DCSD Instructional Planning Instrument Focus on Teaching and Learning
DeKalb Alternative SchoolWeekly Components
Co-Teacher/Para: / Mrs. Adrienne Scott / Week of:
August 21st - 25th , 2017 / Unit Implementation Week: 3
Course: / Coordinate Algebra B / Unit Name: Describing Data
Priority Standards: / Summarize, represent, and interpret data on a single count or measurement variable
MGSE9-12.S.ID.3 INTERPRET differences in shape, center, and spread in the context of the data sets, accounting for possible effects of extreme data points (outliers).
Summarize, represent, and interpret data on two categorical and quantitative variables
MGSE9-12.S.ID.6 REPRESENT data on two quantitative variables on a scatter plot, and DESCRIBE how the variables are related.
Supporting Standards: / Summarize, represent, and interpret data on a single count or measurement variable.
MGSE9-12.S.ID.1 Represent data with plots on the real number line (dot plots, histograms, and box plots).
MGSE9-12.S.ID.2 Use statistics appropriate to the shape of the data distribution to compare center (median, mean) and spread (interquartile range, mean absolute deviation, standard deviation) of two or more different data sets.
Summarize, represent, and interpret data on a single count or measurement variable.
MGSE9-12.S.ID.5 Summarize categorical data for two categories in two-way frequency tables. Interpret relative frequencies in the context of the data (including joint, marginal, and conditional relative frequencies). Recognize possible associations and trends in the data.
MGSE9-12.S.ID.6a Decide which type of function is most appropriate by observing graphed data, charted data, or by analysis of context to generate a viable (rough) function to best fit. Use this function to solve problems in context. Emphasize linear, quadratic, and exponential models.
MGSE9-12.S.ID.6c Fit a linear function for a scatter plot that suggests a linear association.
Interpret linear models
MGSE9-12.S.ID.7 Interpret the slope (rate of change) and the intercept (constant term) of a linear model in the context of the data.
MGSE9-12.S.ID.8 Compute (using technology) and interpret the correlation coefficient “r” of a linear fit. (For instance, by looking at a scatterplot, students should be able to tell if the correlation coefficient is positive or negative and give a reasonable estimate of the “r” value.) After calculating the line of best fit using technology, students should be able to describe how strong the goodness of fit of the regression is, using “r.”
MGSE9-12.S.ID.9 Distinguish between correlation and causation.
Non-Content Standards: / ELAGSE9-10W4: Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
Learning Targets:
(what learners will be able to do at the end of the learning
activity) / Students will be able to summarize, represent, and interpret data on a single count or measurement variable.
Students will be able to summarize, represent, and interpret data on two categorical and quantitative variables.
Essential Question(s): (address philosophical foundations; contain multiple answers; provoke
inquiry) / 1. How do I summarize, represent, and interpret data on a single count or measurement variable?
2. How can I use visual representations and measures of center and spread to compare two data sets?
3. How do I summarize, represent, and interpret data on two categorical and quantitative variables?
4. How can I apply what I have learned about statistics to summarize and analyze real data?
Big Idea(s):
(main ideas, foundational understandings, conclusions,
or generalizations) / 1. Single count (univariate) data may be graphically represented using dot plots (aka line plots), histograms, and box plots (aka box and whiskers).
2. Measures of center (mean and median) and measures of spread (range, interquartile range, and mean absolute deviation) can be calculated by hand or using technology to compare two univariate data sets.
3. Bivariate data may be graphically represented using a scatterplot or two-way frequency table. Trendlines generated from scatterplots can be used to make predictions about data.
4. Using statistics to summarize and analyze data allows one to visualize what the data is showing, especially if there is a lot of it. It enables one to present the data in a more meaningful way, which allows simpler interpretation of the data.
Academic Vocabulary: / Analysis – Association – Center – Compare – Construct – Interpret – Outlier - Random Sample – Represent - Shape
Spread – Summarize – Symmetry – Trend - Uniformity
Bivariate Data - Box Plot - Box-and-Whisker Plot - Categorical Variables - Conditional Frequencies - Correlation Coefficient - Direction of Skew - Dot Plot - First Quartile - Five Number Summary – Histogram - Interquartile Range
Joint Frequencies - Line of Best Fit - Marginal Frequencies - Mean Absolute Deviation - Number of Peaks - Outlier
Quantitative Variables - Scatter Plot - Second Quartile - Third Quartile - Two-Frequency Table
Integration: / Calculators - Graphing calculators or statistical software package - Graph paper
Engaging Performance
Scenario: / Current Situation: The principal is need of assistance from the 9th grade class end of the year event. In an effort to get more students to participate, you will need to determine the event.
