statistics
Ethical approval:
All schools should have a policy on the ethical approval of undergraduate and taught postgraduate research. Ask for some examples of paperwork used. / Unit Policy and examples
Faculty-specific guidelines




/ Evidence
Module/stage evaluation questionnaires / Student feedback / Student-Staff Committee:
Check BoS minutes: how are the views of students (and graduates) being considered and action taken in response? A particular focus is needed on any joint honours/combined, collaborative or distance learning programmes.Are questionnaires/module evaluations being discussed in Boards of Studies and SSCs? Are external examiners’ reports discussed at SSCs?
Check frequency of meetings and feed through and feedback from Board of Studies. Is the subject area complying with University student representation policy? Check attendance levels of student representatives at BoS and SSC. / Blackboard sites
Board of Studies minutes
Student-Staff Committee minutes
Annual Monitoring and Review reports
SSC annual report
Evasys results
Board of Studies schedule:
Check how many BoS there are in the subject area. For each one, check BoS minutes and AMR reports for compliance with the schedule review. Key issues are: programme data; Student-Staff Committee minutes; contact hours; PSRB/employer/industry liaison; annual module review; extensions; check BoS attendance levels / Board of Studies minutes
Annual Monitoring and Review reports
Student-Staff Committee minutes
Accreditation reports
Clarify subject area’s committee structure if not apparent from the commentary / Diagram of committee structure

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