Weather Forecast Project


You will working in groups to forecast the weather for an assigned location (a city within the United States). You will researching and presenting the information on a poster you create in class. If you have extra time, you have the option to create slides to be shown at the beach for Fantastic Fridays.


You must have the following information in your poster:

  1. An accurate station model including cloud coverage for the specific day, wind direction, wind speed, dew point, temperature, barometric pressure, and current conditions.
  2. Define the following terms and explain how each of them are measured: humidity, wind speed, wind direction, pressure, and temperature.
  3. Also explain the following terms: dew point, coding and decoding pressure on a station model (what steps do you follow?), and weather
  4. Define climate and explain the climate of your city
  5. Create a weather forecast script (imagine you were a meteorologist who was being broadcasted on TV)

Optional slides for Fantastic Friday

  • If you finish early, you will be given the opportunity to create slides for Fantastic Friday
  • Create slides using the important components of your poster (what information is helpful and necessary to know)
  • Describe the climate of your location
  • Optional: Record a sample forecast
  • Any other ideas?

Time Frame

  • You will begin this project on Thursday, September 21st. Posters need to be completed and ready to be shown to the class on Wednesday, September 27th.
  • We will have 3 days where we have laptops in class. Use this time to do your research, type up information to print and post on your poster, or work on slides for Fantastic Friday
  • You will be provided with a poster on Friday, September 22nd

Data Collection Sheet

Name: ______#: ______

Group Members: ______

Assigned City: ______

Date for Data Collection: ______

(Be sure to add labels! When you add to your station model, make sure they’re in the standardized units!)

Dew Point
Relative Humidity
Cloud Coverage
Wind Direction
Wind Speed
Current Conditions
Barometric Pressure

Other Notes:

Work as a team to decide who works on what part of the project. Use your notes from class as a tool. Make sure you are fulfilling all the requirements from the front page. Use this sheet to plan. You should also draw a sample of what your poster is going to look like before working on it. Good luck!