10-14 November / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
8:00 / Registration
9:00 / Session 1:Opening / Session 3: IMS Sustainment Sources & Mechanisms of Support / Session 4: O&M Processes and Tools / Session 5: IMS Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) Elements / Session 6: Report Presentation & Discussion
~10:30 / Break / Break & Reporting Tools Training / Break & Reporting Tools Training / Break / Break
~11:00 / Session 2: PTS O&M Structure / Session 3: continued / Session 4: continued / Session 5: continued / Closing Remarks
~12:30 / Lunch / Lunch / Lunch / Lunch / Lunch
~13:30 / Session 2: continued / Session 3: continued / Session 4: continued / Session 5: continued
~14:15 / Session 2: Posters / Session 3: Posters & Reporting Tools Training / Session 4: Posters & Reporting Tools Training / Session 5: DOTs Training
~15:00 / Group Coffee Discussions / Group Coffee Discussions / Group Coffee Discussions / Group Coffee Discussions
~17:00 / Session Wrap-up / Session Wrap-up / Session Wrap-up / Session Wrap-up
18:00 / Free / Free Evening / Free Evening / Free Evening
19:00 / VIC Reception


Monday 10 November 2008
08:00 / Registration
Session 1 : Introduction
Chairs: Mr. Federico GuendelMr. Lassina Zerbo; Rapporteur: Mr. Jack Shlachter
09:40 / Opening Remarks–Mr. Federico Guendel, Mr. Lassina Zerbo
Past O&M Workshop Recommendations – 2004 Workshop Chairman, Mr. Michael Berry
Past Recommendations Status and Lessons Learned – Mr. Federico Guendel, Mr. Lassina Zerbo
10:00 / Coffee Break
Session 2 : PTS O&M Structure
Chair: Mr. Lassina Zerbo; Co-Chairs: Mr. Manfred Henger & Ms. Xyoli Pérez-Campos; Rapporteur: Mr. Patrick Grenard
11:55 / Session Introduction – Mr. Lassina Zerbo
Monitoring and Levels of Operational Services; Operations Centre – Mr. Alexey Anichenko
Levels of Maintenance; Sources of Support – Ms. Natalie Brely, Mr. Alexey Anichenko, Mr. Patrick Grenard
Operation of a Large Network –Mr. Alexey Malovichk, Mr. Oleg Starovoit
Challenges in the O&M of RN Stations in the Philippines –Ms. Fe De La Cruz
Operational Performance of US IMS RN stations–Mr. George Shipman
12:15 / Lunch Break
Monday 10 November 2008 (cont.)
Session 2: PTS O&MStructure
13:45 / Performance of GTSN AS009 (Botswana)–Mr. Mothusi Obotsang
Feedback from the Most Remote Station in the World - Tristan da Cunha –Mr. Jean Duboullay
Session 2: Posters
14:00 / Operating System and Troubleshooting at BATI AS045 –Mr. Sumawan
Common Operational Problems Encountered at AS075–Mr. Mathew Moihoi
IMS Stations of Mongolia–Mr. Munkhbayar Bazargur
AS080 in the Philippines–Ms. Vilma Hernandez
Samoa IMS Disaster Management –Mr. Johnny Ah Kau
Seismic and Infrasound Monitoring in Brazil – Mr. Lucas Moreira
Role and Responsibilities of Station Operator; The Zimbabawean Experience –Mr. Godfrey Musandiranganga
Session 2: Coffee Group Discussions
15:00 / Discussion Introduction – Ms. Natalie Brely
Topics: Feedback from SO on PTS O&M Functional Structure since PTS Restructure
2004 recommendations status and future plans
16:30 / Session 2 Summary & Recommendations
18:30 / Reception (VIC)
Tuesday 11 November 2008
Session 3 : IMS Sustainment Sources & Mechanisms ofSupport
Chair: Mr. Federico Guendel; Co-Chairs: Ms.Nathalie LeBarsMr. David Russell; Rapporteur: Mr. Jack Shlachter
10:00 / Session Introduction – Mr. Federico Guendel
Post-Certification Activities – Mr.Alexey Anichenko
Equipment Support Contracts and Other Sources of Support– Ms.Natalie Brely
The Legal Framework for IMS facilities: the CTBT, Facility Agreements, PCA and ES Contracts–Ms. Lisa Tabassi, Ms. Mehrunnissa Mehdi
Contractual Mechanisms: PTS Rules and Regulations Governing Contracts –Ms. Neris Baez-Garcia, Mr. Thierry Dubourg
10:30 / Coffee Break[1]
12:10 / Post Certification ActivitiesReview– Mr. Alexey Anichenko, Ms. Marta Galindo
Equipment Support Contract Review– Ms. Natalie Brely, Mr. Johannes Pappenreiter
Implementing and Starting an Equipment Support Contract for the IMS– Mr. Lani Oncescu
A Contractor’s View of the PTS Contract Process– Mr. Philippe Gout
12:30 / Lunch Break
Tuesday 11 November 2008 (cont.)
Session 3: IMS Sustainment Sources & Mechanisms of Support
14:30 / Experience of Operation and Maintenance of Kazakhstani Stations Network. Upgrade of Equipment and Technologies –Ms. Nadezhda Belyashova
Upgrade of the Communication Protocol CD1.0 to CD1.1 - Consequences for the German NDC –Mr. Markus Dohmann, Mr. Manfred Henger
The Need for Continued Station Upgrade (The Kenyan Experience) –Ms. Gladys Kianji
Improving Performance and Sustainment of AS120–Mr. Taurai Ngandu
New Directions for AS Stations - a New Zealand Perspective –Mr. Kenneth Gledhill
