Birkdale Commons Parkway Extension
The Birkdale Board of Directors invited Huntersville Town Commissioner Danny Phillips to a recent Homeowners’ Association meeting to update the Board on the timeframe for the Birkdale Commons Parkway extension. Currently Birkdale Commons Parkway terminates at the entrance to The Glens and Birkdale Grove communities. Below is the timeframe Commissioner Phillips shared with the Board.
· Spring 2015 Town of Huntersville purchased remaining tract of land necessary to connect BCP to Babe Stillwell Road
· August 2015 begin removing trees from the approved extension property.
· October 2015 begin construction/grading of culvert
· July 2016 completion of project
The extension of Birkdale Commons Parkway was approved over ten years ago by the town commissioners. Commissioners were waiting till the last parcel of land was available for purchase before they could move forward with the project. That piece of property became available spring 2015. Future plans include extending Birkdale Commons Parkway to Beatties Ford Road. Commissioner Phillips explained that due to Lake Norman the Town of Huntersville cannot construct other traffic corridors to ease traffic on congested highways like HWY 73, so the only alternative is to extend current thoroughfares through communities. Birkdale Commons is the first of several community thoroughfares that will be extended. Commissioner Phillips cited Hugh MacAulay Parkway as another thoroughfare to be extended.
Huntersville Town Commissioners are also planning to eventually move the entrance to Blythe Landing Park opposite to Babe Stillwell Road and install a traffic signal at that intersection. Once the BCP extension to Babe Stillwell Road is completed the speed limit will be posted as 35 mph, however, it is currently not a candidate for speed humps. There will be sidewalks and a bike lane constructed to match the existing section of BCP but Commissioner Phillips did encourage the residents of Birkdale to lobby Huntersville Town Commissioners to install some type of traffic calming devices like speed humps. We have listed the names and contact details for the Commissioners below should you want to voice your opinions directly to them.
Town of Huntersville Commissioners:
Melinda Bales: 704-728-9643
Ron Julian: 704-875-8874
Rob Kidwell: 704-941-8250
Sara McAulay: 704-875-6872
Jeff Neely: 704-992-0917
Danny Phillips: 704-622-2611