Loudoun County Public Schools- Heritage High School 2012-2013

American Sign Language (ASL) 1 Course Syllabus

Teacher: Mrs. Elizabeth BushRoom: L202

E-mail: Grades: 9-12

Phone: (571)252-2800

Text: Signing Naturally 1 Workbook and DVD ($38 if damaged). This is a classroom text only.

Course Description:

Students will learn and practice their expressive and receptive language skills within the context of every day interaction with people and their home, school, and community environments. They will study the history of American Sign Language and the culture of the Deaf community.

Main Topics:

Students will acquire a conversational foundation in ASL. They will learn how to impart, obtain, and exchange information relating to family, school and everyday life in the target language. Students will learn about Deaf culture and heritage: the origin in the United States and the influence of French signing communities, as well as the values held by the Deaf community. Students will compare and contrast ASL with their own language. They will compare formal and informal forms of address and non-manual markers versus inflection patterns in statements and questions in both languages.


Each quarter students will take a videotaped expressive test. PALS will always be announced before the day they are completed. The PALS grading rubric will be posted on the teacher’s website and reviewed thoroughly during class.

Composition of Semester Grades:

Quarter Grade = 40%

Quarter Grade = 40%

Semester Exam = 20%

Composition of Midterm/Final Exam

Vocabulary/Grammar/Culture = 33.3%

Receptive = 33.3%

PALS = 33.3%

Composition of Final Grade:

Semester 1 Grade = 50%

Semester 2 Grade = 50%

LCPS Grading Scale

A+ = 98-100B+ = 87-89C+ = 77-79D+ = 67-69 F = 0-59

A = 93-97B = 83-86C = 73-76D = 63-66
A- = 90-92B- = 80-82C- = 70-72D- = 60-62

Projects and Presentations:

Projects and presentations will be assigned several times a quarter. All projects will be given to students with thorough instructions and rubrics which will be used to grade them. There are two types of presentations: impromptu and planned. Impromptu presentations will be assigned during class and presented the same day. Planned presentations will be assigned at least one day before they are due.

Classroom Expectations:

All classes are expected to follow the Heritage Readiness, Respect, and Responsibility Policy. Additional rules and expectations will be discussed and agreed upon during the first week of school.

-Respect yourself, others, and property.

-Be ready to learn each class, including having all materials and paying attention.

-You may have a beverage. No gum is allowed.

-Use ASL unless it is specified that spoken language is permitted.

-Cell Phone/Personal Music Player use is not permitted at any time during class. It must be turned off and put away during class.

Materials Needed:

-Three-ring binder (can be shared with other classes)

-2 dividers labeled Fingerspelling/Numbers and Class Handouts


-Pencil or pen

-Optional for Homework Pass: Box of tissues for classroom use, whiteboard markers

Make-Up Work:

Previously announced assignments/assessment must be made up the first day the student returns to school from an absence. All assignments/assessments missed during an absence must be made up within a week of the student returning to school. Make up work completed on time from an absence is graded on the same basis as other work. Failure to complete work within the time allowed results in a failing grade. When a student has an absence for a prolonged period, arrangements with the teacher and special consideration will be given.

Late Work:

Late work constitutes any assignment that is not completed and turned in at the time the teacher indicates. Late work will be accepted up to one week late for a deduction in points.

Extra Credit:

Students may earn a limited amount of points on their quarter grade through extra credit. Possible additional extra credit assignments during the year will be announced in class and/or on the teacher’s website.

Honor Code:

Copying homework, cheating on tests or quizzes, and plagiarism are serious offenses. Be sure to understand the expectations for each assigned task, and be sure to complete each one honorably. Never be afraid to ask if you are not sure about what is expected and acceptable. Any student who turns in another student’s work as his/her own, who gives his/her work to another student, utilizes unauthorized help shall be given a grade of zero on that work. Communicating or using unauthorized help on an assessment shall result in a grade of zero on that assessment.

Teacher’s Website:

The syllabus and class expectations are posted on the website. Agendas, worksheets, projects, and homework will be updated at least once a week. Students are encouraged to check the website when they miss class to stay informed about the events of the day.

Please keep this portion of the syllabus in your binder. Have a parent/guardian complete the acknowledgement sheet. It is due the third class block.

Acknowledgement Sheet- To be filled out by Parent/Guardian

Student’s Name: ______

I, the undersigned, have read this syllabus, understand the information presented, and agree to all policies. If I have any questions I will contact Mrs. Bush.


Parent/Guardian SignatureStudent Signature

X ______X______

Parent/Guardian Printed NameStudent Printed Name

Parents/ Guardians: Please fill out the following section.

I prefer to be contacted by: EmailPhone

Primary Phone # or Email address:______

Alternate Phone # or Email address:______

Is there anything else you would like to share with me about your student?

If at any time during the year you have questions about your student’s performance, please do not hesitate to contact me. I will get back to you within 24 hours. I look forward to teaching your child this year and seeing you at Back To School Night on September 10th.