Student Challenge: You are challenged to research what activities or events students like enough to attend. You will create a research design that includes collecting, analyzing, and interpreting your data. You will then present your results to the administration team and class sponsor.
Student Role: Complete the following tasks: formulate questions for the survey to be administered to ninth graders, collect data from at least 50 students, analyze the collected data, interpret the results, and create a presentation of the results.
Intended Audience: Administrators and class sponsor
Product of Performance: Create a multimedia presentation (PowerPoint, Prezi, or another visual) that includes survey results, graphs, and a persuasive argument on what activity the 9th grade class should have to celebrate the completion of the first year of high school.
Tasks 1-3 are building on the skills needed to complete Task 4
Task 1: MGSE9-12.S.ID.1, MGSE9-12.S.ID.2, MGSE9-12.S.ID.3 Students will determine the best way to represent data with number line plots, including dot plots, histograms, or box plots. Upon determining the most appropriate graphical representation, students will use the shape of the data to compare two or more data sets with summary statistics by comparing either center (using mean and median) and/or spread (using range, interquartile range, and mean absolute deviation.)
Task 2: MGSE9-12.S.ID.1, MGSE9-12.S.ID.2, MGSE9-12.S.ID.3 MGSE9-12.S.ID.6 Students explore and use hypothetical data. Graphs such as comparative box plots and scatter plots are drawn to illustrate the data. Measures of center (median, mean) and spread (range, Interquartile Range (IQR), Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) are computed. Conclusions are drawn based upon the data analysis in the context of question(s) asked. Students will be able to calculate numerical summaries and use them to compare two data sets. Students will be able to determine if any data values are outliers, display data in comparative box plot and use the plot to compare two data sets, and display the relationship between two variables on a scatter plot and interpret the resulting plot.
Task 3: MGSE9-12.S.ID.6, MGSE9-12.S.ID.6a, MGSE9-12.S.ID.6c, MGSE9-12.S.ID.7, MGSE9-12.S.ID.8 Students compare additive and multiplicative growth (represented by linear and exponential models) to make predictions and solve problems within the context of gender-based salary differences. In doing this task, students analyze data sets, create scatter plots, determine the most appropriate mathematical model, and justify their model selection.
Task 4: MGSE9-12.S.ID.1, MGSE9-12.S.ID.2, MGSE9-12.S.ID.3, MGSE9-12.S.ID.5, MGSE9-12.S.ID.6, MGSE9-12.S.ID.6a, MGSE9-12.S.ID.6c, MGSE9-12.S.ID.7, MGSE9-12.S.ID.8, MGSE9-12.S.ID.9 Students will synthesize what they’ve learned in this unit and design their own study. They should work individually or in pairs to formulate research questions, use appropriate statistical methods to analyze the data, and develop and analyze predictions.
In the areas below, place an “X” in the box(es) to indicate the selected strategies and resources.
Research-Based Instructional Strategies: (weekly strategies chosen to guide teaching and learning) / OPENING: Engaging Instructional Activity / Activate Prior
Knowledge / Questioning
(Raises questions) / X / Clarify Previous
Lesson / Phenomenon
Feedback / X / Scaffold
Instruction / Create Interest / Other:
Exploring, Explaining, Extending, and Elaborating / Facilitate
Learning / X / Academic
Discussions / X / Cooperative
Learning / Other:
Demonstrate/ Model / X / Generating and Testing
Hypotheses / X / Independent Learning / Other:
Explain/Apply/Ex tend concepts
and skills / X / High-Level Questioning / Interdisciplinary Writing / Other:
CLOSING: Evaluating / Summarize Lesson / X / Provide Alternate Explanations / Respond to EQs / X / Other:
Allow students to assess their own learning / X / Quick Write / 3-2-1/K-W-L / Other:
DCSD RCD Aligned Lesson Plan Template
Components of this lesson plan may change according to the needs of the students.
