PTO Minutes February 2013
The previous meeting minutes were approved.
Budget discussion:
- No changes
- Looking into new playground equipment
- Movie Night profit is $124.50.Emily Noll will chair movie night next school year.
- Beyond the Bell - second week going well. Fifty kids signed up this year
- Yearbook - sample cover of a flag is available.There will be a meeting in March. Vicki will takepictures of new students to include in the yearbook
- Castle Skating Party - February 18 from 5:30 to 8 p.m.
- Spring Book Fair - May 13 to 17 & chaired by Bria Van Cleve.
- Talent Show - Christine Connellychairs event & the fliers were sent home.
- End of year picnic – Vicki Fafel chairs event. Sent a list around for signups to help with picnic.
- Will be similar to last year
- Will have an activity in the garden
- Will NOT have an RSVP this year
- Will have a checklist at the picnic to keep track of tickets for students
- Will have raffles
- 6th Grade Graduation - Vicki Fafel and Ali Neuman co-chair event. The pool is reserved.
- Box Tops - Deadline to bring in box tops is 2/22.
- Cruising for Conestoga - M=Emily Forrey chairs event.
- Will promote walkathon.
- Will have a committee.
- Classes with the most labels returned (80%+) will win root beer float parties.
Principal Report:
- Maryland Science Center was very nice. Science Expo is coming up.
Next meeting is March 13, 2013 at 7 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by DeAnnaGreenawalt and Jessica Sweigart.
PTO Minutes March 2013
February meeting minutes are unavailable for review.
Budget discussion:
- Updates approved
Student/Family Activities:
Beyond the Bell - (Emily Forry) -Everything went well except some behavioral issues
Castle skating party (CathiKendig)- Good turnout
Talent Show - (Christine Connelly Judy Phillips)Will have an ice cream social afterwards
Yearbook (Sandra Mayers and Bonnie Martin)- Has order form ready for approval- Orders due3/29. Material submitted for printing 4/12.
Conestoga Diggers Garden (Beth Horst)- Bench ordered in honor of Dan Martino.A wetlands will be installed in front of the school. $200 worth of plants have been donated.April 13 is a possible work day for the garden. April 22 is Earth Day. Kids will plant seedsto take home to grow. Can take pictures to bring in to show progress
Box Tops (Lauren Groff)- Goal was met ($1,550.90 total earned)
Cruising for Conestoga (Emily Forry and Lisa Suydam) May 10th. Still collecting labels that will count towards root beer float parties. So far, Walkowiak, Garpstas, and Graham are having float parties. Lori will purchase the tablet.
Old Business:
Volunteers are needed. Dee will work on a flier to announce PTO vacancies for next year.Will be ready for the next PTO meeting. “What if there was no PTO???”
New Business:
Teacher Appreciation Week is May 7-10. Lunch will be provided consisting of salad type items.Gifts in teacher mailboxes each day?
PSSA’s -PTO will provide popsicles/snacks as motivation and celebration
May PTO meeting will consist of executive committee selections, a short business meeting, and a brainstorming session for 013-2014. Event signup sheets will be circulated at April and May PTO meetings.
Teachers Report:
Mrs. Usciak said teachers greatly appreciate the PTO and love their new books!!
Principal Report:
Mrs. Baker asked teachers for suggestions for use of money from Cruising proceeds.
- Technology- discussed implementing small computers in 4thgrade and 6thgrade. The kids would use these to learn to write computer programs. Computers for Kindergarten. RAZ Kids for 4thand 6th grades. There is a $100 license fee per class. Always need more books!
Next meeting is April 10, 2013 at 7 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by DeAnnaGreenawalt and Jessica Sweigart.