Session 3: Poster Session[2]
14:45 / Improving the Performance and Sustainment of the IMS and INPRES Networks–Mr. Juan Pablo Aguiar
Improving the Performance of AS100–Ms. Nilmini Thaldena
AS-040 Lembang Seismic Station Support to INA-TWS and Local Earthquake Analysis–Mr. Hendri Subakti
Data Quality, Control and Improvements, at Auxiliary Station JTS (AS025) – Mr. Javier Pacheco
Session 3: Coffee Group Discussions
15:45 / Discussion Introduction – Mr. Alexey Anichenko
Topics: Contract Roles and Responsibilities Work PrioritizationSole Source Contracting
Contract Cost Factors
17:00 / Session 3 Summary& Recommendations
18:00 / Free Evening
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
Session 4 : O&MProcesses and Tools
Chair: Mr. Lassina Zerbo; Co-Chairs: Mr. Jan FyenMr. Juan Pablo Aguiar; Rapporteur: Mr. Jack Shlachter
10:05 / Session Introduction– Mr. Lassina Zerbo
System Performance and Trends – Ms. Silvia Alamo
SoH System Description – Mr. Gonzalo Perez, Mr. Enrique Castillo
GCI SoH Monitoring Tools – Mr. Fernando Araujo
Incident/ Problem Management – Mr. Alexey Anichenko, Ms. Natalie Brely
10:30 / Coffee Break[3]
12:20 / SoH System Performance –Mr. Igor Chernobay
Incident Problem Management – Mr. Tim Côté
Remote Troubleshooting through Data Quality – Mr. James Robertson
Revealing Site Specific Quality – Mr. Pasi Lindblom
Data Quality Control – Mr. Karl Koch
12:40 / Lunch Break
Wednesday, 12 November 2008 (cont.)
Session 4: O&M Processes and Tools
14:00 / Reporting System – Mr.Enrique Castillo
Examples of Data Quality in Case of Radionuclide Stations for Both Particulate and NG stations–Mr. Masahiro Kumata
Parameters Needed for Efficiency Calibration Modelling (Radionuclide) at the IDC and Possible Feedback to the Station–Mr. Mika Nikkinen
Session 4: Poster Session[4]
14:15 / A Management Tool for Improving IMS Stations Performance –Mr. Diego Mohammad,Mr. Andrés Pantin,Mr. Eduardo Quintana
Monitoring of Data Quality of the IMS Seismic Station AS050–Mr. Horst Langer, Mr. Alfio Messina
IMS Network Management Tools – Jordan –Mr. Waseem Allan, Mr. Mohammad Hijazi
Improving IMS Network Management Tools etc. For AS119–Ms. Annie Mulowezi
Session 4 : Coffee Group Discussions
15:00 / Discussion Introduction – Mr. Alexey Anichenko
Topics:SoH MonitoringReporting system GCI SoH Monitoring
SO monitoring needsTools needed by SOsData Quality
17:00 / Session 4 Summary & Recommendations
18:00 / Free Evening
Thursday, 13 November 2008
Session 5: IMS Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) Elements
Chair: Mr. Federico Guendel; Co-Chairs:Mr. Martin Gledhill & Mr. Gerhard Graham; Rapporteur: Mr. Theo Juurlink
10:15 / Session Introduction –Mr. Federico Guendel
IMS Integrated Logistic Support (ILS) Elements –Ms. Natalie Brely
Station Specific Documentation (SSD) Including Maintenance Planning– Mr. Robert Werzi
IMS Supply Management and Sparing Strategy – Mr. Johannes Pappenreiter
Development of a Logistics Management System at the German NDC– Mr. U. Stelling, Mr. Markus Dohmann,Mr. Manfred Henger
Configuration Management: DOTS, CM Policy/Procedures –Mr. Michael Akrawy
10:35 / Coffee Break
12:10 / PTS Configuration Information System (DOTS) Evaluation: Access by IMS Station Operators and Future Directions – Mr. Jan Fyen
Configuration Control of U.S. IMS Monitoring Facilities: Experience with the Interface to IMS Configuration Control – Mr. Randy Rembold
Life-Cycle Cost Analysis and Management of US Stations– Mr. Christopher Bach, Mr. Don Phillips
IMS Technology Watch and Obsolescence Management – Mr. Patrick Grenard
Station Operator Training – Mr. Jerry Carter
12:30 / Lunch Break
Thursday, 13 November 2008 (cont.)
Session 5: IMS Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) Elements
13:30 / DOTs Demonstration
Session 5: Coffee Group Discussions
14:30 / Discussion Introduction – Ms. Natalie Brely
Topics:Supply ManagementLife Cycle Cost ManagementSecurity
Maintenance PlanningRAMShipping & Storage
SO Roles & ResponsibilitiesConfiguration Management Station-Specific Documentation
16:30 / Session 5 Summary & Recommendations
18:00 / FreeEvening
Friday, 14 November 2008
Session 6: Closing
Chairs: Mr. Lassina Zerbo & Mr. Federico Guendel; Rapporteur: Mr. Jerry Carter
09:00 / Summary of Workshop Findings and Recommendations – Mr. Lassina Zerbo & Mr. Federico Guendel
10:30 / Coffee Break
12:00 / Discussion (continued)
Closing Remarks
Mr Tibor Tóth, Executive Secretary
12:30 / Lunch


[1]Concurrent with Hands-on IRS and SO Tools

[2]Concurrent with Hands-on IRS and SO Tools

[3] Hands-on IRS and SO tool training available

[4]Concurrent with Hands-on IRS and SO Tools