DCSD Instructional Planning Instrument Focus on Teaching and Learning
21st Century Learning Skills:(weekly strategies chosen to guide student engagement) / Teamwork and Collaboration / X / Innovation and Creativity / X / Accessing and Analyzing Information / X
Initiative and Leadership / Critical Thinking and Problem Solving / X / Effective oral and Written Communication / X
Curiosity and Imagination / Flexibility and Adaptability / Other:
Intervention Strategies
Intervention Strategies (Tiers 1, 2, 3)
Additional Support in Classroom / Specially Designed Instruction for Exceptional Education Students / Strategies for English Language Learners
Re-Voicing / X / Conferencing / Visuals/Realia
Explaining / X / Additional time / Front-loading
Prompting for Participation / Small group collaboration / Echoing/Choral response
Challenging or countering / Modify quantity of work / Color-coding
X / Asking “Why?” “How” / Take student’s dictation / Multiple exposures in different media
Reread / Scaffold information / X / Pair-share
X / Practice new academic vocabulary / X / Differentiated
content/process/product / X / Modeling
Assistive technology / Consistent reward system / Language scaffolds: eg, sentence frames
Pre-teach & re-teach in a different way / X / Refer to students’ IEP or 504 plan / Deconstruct complex sentences
X / Use of manipulatives / Assistive technology / Increase student-to-student talk
Collaborative work / Strategies vocabulary instruction
Create differentiated text sets / Additional think time
Gifted – Extensions for Learning
Tier 1
X / Flexible-Learning Groups / Varied Pacing with Anchor Options / Varied Supplemental Materials
Choice of Books / X / Work Alone or Together / Computer Mentors
Homework Options / X / Flexible Seating / X / Think-Pair-Share
Use of Reading Buddies / Varied Scaffolding / X / Open-ended Activities
Various Journal Prompts / Varied Computer Programs / Explorations by Interest
X / Student/Teacher Goal Setting / Design-A-DAY / Options for Competition
Tier 2
Gifted Edu. Cluster Classes / X / Alternative Assessments / X / Community Mentorships
Gifted Edu. Collaboration Classes / Subject Advancement within class / X / Stations
X / Tiered Activities and Products / Curriculum Compacting / X / Group Investigations
Use of Literature Clubs / X / Tiered Centers / Assess Students in Multiple Ways
Multiple Testing Options / Spelling by Readiness / X / Student choice
X / Multiple Texts / Varying Organizers / Simulations
Tier 3 / Tier 4
X / Advanced Content (all core content) / Above grade level accelerated (all core content)
Resource Classes / Advanced Placement Classes
X / Independent/Directed Study / International Baccalaureate Classes
Socratic Seminars / Internship/Mentorships
Differentiated Instruction
(content, process, product) / Assessment Evidence
(formative, summative)
Write a letter, Analyze a video, Venn Diagrams, Workbook,
Small-group instruction; 1:1 instruction / · Pre-unit test
· Unit Assessments
· Summative/Formative Assessments Illuminate
· Paper/Pencil
· Exit ticket tied to proficiency level elements in the rubric.
· Written response to the essential question.
· Given an answer the student will create a relevant question.
DCSD RCD Aligned Lesson Plan Template
Components of this lesson plan may change according to the needs of the students.
DCSD Instructional Planning Instrument Focus on Teaching and Learning
Resources:(weekly materials chosen to support teaching and learning) / Textbooks / X / Lab Materials / Other: (List the other resources below.)
Audio/Visual Aids / X / Course Syllabus / X
Handouts / X / Dictionaries
White Boards / X / Video Clips / X
Electronic Devices / X / Promethean Board / X
Supplemental Texts / X / Manipulatives / X
Calculators / X / Internet (tech) / X
Daily Lesson Plan for Monday
Pre-Instructional Activity: (sponge; bell-ringer; journal; allows attendance to be taken) / · Sponge: 10 min
· Standards & Sponge Review: 5 min
Opening (ENGAGE): (introduces the lesson; summarizes previous lesson; clarifies misconceptions) / Opening Details: The Teacher will:
· identify misconceptions with organizing data and choosing and creating appropriate data
displays (Quiz Review)
(contains the mini lesson; allows students to practice concept; assesses student learning) / Work Period Details: The student will be able to:
· demonstrate mastery of organizing data and choosing and creating appropriate data displays (Quiz)
Closing (EVALUATE): (summarizes lesson; ensures understanding; clarifies misconceptions) / Closing Details:
· Ready to Go On? p.408
Daily Lesson Plan for Tuesday
Pre-Instructional Activity: / · Sponge: 10 min
· Standards & Sponge Review: 5 min
Opening (ENGAGE): / Opening Details: The Teacher will:
· create stem-and-leaf plots
· FLP: Perimeter and Area
EXTEND/ELABORATE): / Work Period Details: The student will be able to:
· analyze a Georgia Milestones EOC question
· construct stem-and-leaf plots and back-to-back stem-and-leaf plots
Closing (EVALUATE): / Closing Details:
· How do you determine what the stems should be for a stem-and-leaf plot?
Daily Lesson Plan for Wednesday
Pre-Instructional Activity: / · Sponge: 10 min
· Standards & Sponge Review: 5 min
Opening (ENGAGE): / Opening Details: The Teacher will:
· create frequency tables
EXTEND/ELABORATE): / Work Period Details: The student will be able to:
· construct frequency tables
· calculate cumulative frequency
Closing (EVALUATE): / Closing Details:
· What does the last number in the cumulative frequency column represent?
DCSD RCD Aligned Lesson Plan Template